I don't think religious wars are started by people who are religious, no religion teaches intolerance or war. They use religion as an excuse. They are racist and arrogant really, thinking that the whole world should go by how they live. They are not tolerant and are daft to think the world would be a better place if it were all like them. Stupid for thinking that their God would accept them into heaven for starting a war in it's name. No violent person is a true religious person.
2007-01-04 15:05:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
War is always truly about money. Wars benefit the few at the expense of the many and make the tax-payers foot the bill. Whenever you have a question about life, figure out who benefits financially and you'll find the answer.
Religion, race, fear, cultural differences - any of these can be used to sell the multitudes on why they should allow or support the war. They are never the real reason behind the war.
The current "war on terrorism" is not only making certain companies and individuals boatloads of money - it is also being used to take away freedoms and control people at a level never before seen in America and other so-called "advanced" countries.
Every "war on __________" (fill in the blank) is first and foremost about making money and secondly about controlling the masses. When enough people wake up to this fact and stop buying in war will stop.
Do not be anti- anything. To create peace focus only on peace. Mother Teresa knew this. She said, "I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."
2007-01-05 02:30:36
answer #2
answered by flyingrosetb 2
In the fact that both think theirs is the only true religion , yes arogance is the main part , although i do not agree that racism is an altogether correct exept in some cases , very often you may have a few races who are of one belief band together to defeat other races of another religion , as on the case of the crusades , there were at least 15 Christian europeon races set against about 20 Islamic differant tribes
2007-01-05 09:28:16
answer #3
answered by ? 7
I think its different for the two subjects. Racism i think comes down to fear and uncertanty, that is how it is today. Back in the early 1900s when slavery was still around especially in the American south. Whites wanted to keep slaves as long as possible for obvious reasons, so when blacks finally revolted whites could not handle it which is why there was so much conflict. (lead to the harlem renaissance in New York where blacks felt safe to express themselves.)
Religious war is somewhat different, this comes down to blind faith. If you believe something so completely and so implicitly you will do whatever it takes to protect, help it. I think its the same kind of feeling as your child being murdered. You know who the murderer is, that intense feeling of there being no justice and wanting to protect what is left and going out and hurting the murdered. I think that is whats going on now in Iraq, America is seen as the murderer.
If you just want the emotions of these things then i think its a combination of feelings mixed together but both result in a destructive path of some kind.
2007-01-05 07:35:11
answer #4
answered by thesaxman50 2
What is human nature? When does it create religious wars and racism? I believe both questions are the same. Will we evolve? I believe we are. Will we change much in ten thousand years? I don't think we can. But we will change a little each generation. But there are many more aspects to human nature. Don't you think?
2007-01-04 23:10:01
answer #5
answered by mike t 3
it's pathetic. religious wars don't really exist anymore, it's just racism and hatred towards a different culture and society.
who cares what version of god you believe in? he's one and the same right?
I am atheist so don't really care anyway but when people fight about it - that's just sad.
I mean, hundreds of years ago, people didn't know half as much as we do now (scientifically) and so i can understand why they were a lot more vicious on the subject but now...??? something has to change - maybe the destruction of the entire planet is the only thing to save us...??
hey ho - on we go...!!
2007-01-05 04:30:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i think if everyone stopped making a issue out of everything and just carry on with life there should not be a problems nothing will ever be all roses but i blame the government for categorising every one and thing at the end of the day what ever any ones belief race or whatever we still all the same
2007-01-05 09:25:26
answer #7
answered by zagars07 2
I do not think so. Most so called religious wars are not about religion but as an accident.Most wars are fought for fear, perceived threat, survival, land, defense, acquisition, of power or wealth. Religion is then used simply as inspiration for the victory and to help encourage the participants in the battle to great courage and confidence.
Most wars then are politics, secular interests, religion is just the color of it .Aristotle said man is by nature a political animal, politics is all about war, winning, competing, dominance, survival and war against anything that is a threat to those things.By man religion can become political , but it is not religion that is the spring of all this, it is man and his heart of politics.Religion has in fact slowly led and taught men to put down the sword. Arrogance is a human quality, that applies to all.War is about many things but not religion because beliefs that are mental are pretty much non threatening, it is only when beliefs are attached to physcial things that men make war(for instance by trying to extinguish ideas by extinguishing bodies), when their freedom to express thier beliefs, chersihed customs, way of life are threatened, when their physical existence is threatened, in land,or posessions which are symbols by personal extension. Nobody cares what muslims do on the other side of the ocean, but we care what they do over here, and we care what they think only to the extent that it comes to influence them to try and effect things over here. Otherwise no one cares.In the United States we are happy to have any religion but not if it somehow ends up infringing on our civil liberty and conscince. To me there is no such thing as a religious war purely.Now that is in general, each religion must be evaluated indepently.Islam happens to be a religion that combines the political with mental or ideaological, Christianity does not in its teaching do so.Catholicism is a unique story, yet even it maintained a distinction between the secular and spiritual, that is why the Crusades can and should be looked at as the secular and political aspects of the Catholic Church, not its pure Christian part. Because wars find no support in the Christian teaching itself, but from the Catholic churches interests as a political and seculare governing entity, with societal responsibilities , of that time.Now that the church has no army or real political standing it would not call war on anything but the war of ideas, which is right. Secualr ideaologies now have become like religion except Divinity of course, as is often stated President Bush.Bush constantly says that freedom such as ours is important, and that is the basis for our present conflict in Iraq. Soldiers swear to defend the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.The constitutin represents many cherished ideals that are in the mind, and we care when opposing ideas end up affecting them, but they can only affect them negatively when opposing ideas are accompanied by threats to our physical existence, which through fear stifle our freedom of expression thereto. Labelling things such as religious wars is really something that is based on faulty information or uninformed ideas or bias against religion,because free inquiry truly leads to the conclusion that religion has tempered mans nature, led to self control, to patience, to tolerance, and all wars are about freedom,politics, and secualr interests, religion is just the colors we wave.
Those are some of my ideas.
2007-01-04 23:38:35
answer #8
answered by Socinian F 3
Yes.. I think you are right.. religion creates and reinforces rifts between different communities.. It spreads from generation to generation like a computer virus and perpetuates these rifts over many generations...
2007-01-04 23:06:34
answer #9
answered by Century25 6
personally jenny I dont think any of us should argue about religioun or colour. I am white and have a colourd partner I have no religeon but they are very religious. We get on fantastic and it makes no difference to our relationship.
2007-01-04 23:06:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous