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When someone hacks into your service, is there record of what they looked at or got into? If they look up x rated sites, is there record of that? We used to have unsecured and I suspect my neighbor was hacking.

2007-01-05 02:58:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Security

3 answers

You say you "used to have unsecured wireless." That's an open invitation to hacking, but generally it's signal hijacking. If files were changed, or looked at and you didn't do it, then you would have good reason to think your computer had been hacked. I was hacked by a neighbor, but what he wanted was the cable signal. My system is now securely protected.

2007-01-05 03:42:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As the others said its a bit confusing what you are asking.

seems you are asking that, if someone had hacked your system, would you be able to look at a record of what they did while they were in your system.

And as lucee said mostly people just want to use your connection.

If your connection isnt secure they arent actually hacking anything, its open and they can just connect. and if its unsecure you cant do anything about it.

If someone honestly was hackin into your system, well it would depend on how good they were.
But generally the real hackers are going after big businesses, the home user isnt worth most peoples time.

A real skilled hacker can hack your wireless security. there are wep and wpa key decrypters. and its possible to duplicate mac auth codes as well. And if they were good they would erase any trace of how they did it and what they did.

Someone of this skill is doing other things besides besides hacking home users generally though. unless of course they just want to use your system for a denial of service attack.

2007-01-05 13:05:55 · answer #2 · answered by sociald 7 · 0 0

I think you are confused about the terminology and explaining this.

I'm assuming you have a wireless network setup at home or at a business that your neighbor has attach to from his or her house. If this is ture there is no way for you to track their usage without specialized hardware and software.

2007-01-05 11:13:34 · answer #3 · answered by Shawn H 6 · 0 0

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