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Everyone knows or usually has an idea about asian players. Of course, most of them play games 24/7. Most people always stereotype that Korean (or chinese) gamers are hardcore. Or, when you hear of the word, Asian, you think of someone that is very good at games. Am I right? I mean some people might not think that, but the majority do.

I think being better in a game is becoming much more of a huge sterotype and a craving for more people. Obviously when I say sterotype, I mean asians being good in games. And, that's been in for awhile. But really, what does it take to be asian? You really just have to be good at games, right? Or is it more than that?

2007-01-05 04:44:27 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

I just think that it is kind of sad because someone that I know who is CANADIAN, was playing World of Warcraft and he wanted to become a Chinese Farmer. A chinese farmer is someone that grinds in an area and gets mass gold, usually very fast. Anyway, he went so far as to actually speak asian. I mean, everyone does the "o.o, o_O" signs. He hasn't done it before, and I was fine with it, but when he started forcing it in his messages.. lol. I think that he IS sad because he tries to act everything asian. It's really pathetic for me because he is doing what asians typically do, what they eat, how they act. I mean, jesus christ, he's really just disgracing Asians when he does it. Is there really some kind of fame to try and be asian? -.-

Anyway, my REAL question is: What does it take to define the word Asian in an mmorpg?

2007-01-05 04:44:38 · update #1

3 answers

Being Asian, I have seen it both used as a compliment and as slander... but there are too many definitions to really get a good answer...

2007-01-05 04:54:17 · answer #1 · answered by Heh? 4 · 0 0

What is it to be Asian? Uh, I don't think anything other than actually having Asian heritage really qualifies. Your friend is just a retarded fanboy, and the best course of action is to shove a stick of Pocky up his nose and into his brain.

If you're not Chinese, you can't be a Chinese farmer. And I think it would be offensive to Chinese people to even use that term, because plenty of professional farmers are from other countries, and not everyone who speaks an Asian language is farming.

2007-01-05 13:03:41 · answer #2 · answered by snr0n 2 · 0 0

well...i'm korean and from my point of view...i think the stereotype for asian players are somewhat true...sadly...
when i hang out with other asian friends and play games, they tend to get pissed off really easy and just start cursing and punching keybords...i do believe that it really comes down to the personality of the individual but still...can't help seeing the difference between an asian player to that of others...just look at how many asian players died drom playing WoW...it's sad but it also makes you wonder...are there other countries where people died because of a computer game?..

2007-01-05 13:27:52 · answer #3 · answered by desrever99 1 · 0 0

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