sure & fairies, mother goose & leprechauns.
2007-01-04 15:07:07
answer #1
answered by mstrywmn 7
Some people will claim to be "White Witches", but there is really no such thing as White witchcraft or Black witchcraft. You can practice Black Magic, but no one can truly practice "white" magic, it is basically shades of grey. Black Magic refers to magic that is harmful to another in intent and uses dark means and methods to achieve its ends. However, almost all people who practice magic do so with good intent and using positive methods to achieve their ends. However, magic is also all about balance, and there cannot be light without dark or black without white.
2007-01-04 23:10:30
answer #2
answered by harpertara 7
Not really.
Wiccans sometimes call their magick "white", meaning "benevolent", which it frequently is. Most Wiccans, however, don't like to draw such lines, preferring rather shades of grey to black or white.
There is actually a category of magick, however, that is called White Magick. It is also called Theurgy. It involves what is essentialy magickal formulas for prayer, and the alignment with one's self to God's will. Theurgy is not practiced by most Wiccans, so the term "White Witchcraft" really isn't appropriate.
2007-01-05 00:05:19
answer #3
answered by B SIDE 6
True magick is neither black or white, because people are both. All I can say is that magick should never be used for harm, then all will be good. I myself have been classified as a "white Witch, but, I just smile and nod, no big deal. I've been called worse. Magick is in the heart of the individual who uses it. If they have a dark motive, it will come back to them, x3.
2007-01-06 04:28:41
answer #4
answered by blacksheep572 2
White witchcraft is what most people who don't really understand witchcraft use to separate "good" witches from "bad".
Witchcraft is the practice of Magick. Using the words "white" and "black" would be like talking of "white" science or "black" science. Surely, either can be used for good or ill, but only when it is of an occult nature do people become so concerned with the morality of the science itself.
2007-01-04 23:09:29
answer #5
answered by Deirdre H 7
The question should be...Is there such a thing as Witchcraft period.
The answer is no unless you're some superstitous fool.
2007-01-04 23:07:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No. Witchcraft just is. It is the intent of the user that makes it good or bad.
2007-01-05 10:46:56
answer #7
answered by Kithy 6
As much as there is such a thing as black witchcraft, or black magic.
2007-01-04 23:07:16
answer #8
answered by joecool123_us 5
In Witchcraft (Paganism/Wicca) there is usually no seperation as used like "black" and "white" magicks, intent is the key, and energy is used for spells and workings. If someone wanted to put a color to magick, it would be a neutral gray for energy is nothing without intent.
2007-01-04 23:08:10
answer #9
answered by Kass 2
Kind of. I don't think a Wiccan would make that distinction tho.
Its not about Satan or anything. Its old religion based on all that mythology you forgot in school, ... That was part of religion that was all over europe before christianity.
All these great cultures had their own "magic" which was seen as being bad only after christianity took over.
2007-01-04 23:10:28
answer #10
answered by rostov 5
Witchcraft itself is neither good or bad, "black" or "white". It all depends on the user's intent. The type of energy you put into something is the kind of energy that will come out of it.
2007-01-04 23:17:49
answer #11
answered by Wiccan~Momma 3