actually we DO like action, horror and a lot of other movies men deem to be MANLY films. We also happen to like seeing two people in love come together. It is a fairy tale type of movie and most women KNOW this is not reality, but it is nice to see a "feel good" film every once in a while as well as all the horror/thriller types. We all know that a rich man is not going to fall in love and "rescue" a just makes for a nice story.
2007-01-05 05:44:40
answer #1
answered by Michele A 5
Because a lot of people live in fantasy land, in reality stuff like that barely happens. But these cheesy romantic movies have these so-called perfect guys doing and saying stuff that would not work in real life. If you said something corny like "You complete me" or "I loved you from the first time I saw you" The girl would think you're a basket case! But guys like action movies and most of us can't fight like Jet Li. It's just the Hollywood market mass appeal! It's markets for everything. If a woman thinks that a man will save them because they're pretty they're doom to relay on beauty to get them through life. It would be nothing like Pretty Woman, because it's a lot of pretty women that do porn and are strippers! And I believe some of them hate doing but no guy has come to rescue them from they're situation. So let some women have they're love stories and fairy tales, how many guys saw the Matrix and thought I could do those moves. To each it's own!
2007-01-05 05:51:35
answer #2
answered by Vesdog! 3
Even though women today are more independant than ever and don't need a man to take care of them or rescue them, I think that there is a part of every woman that wouldn't mind being taken care of. I think that women tend to feel like they have to do everything now, working, providing, taking care of the house, kids, etc and are overwhelmed and the idea that a "prince charming" or just a nice guy will sweep them off their feet so that they never have to worry about anything again... well, who wouldn't like that.
2007-01-05 05:45:58
answer #3
answered by michigirl 2
The whole idea of a romance is not that you are weak and inferior but that you are sexy and strong. I know it sounds a little absurd but it's true. I think Women tend to enjoy movies like "pretty women" because the thought of having someone so devoted to you and adoring you is great. Lets face it a women can be strong and successful and can also enjoy a devoted partner or husband....I don't think that makes her any less of a person I think that says something about the person she is. I love romantic movies because although they may be a little far off from reality it still is entertaining to watch.....some women will always enjoy the thought of chivalry....and there are others who won't.
2007-01-05 05:51:53
answer #4
answered by Sara M 2
It I believe gives a heightened feeling of romance; something to do with the "Shining Prince in White Armor" theory coming to sweep some unsuspecting woman off her feet.
Anyways; I never saw the movie, yet from what your question entails I've lived that theory. In my case me the fairy princess did not marry the prince (blah blah) the idea is the same.
2007-01-05 07:44:19
answer #5
answered by Laela (Layla) 6
Ever After Princess Diaries The Prince and Me The Perfect Man Yours, Mine and Ours The Princess Bride Legend Ladyhawke Splash Notting Hill The Wedding Date West Side Story Romeo + Juliet (1996) Gone With the Wind Say Anything Pretty in Pink Sixteen Candles
2016-03-29 09:10:03
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Whether or not you NEED to be rescued is irrelevant. Women like the idea of a guy who is WILLING to rescue them, even if they never end up in a situation where it is necessary. The way I see it, every relationship has a caretaker and a protector. Most women, being genetically programmed to take care of children, are caretakers. (Yes, this is often even if the woman has no desire for children). It is often, but not always, the case that they want to be with a guy who makes them feel safe. I have a black belt in karate and am fairly accurate with a gun. I also grew up in Detroit, where I learned to defend myself very well. However, my husband feels that it is his duty to protect the family. He doesn't need to, but in our case it is his way of showing that he cares. I appreciate the fact that he thinks of it, although we do occasionally have arguments about what is and is not safe for me to do on my own.
My point is, many women want a man to be concerned about her safety and well-being, because that shows that he cares and is interested in more than just sex.
2007-01-05 05:45:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
This is simple. Listen up.
Men are logical, driven problem solvers with, generally, no time for emotion or even a real ability to deal with emotions.
Women are driven by their emotions. They respond to, embrace and know how to utilize emotions very effectively.
So we have women with an intricate connection with their emotions, and they want to feel good, right? Don't we all want to feel good?
So how does a person that is so in touch with their emotions make themselves feel good - a chick flick!
Awww - she gets together with the rich guy at the end - I love when pretty woman gets to shop!
2007-01-05 05:42:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
For the same reason guys like Mafia, War Movies and the Three Stooges.
We are hard wired that way, and women are hard wired to like Chick Flicks
2007-01-05 05:42:32
answer #9
answered by ? 6
This is because since we are children we are fed stories of the fairytale prince. It is shoved down our throat throughout childhood and many women long for that perfect vision they were shown when they were 3.
2007-01-05 05:41:11
answer #10
answered by surfer_grl_ca 4