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With the help of church, counseling and my own willpower, will I ever become 100% heterosexual?

2007-01-05 01:11:42 · 45 answers · asked by Nicole J 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

45 answers

Most likely no. With help, you may be able to behave in a heterosexual manner but inside, you will still be homosexual and unhappy your pretending to be something you are not. Whether you are homosexual or heterosexual, you've got many great qualities. Don't deny who you are. Live you rlife and be the person you were meant to be. By all means avoid anyone who doesn't appreciate YOU and judges you by your sexuality!

2007-01-05 01:15:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Maybe with the help of church, counseling, and your own willpower, you will be able to accept yourself for who you are. There is nothing wrong with you, and I think deep inside you know that. Don't let society tell you that you are flawed. A society that is in such a state of chaos and decline has no authority to judge you. Don't let some antiquated moral code make you feel like you are evil or Hell-bound. To love yourself for who you are is empowering. Don't attempt to change anything about yourself unless YOU see that a change is needed. And don't try to live your life to please others, because you will fail every time. Live your life for you. It is very short and you only get one shot. Don't waste it trying to be accepted by a world that it is more flawed than you ever thought of being. Love yourself, so that you can love others.

2007-01-05 01:50:56 · answer #2 · answered by rnldtoms 1 · 0 0

Why would you want to? I'm straight, but that's because I only want to have sex with women. If you're gay, you shouldn't be made to feel guilty for what you are. You're a human.

Ask your church the following questions:

1. Why does Jesus never once talk about homosexuality, if he was so against it? The first person to use the phrase "homosexual" in the Bible was Paul; who was not Jesus. Jesus doesn't care about your sex life.

2. Why would God make you gay, just so you could sin and burn in hell forever? Doesn't that go against the concept that "God is love"?

3. In Leviticus, it does indeed say homosexuality is an "abomination". However, Leviticus also says it's an abomination to eat shellfish, and if a woman doesn't scream for help while being raped, you kill the woman. Ask your pastor why the church picks and chooses which parts of the Bible they follow.

4. Ted Haggard was a meth head and paid for gay sex. This isn't really a question, but I think it's worth keeping in mind.

Message me if you need further help. I don't take Yahoo! Answers all that seriously, but the greatest sin is shame, as far as I'm concerned.

2007-01-05 01:46:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous 2 · 1 0

A lot of naive people think that sexuality is a choice. However,it's only a choice if you're bisexual. There are probably more bisexuals than gays and straights want to admit, but if you keep having the desire to be with your own sex, face it, you're gay.

Some Christians try to change themselves, but even they will admit that every day is a struggle to fight their sexual preference. Straight people don't have to fight it because they are straight-really straight.

The church can't help you because they are going with the mistaken assumption that being gay is a sin, but if it really were a sin, why wouldn't it have been in the Ten Commandments? Sexuality is a fundamental part of any human's life. Certainly God would have mentioned it to Moses. In the Old Testament, except for the Commandments, everything in the Bible was written by men, and men from the Middle East three thousand years ago. A lot hasn't changed in that part of the world since then.

In the New Testament, you'll notice that Jesus also never said one word about homosexuality. Why is that? He had many opportunities, and he didn't. He could easily have said homosexuality was a sin to get more people to listen to and follow him, but he didn't. Instead, he used the progressive idea of loving one's neighbor. He did that because he was trying to change beliefs and the black and white perspective which is typical of the Middle East. He was trying to instill ideas which would last throughout humanity's lifetime. Unfortunately, even Christians for the last two thousand years have let their prejudices and cultures, instead of Jesus' beliefs, dictate their actions.

You have to separate organized religion and God. Organized religion, since its beginnings, has told people what culture dictates in the name of God. Nobody can be sure what God thinks, so you have to run you're life with common sense and a conscious. Two consenting adults who are having sex and who aren't cheating on others should never feel guilty.

I don't know where you live, but I would suggest moving to an urban location and joining a church with a gay congregation. You've got to get away from people who are using their narrow-minded beliefs to speak for Jesus. Jesus was a truly progessive leader- light years ahead of your average born again Christian.

Just focus on being a good human and be yourself. Everything will work out then.

