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can anyone help me? i think the Selkies are trying to turn me into one of them!! i live by the ocean and every night for the past few months these seals have come up onto the beach by my house and stare at my window!! then at midnight they turn into women and come to the door!! i lock my doors so they can't get in, but i'm scared they will find a way!! if i get turned then i will become a seal forever and i really don't want that! please do you have any advice for me!!!

2007-01-05 04:41:19 · 42 answers · asked by onyx maiden 4 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

42 answers

Ok.......I'm gonna have to be frank with you woman...........
I am disgusted by the way you are portraying these beautiful Selkies as if they were not to be admired as the noblest of all creatures. I'll have you know that I am married to three different Selkies, and one of those fish eating, smelly, slimy, yet seductive mistresses just recently gave birth to my child. Are you prejiduce against my wives and my only child? Just because my child looks like crap, and smells like crap, and lives in an oversized fishbowl in my living room does not mean that he/she is not God's single greatest gift to such an ignorant and judgmental world.
How could you not want to be one of these elegant creatures?
I'm willing to bet that you didn't know that my uncle's best friend's sister's gym teacher's mother's step mom was a seal..........DID YOU?
Do you think you're better than her too?
I make passionate salt water drenched love to these creatures every single night...............does that make me bad?............... I THINK NOT WOMAN!!!!!!
Do me a favor and step down off of your holier than thou pedestal and be a decent human being for a change.
Give these innocent creatures a chance to prove their worth in such a filthy and wretched hive of hate and intollerance.

I had a dream................that one day ALL humans and ALL Selkies could join hands together, and be brothers and sisters, husbands and wifes; and as generations pass, coexist as a superior race of smelly, slimy, yet seductively super water breathing humanseals.
This dream can become reality, but it's people like you who must make that first step.............come.................and let's rid this earth of such pitiful naughtiness.

2007-01-05 17:25:47 · answer #1 · answered by sword of light 2 · 1 1

Unless your a seal hunter you have nothing to worry about.

Selkies are charming but only female are at risk. Selkie men will woo them, impregnate them, and then return to the sea, only to come back seven years later to reclaim the child.
But it can't be the selkie on the beach, because they are only allowd to take human form twice a year, Mid-Summer's Eve and All Hollows Eve.

So don't worry your fine, plus the female Selkies don't turn you into a seal, they drive you crazy with love and desperation.

2007-01-05 05:05:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The one that holds the answer is the Great Mendor of the fifth moon of KERKLUNG. He and his army of terror bots will harvest the cleansing and powerful ant honey from the Gurnaks SLUG BEASTS. With this magic elixer you will be able to ward off all Selkie tresspasses. But be warned once you drink the purple potion, you will leave a small trail of paprika wherever you go.

2007-01-05 04:46:41 · answer #3 · answered by Dick Haloren 2 · 2 0

Um, yeah. like try to yodel like a freaky yellow chick while sneaking up on them along with 40 slaves of passionate puking pretties, and steal their pelts. Afterwards, do a victory whoop that would break the eardrums of a concrete statue while dancing nude in the light of a full moon on the first Saturday of the year.
Sheesh! Do I have to think of everything!
Some people's children, eh!

2007-01-05 06:54:58 · answer #4 · answered by dreamer 3 · 1 0

Try to reduce the dose of what ever you are on and everything will work out fine for you. When you return to the planet earth again and have your feet back on the ground, keep your senses and stay off that stuff, or the Sekies will definitely get you and turn you into one of them....KECK

2007-01-05 04:48:35 · answer #5 · answered by Tneciter 3 · 0 0

is this a joke,is this some kind of videogame?, If it's not, then everyone will find it impssible to believe and call you a drugie or crazy, like the people above. Nothing is impossible however, so invite someone over to your house to see if it happens to them too.They shouldn't really be sleeping but mostly observing you.get help if neede.

2007-01-05 04:47:30 · answer #6 · answered by Duck 2 · 1 0

activate's stylish,humorous,Shy turn Off's Lazy,Bornig, Talks too lots seems dont mean something to me in no way have in no way will. attractiveness is interior the attention of the beholder. I fairly may well be with a gruesome humorous female that a good looking bornig female..

2016-10-30 02:03:40 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You could move to Idaho, which, from what I understand, does not have a large Selkie population.

2007-01-05 04:44:58 · answer #8 · answered by Strange Design 5 · 1 0

Go ahead and procreate with the seal women and make more baby seals.

2007-01-05 05:09:04 · answer #9 · answered by Bomberman 2 · 1 0

Just watch out for them! if you turn into a seal the walruses will come after you. The walruses turned me into one of them. Now we all are like tupperware. We look for a tight seal....

2007-01-05 04:44:35 · answer #10 · answered by a1tommyL 5 · 2 0

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