I know some of the older Latinos have issues with blacks. Then again they seem to have issues wit everyone, they were trippin when I brought my Asian shortie home...
2007-01-05 05:45:37
answer #1
answered by sexylatinguy23 4
I’ve heard few of my Latino friends mention this. So there is some of this going on but perhaps not anything to worry about at this point. I just had a mixed group of blacks and Latinos pick me up when I was stranded on vacation last summer and they were getting along just like best friends. It's an overblown rumor I think. Unfortunately, race issues will be with us, to some extent, for a long time to come.
2007-01-05 05:46:47
answer #2
answered by mikearion 4
I think that there is between hispanic men and black men and between hispanic women and black women..we all hate each other..but often we get looked at the same way by whites..they dont like either...it is not something that is spoke about everyday..but yeah there is difinetly difference between the two races..i think that latinos think they are white..and act snobish or that they are all that...i dont know i could be wrong
2007-01-05 05:54:53
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
there is a big problem among hispanics and those black things. I know a lot of hispanics in high school who are having problems with those black people.
from what I hear it's always the black things that have to open their mouth and say things that are offensive which leads to fights and tense relationships.
btw......hispanic gang members are being charged with hate crimes for killing a black guy standing waiting for the bus.
2007-01-05 05:49:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
My experience has been that it is mexican human beings not all latino human beings. and not all mexican human beings. lol I hate one and all of those disclaimers we would desire to post. In southern california, its gang affiliated as a results of a bad drug deal (alegedly). In northern california, there is greater love among blacks/mexicans. interior the penal complex equipment the southerners align with the whites collectively as the northeners align with the blacks. previous college mexicans are racist/prejudice in the direction of blacks only because of the fact of, nicely, lack of understanding i think. in all probability such as how whites have been back interior the day whilst their hatred became greater open and not so subtle.
2016-10-30 02:10:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I'm mixed with both---- no wonder I am constantly at war with myself!! Just kidding. Everything is good where I live. It's not a national problem, probably just a ridiculous pointless community thing over there.
2007-01-05 09:46:51
answer #6
answered by Jessica 5
I think the recent demonstrations in favor of illegal immigrants turned a lot of Americans off.
2007-01-05 05:45:10
answer #7
answered by Trollbuster 6
Nah I don't think so...we're always cool with each other. But I do however think there are issues between black/Latinos and white people!
2007-01-05 05:47:48
answer #8
answered by Trini-HaitianGrl81 5
At Chino yes
2007-01-05 06:31:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I don't see it here in the bay area. Since I'm black and my wife's latina I hope it stays that way! :P
2007-01-05 05:50:59
answer #10
answered by Rossonero NorCal SFECU 7