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How many gods exist? 1-6, or 3? I ask because a friend of mine, a young botanist, is considering applying to Judaism

2007-01-04 16:38:28 · 8 answers · asked by GodsOfQED 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

8 answers

He's the only true God
Jesus is the messiah, and not God incarnate

2007-01-04 16:42:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

what? not sure i understand...he's considering "applying" to Judaism? I didn't realize there was an application process. As for # of gods...they say only 1, but then they say there's 3. who is "they" anyway? personally, I believe in only 1, (but my beliefs are way to complicated to put into this response - I've come up with my opinions thru study, observation and asking a LOT of questions)...but it all depends on your religion, the hindu's have thousands. do some research, find out for yourself, that's what jesus says we should do. seek and you shall find your answers. don't be a sheep....read, ask questions, be open minded...but don't allow yourself to be brainwashed. If someone is unwilling to answer your questions...that means they either don't know and don't want you to know that they don't know...or they aren't confident of what they believe (meaning they wouldn't be able to defend it to secondary questions). good luck with your search.

2007-01-05 00:50:06 · answer #2 · answered by Madikam 2 · 0 0

None, but thats only my opinion. I'm pretty sure that Christian, Islam and Judaism only believe in the one god, although they all have a different view on who the "one" god is.

2007-01-05 00:50:13 · answer #3 · answered by liverpool_rok 2 · 0 0

There are 17 gods.

2007-01-05 00:49:46 · answer #4 · answered by Biznachos 4 · 0 0

"Five, Sir!"
There is this little god who's whirling around as a puff of smoke, there's the one outside sounding like wind, there's the one in my heart trying to confuse and confound my feelings for the females in my life (these "desires of the flesh" aint so fleeting)(thank god(s)).

(I like you.)

2007-01-05 02:21:39 · answer #5 · answered by sincere12_26 4 · 0 0

Only one God exists.

2007-01-05 01:11:05 · answer #6 · answered by Northstar 7 · 0 0

only one God

2007-01-05 00:40:43 · answer #7 · answered by hgghhfhgfjh 1 · 0 0

depends on your religion

2007-01-05 00:41:57 · answer #8 · answered by cocoa_spark 2 · 0 0

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