Freddy Kruger was the scariest character I have ever seen; i watched a Nightmare on Elm Street film at the age of about 10 and is my biggest regret in life! Apart from looking totally gross, he was able to visit you in your dreams which was absolutely terrifying when falling asleep is normally the thing that stopped me from being scared of the dark... Also there was no reasoning with him... and your parents could not protect you either.
2007-01-05 01:28:21
answer #1
answered by geo 1
Definately Freddy Kruger in the early Nightmare on Elm street movies,in the later movies he just became silly.
There is nothing scarier than knowing that even in your sleep you cannot escape a gruesome serial killer.
2007-01-05 09:36:17
answer #2
answered by gt3011 3
Hannibal Lector...because he looked like an everyday normal guy and was a respected psychiatrist, but beneath the surface, he was psycho. There is nothing scarier than thinking you know who the bad guys are and then having the rug pulled out.
2007-01-05 09:29:13
answer #3
answered by Chel 5
The scariest charcater for me has been the creature from the Jeepers Creepers movies. His whole modus operandi was just disturbing to me.
2007-01-05 09:27:28
answer #4
answered by RACQUEL 7
Chucky! Because he was a doll that came to life and killed people. Plus as an added bonus you can either buy or win the doll at the County Fairs. Sleep with your light on if you own one!
2007-01-05 23:50:30
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Jack Nicholson in The Shining because being in the ski lodge,going berserk might happen to anyone,and was played so masterfully.
2007-01-05 09:49:07
answer #6
answered by sirrust 2
I can't say any one character, but Vincent Price is the one who always scared me the about getting in your head....Just the sound of his voice is enough to make me shudder!
Other than that, maybe the clown on stephen king's IT.....Still walk way around the wash outs LOL
2007-01-05 09:39:07
answer #7
answered by wendy g 3
He's not a character.... He's an actor always playing similar characters..
Jack Nickolson, with that crazy look at his eyes...
He makes me feel so scared in every movie that he's played!
Brilliant actor by the way...
2007-01-05 09:31:51
answer #8
answered by Maria...* 2
The lady in the grudge- I think it's the pale skin dark hair in her face and the way she moves like pop-n-lock but creepy. The throaty groan that she does and the way she stares. I don't know movie scared me.
2007-01-05 11:27:24
answer #9
answered by july8_02 2
That Freddie character in Nightmare on Elm Street. Really creepy! ***chills***
2007-01-05 09:28:32
answer #10
answered by ? 7