2007-01-05 03:05:50 · answer #4 · answered by D 3 · 0 0

Society is the culprit for making us feel as if we need to fit in some predefined box. Religion is the largest culprit of them all. The science is still out on what exactly is the cause of homosexuality, but does that really matter? I am not going to sit here and say to you to accept yourself and all those cliché things. From personal experience you can not change who you are. You are not a thief, a machine, or an object that can easily be manipulated into something new.

2007-01-05 01:56:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Bible, schmible (it's been altered over time by the male hierarchy of the church, anyway). God created us all to be who we are. Why would He put is on this earth only to judge us? You are gay--there is nothing wrong with that. You will never be happy trying to hide who you truly are. What you can change is your own attitude--embrace yourself!! Surround yourself with people who love and accept you, no matter what. I have a friend that finally came out, and I think he's the happiest he's ever been! Treat others as you wish to be treated. I don't think God expects any more from us--only to be the best we can be :-)

2007-01-05 01:38:59 · answer #6 · answered by BookWorm 1 · 1 0

In my opinion, no. Like many others have said, I'm sure you can act a certain way but deep down inside, you'll know you are living a lie. You know, I am Catholic and I am the first one to say that it is because of the church's view and the view of so many others that so many people are on anti-depresants in this country. People depressed because they are living lives they weren't meant to lead. The simple truth is you are who you are because that is how you were born, it is a trait like anything else, hair color, eye color, etc. There is nothing wrong with you and it is NOTHING to be ashamed of. Don't try to be something you are not. Personally, I think falling in love is hard enough without having to fall in love with someone that you are not truly attracted to. In the end, obviously, it is your decission but I will say this: You only live once and that is it, no more chances to get it right. Do you really want to be on your death bed one day and say to yourself, "No matter how hard I tried, I was never happy. I wish I would have been myself." No, of course not, no one does. God makes us all and he loves us all, his love is unconditional. Be you, that is how he made you and there is nothing wrong with it! Take care and very best luck to you.

2007-01-05 01:58:05 · answer #7 · answered by Monica 2 · 0 0

You must have heard of people wanting to change their bodies just because they feel out of place within.

Your trying to convert your sexuality into a more readily acceptable one would be something like that. It could also mean you denying your true self just so that you could be more acceptable and comfortable in 'normal' social surroundings.

No doubt having an alternate sexuality is difficult but when you know that you don’t have any other alternative than accepting your truth you will start enjoying and accepting that.

Once you do that within, it will start happening outside, public acceptance and appreciation for who you are within will matter to you less and less.

So avoid feeling out of place within, your sexuality is exactly what it needs to be right now, to explore whatever side of yourself you need to right now. May be you are willing to explore your masculine side further. But know that whatever we seek on the outside we already are within. Though we might not have noticed it, uptil now. It is all about using the external to find whatever we are missing on the inside.

Having said that also notice that if you were in a place where you r sexuality whatever that might was not only totally acceptable but celebrated and welcome, what would you rather be. Know that you can create that space within you and it would automatically be created on the outside.

As within so without, the only change you really need is self acceptance, and that includes accepting your sexuality beyond all label and possible fears of discrimination and harassment.

You are complete as you are right now.

2007-01-05 01:47:51 · answer #8 · answered by Abhishek Joshi 5 · 0 0

Probably not. Don't listen to the god squad, they're spineless.

I'm an exophile and I want it no other way.

Do as you like. Anyone who says "you're an abomination!!!" is full of cow feces.

Counseling is only one other man's opinion of your persuasion.
Church is evil.
Human will to do anything that messes with sex in all its forms ends up in some boinking nonetheless. Even nuns practise onanism, and even those little blond haired christian girls who like to pray for us heathen scum on these varied message boards get off SOMETHING once in a while. Apparently *thinking* isn't one of them.

So, if you're gay, lesbian, bi, asexual, transgendered, or an exophile, live it up. Hell, I am!

2007-01-06 04:31:46 · answer #9 · answered by beztvarny 3 · 0 0

I think no. I am Bi and since I can trace feelings of attraction to other females all the way back to age 6 or 7 I feel it is something in-born. You can behave in heterosexual ways, but the same-sex attractions will still be there.

2007-01-05 01:18:38 · answer #10 · answered by tabithap 4 · 2 0

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