Our teen is truly loved and repected however we are havivg problems trying to explain why we have the boundries in place , the mom of this teen thinks that she can just come and go in my home as she pleases because she lives in another state, we try to alternate holidays and school breaks and summer vacation between the two households being equaly divided however for some reason this mom wants to be in my presence when it is not
nescessary after all this is a teen that is a honor student , has a
part time job , and will graduate in may 07 and has been excepted to the college of choice. after all this mom has decieved her teen
about provision and the love of a father . How do we teach our teen that we have her best intrest at heart, but mom most respect
all boundries that are in place.
Terra P.
2 answers
asked by
Tennessee Mom
Family & Relationships
➔ Marriage & Divorce