First, there is no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is just racism, period. As far as the comment Oprah made, I didn't hear the comment, or read about it. I do feel however, it was most likely taken out of context. I am sure that the comment was most likely directed at the white South Africans responsible for supporting Apartheid and not the whole white population as a whole. I am not a fan of Oprah, but I do respect her and know she is not known for making such irresponsible comments. I do however understand what you are getting at. If the comment were both meant and taken by others to be literal, then your complaint would be perfectly just. There is far too much segragation in this country in terms of charity groups and who receives aid. If a person needs assistance they should get it and their racial makeup should not be the deciding factor. A person does not have to be a minority to be underpriveliged. The idea that white people have more privelige simply because they are white is in itself based on racial prejudice and not on any real fact. I for one happen to be white. I have a house and a family to support, vehicles, etc etc. This was never handed to me. I got it through my own hard work and sacrifice. I am by no means wealthy, and my husband and I make sacrifices to provide for my son, and to make sure we have money to save every month for retirement when that day comes. No one provided us this life, we worked our asses of to get it. I got promoted at my job, because I earned it not because it was given to me due to mandatory racial percentages put in place to fight discrimination. When I applied, I was hired because I was qualified, not because of affirmative action. I am white, these programs are not designed for me, and whatever I get, I get based on my own merits. BTW, some of the managers who promoted me were black, so my race wasn't an issue. I don't feel black americans owe the white americans anything. In the same respect, white americans do not owe the black americans anything either. I am sorry, but there is not a single black american who was born on American soil alive today who suffered any effects of slavery, nor are any white americans alive today responsible for it. That was our forefathers doing, not ours. While there are survivors from the civil rights era, who were emotionally effected by the policies in place at that time, I do believe we have come along way since then. We still have work to do, but in order for things to change, there has to be changes on both sides of the issue. All ethnic groups involved need to do their part. You can't fight racism with more racism. And people with the attitude that they are owed something because of the horrific acts commited against their ancestors, are only adding fuel to the fire. I do agree that the black population has suffered, but no more than many other cultures have, whether it be racial, or religious, or lifestyle based. It has happened for thousand of years, and to many different types of groups. Whites were also targeted by slavery early in our country's history, and so were the mentally and physically handicapped. Also there was the Salem Witch Trials which targeted mostly, if not all, white women. It is in almost every country's history.
2007-01-04 18:27:09
answer #1
answered by Michelle F 3
First of all, I don't care for Oprah, and never have. I think she is so full of herself. Her show is over rated, and her followers have been brainwashed by the phenomenon she has created based on her money and power.
I do feel that she should be able to spend the money she has earned any way she pleases. She chose to invest it for education for a school in Africa.
Tell me, when was the last time you saw a school kid, (I don't care what race), get that excited over education here in California? I'm not degrading all school kids, but there are quite a majority of kids today that would rather acquire a degree in tagging private property, or stealing a purse from an old lady. The only university they may graduate from is the local jail.
Oprah was trying to make a statement. Racist or not, it's reality.
And she stated in black & white.
2007-01-04 16:44:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Please place the quote in context. Oprah does Not owe the white people in South Africa anything. I don't know if you're old enough to remember the struggle to get rid of apartheid in South Africa.
In case you aren't I'll let you know that from 1948 to 1994 the country was completely segregated. By force. Each race had to live in a certain section of the country. Anyone of color was not allowed to vote. And they had a similar system of schools and hospitals like we had here in the States during segregation. "Separate but equal" services that were anything but equal. The cruddiest schools and hospitals ever!
Due to these conditions the white people of the country had control over everything and lived a nice cushy life, while the people of color in the country went starving and uneducated with no opportunity for advancement.
Apartheid has been gone for a little over a decade. In that time things have slowly started changing, but for the most part the inequality is still so extreme that without a little extra help things will stay out of balance for a long time to come.
The children of color in Oprah's new Academy are probably the first people in their families to get a proper education. These children will therefore have opportunities that their parents could never dream of. The white schools on the other hand have not suffered from apartheid being lifted, because the white schools were always good. They don't need Oprah's help. They have money of their own.
So yes. Oprah does Not owe the white people of South Africa a dime.
2007-01-04 16:27:00
answer #3
answered by Jen 4
I agree about the reverse racism. I also think that black women with major attitudes are doing an injustice to other black people.
Just the other day this black woman backed her cart out of the isle to go to another lane. She wasn't looking where she was going and ran this white woman over and the white woman tripped and fell. The black lady had a look of shock on her face like she knew she was in the wrong. When the white lady got up she just looked at the black lady with an excuse you look. Like "watch where you're going, you just ran me over" but didn't say anything. All of a sudden the black lady changed her facial expression and told the white woman to "look where you're goin, b*tch! You almost took my heel off and I'd have had to take yo head off!. You NEED to say you're sorry!!". She said this really loud and had a 2 year old in her cart. There was no excuse for this and she just did an injustice to other black people by keeping the stereotype that black women have major attitudes.
By the way: I'm 25% black
2007-01-04 16:21:58
answer #4
answered by Shayna 2
entertainment tonight cleared this up last night she said she didn't owe the white people in south Africa anything and she also went on to say that this school was for the underprivileged and their aren't very many white underprivileged in south Africa she said the school is open to any race watch TV sometime
2007-01-04 16:58:10
answer #5
answered by shedevilang 2
It's weird that she would say that, when I think her audience is 99% white, or another race. I could understand what she is saying though. Most white children, have the advantage over black, and other races of children. So she feel's that she is leveling the playing field. By help creating more educated black people to be productive in the world.
2007-01-04 16:36:23
answer #6
answered by Idunno 2
Less that 15% of America is black and they claim to be dirt poor. Oprah rates right down there with Cosby and other blacks who were made rich in America by white Americans and then go on about racism. Oprah is worse because she has no talent or credentials. Cosby could at least play tennis when he was young.
2007-01-04 16:31:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yes, and for one reason only: She's an American citizen, and she has a guaranteed right of free speech under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. No matter how vile, stupid disgusting, racist or ignorant the comment may be.
2007-01-04 16:27:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Well there you go a stupid racist flaps her big mouth and gets paid for it. Only in America. Wow ! Makes me want to tune in to watch that smelly slob.
Mabye the people that made that thing rich, just watch too much daytime TV.
There is no such thing as reverse racism just plain old RACISM.
2007-01-04 17:51:03
answer #9
answered by caciansf 4
Why not cite your source?
At least one news item is at odds with the unnamed reporter you reference in your post:
'The school, she said, aims to prepare South African girls -- most of them black, but some of them white and "colored" -- to become leaders not only in politics, but also in science, the arts, medicine and law.'
2007-01-04 16:24:07
answer #10
answered by Ed 3