Why do many white and/or hispanic women seem reluctant to date black men?
Another question pertaining to race- please bare with me...
I have several colleauges who happen to be black men and with whom I get along very well and go out with on a regular basis. A couple of them are single guys, and I have tried (albeit unsuccessfully) to set them up with other friends and acquaintances of mine, the vast majority of whom are hispanic and white women. To my surprise, my women friends overwhelmingly (and adamantly) seem to be opposed to the guys, even though my black friends are all extremely well educated, attractive, successful individuals- they are guys I would imagine any well educated, successful single woman would be more than happy to consider as a potential partner, yet it is almost like two magnets with the same charge repelling each other whenever I have tried to introduce the guys to my women friends. Why is this? What is it that white women seem to find unattractive or unappealing about black men? Have I been naive in neglecting race and skin color?
23 answers
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Thanks all for your input and replies- even though much of it appears to be pure drivel and antagonization of the race you consider to be the enemy and at fault for the problems of your own race. To say that I tried to "set my friends up" was a bit strong- mingling and "getting together" is actually a more fitting description of what I wanted to explain in my question. Again, I think I was so surprised by my female friends because they have quite a bit in common with the black guys that I know, in terms of education, interests/hobbies, jobs, and area of expertise. I was wrong to think that, when there are so many things in common that people share, race (or, "personal preference", as many of you have so eloquently put it) would not be a factor. Oh well- everybody certainly mingles nicely, but that's as far as it goes!
10:17:45 ·
update #1
1) America is one of the most racist, industrialized countries I know of. Unlike you, many people here just tolerate each other. Too many whites in America still have an underlying superiority complex over the entire human race. The younger generation (20s) of whites are mainly afraid of being ostracized by their family and peers for bringing a black man home to meet the parents. As generations pass, this complex grows dimmer and dimmer (fortunately).
2) Blacks are still too often portrayed in a negative light inside the US. Some of it due to their own ignorant behavior. Just look at a few rap videos and listen to the language used. Also, look at the women and men portrayed by hollywood and major magizines and major retail ads (tv and print) nothing but white men and women with a token black sprinkled here and there. This is their view of what you should want.
3) America as a whole sets up additional obstacles for blacks to overcome. Blacks are 50% less likely to receive a call for a job interview based solely on having a black sounding voice or name. Blacks are 50% more likely to be shown real-estate in poor performing markets. Blacks are 75% more likely to be arrested for the same offense as their white counterpart. Blacks are 75% more likely to serve a jail sentence for the same offense as their white counterpart. Blacks are 85% more likely to suffer from police brutality. Then people wonder why their lot in life is disproportionately worse off than their peers.
I should know. I've been black all of my life. As a black professional I face the same racist attitude from some women of other cultures. However, I do manage to overcome this obstacle and date women from all walks of life.
...and yes, I can verify every statistic I've stated for anyone basking in deep denial. Great question.
2007-01-05 06:34:00
answer #1
answered by Chi Guy 5
1) America is one of the most racist, industrialized countries I know of. Unlike you, many people here just tolerate each other. Too many whites in America still have an underlying superiority complex over the entire human race. The younger generation (20s) of whites are mainly afraid of being ostracized by their family and peers for bringing a black man home to meet the parents. As generations pass, this complex grows dimmer and dimmer (fortunately). 2) Blacks are still too often portrayed in a negative light inside the US. Just look at a few rap videos and listen to the language used. Also, look at the women and men portrayed by hollywood and major magizines and major retail ads (tv and print) nothing but white men and women with a token black sprinkled here and there. This is their view of what you should want. 3) America as a whole sets up additional obstacles for blacks to overcome. Blacks are 50% less likely to receive a call for a job interview based solely on having a black sounding voice or name. Blacks are 50% more likely to be shown real-estate in poor performing markets. Blacks are 75% more likely to be arrested for the same offense as their white counterpart. Blacks are 75% more likely to serve a jail sentence for the same offense as their white counterpart. Blacks are 85% more likely to suffer from police brutality. Then people wonder why their lot in life is disproportionately worse off than their peers. I should know. I've been black all of my life. ...and yes, I can verify every statistic I've stated for anyone basking in deep denial. Good question.
2016-03-29 09:11:56
answer #2
answered by ? 4
All I can do at this point is to Pray for each ignorant person that made lame comments. Stan Darsh & MS MS0000! I certainly don't fit what you say "black men" are.... However I do understand why some of you feel this way....especially when certain black men are supporting the stereo-type. Yet & still, I break that mold everyday and I teach my son, which stays with me full time,(STAN DARSH) on how to be a real man!
As Ironic as this may sound.... I do want to thank you guys at the same time....because it lets me no that racism is very much alive and throbbing!
2007-01-05 07:41:00
answer #3
answered by ? 3
I have NO problem with the black men and the white women, because it leaves more beautiful, fun, sweet, smart, interesting women of color for ME. My girl is bi-racial, so I would like to thank all of the race mixers because they gave America Halle and gave me my girl.
referring to some of the comments: color has NOTHING to do with smell, I have smelled some nasty *** white people in my day...and also not all black men want white women, and vise versa. people are pretty much doing what they feel like doing nowadays, race doesn't even factor in.
2007-01-05 07:26:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I live in Towson, MD (Baltimore County) and trust me, white women have NO problem with dating black men.
Maybe where you live they are hesitant, and so what if they are. Every woman has a right to date and marry whomever she chooses. Black men aren't the ONLY men on the planet. I personally know fine men of all races and when I do decide to marry one, race will have little to do with it.
Your question sort of sounds like you are trolling for cruel black comments instead of legitimate answers.
2007-01-05 06:40:22
answer #5
answered by I Think 4 Me 3
this is a first. hey women are women i dont believe is about race or anything its jus probably those women arent jus looking for a relationship and why were u only introducing them to only whites/hispanic women how about some black women whats wrong black women arent as educated and attractive as ur colleauges.
2007-01-05 06:39:00
answer #6
answered by NONAME 3
It may have nothing at all to do with race. Did these women tell you that? It may be the demeanor these men are giving unconciously. Or, it just may be that these women don't want to be set up. It get's old.
2007-01-05 06:29:02
answer #7
answered by matillda2u 2
that is weird i know so many white women who want a black man
well for one it is the stereotype of the penis size thing, they wanna see for themselves. also because white men said for white girls to never get with a black man, and of course people are curious, its the curiosity i think. its like oOoOo what is it about them that is so bad and all that. and also it was seen that white women were so much better than black women, more beautiful, and more intelligent so of course the black man is curious to see what is so great about them.
also the image of a black man is very negative so when it comes to dating a black men they think about those bad negative things. also when black guys were little there moms warned them about white women and stuff like that because a long time ago white women accused them of raping them during slavery and all that, and of course the white men believed their women. so maybe that is why they dont wanna date each other
but who cares anymore i date a white boy. when people do and say rude things to us, it makes us do things like hug and kiss in front of them, it is so funny to me that we can get a reaction out of people. when u make a big deal out of something it makes the person wanna do it more.
2007-01-05 06:40:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
it is sad if they don't give them a chance they must have had some bad experience, my first reaction to your trital was why to black men desperately wont white women. I have experience of being used as a statues simble
2007-01-05 06:46:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Some just aren't interested.
2016-01-24 01:25:53
answer #10
answered by Jane Doe 4