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34 weeks and so ready to pop! For those of you who have had children.. How much weight did you gain? I was 130 now I am 170.. But it is only in my stomach area, I am also 5'7. Is it hard to loose the weight? And when you had the baby were you sad that you weren't pregnant? Was it weird to feel your stomach? I have yet to get any stretch marks.. When did you get them, and how bad?

For those of you pregnant.. How far along are you, when are you due and what is it?
-I'm due Feb. 10th! with a girl. Her name is going to be Emily Elizabeth.. Emma for short

2007-01-04 14:06:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

13 answers

I am also 5'7". I was 125 pounds prepregnancy, gained about 35/40 pounds total. I lost all but 5 pounds of it within a year or so. It's not hard to lose the weight; just don't become a couch potato. Move, excercise, and watch your diet.

I was really sad not to be pregnant! I loved it. But, I loved having a little infant more. It was frustrating finding something to wear. You're too fat to fit in reg clothes, but you don't want to be in maternity, and you want to look nicer than in sweats and pajamas for when company comes to admire your new bundle.

I never got any stretch marks on my stomach area, but I did on my hips. Not sure when those showed up. Maybe my 7th or 8th month? I thought they were marks from the sheets while I slept because they were red and jaggedy. They have faded quite a bit, and I don't mind being in a bathing suit.

The thing I miss MOST, is the big boobs!! I'm not quite an A, but I was a big B when I was preg and nursing!! I can't wait until I get pregnant again. My son just had his third birthday. We named him Aiden Jesse.


2007-01-04 14:19:26 · answer #1 · answered by Margie 4 · 0 0

You'll lose the weight if you excercise moderately after delivery; it really doesn't take very long. Stretch marks vary a lot by individual skin type - some women get tons, other women hardly get any. It was kind of strange to feel my stomach without my baby in there, but I was glad to have him out where I could start to get to know him!

I think Emily Elizabeth is a great name for a girl - and February 10th is MY birthday, so needless to say, I think it's a cool date.


2007-01-04 14:19:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi There! My second child was born a day before 34 weeks and was 4lbs 8ozs. Size wise he was great but there was some problems with his lung development that required a week in the NICU followed with 2 weeks on an oxygen tank at home. He is now 14 months old and although still slender he is really tall! I hope everything is well for you!

2016-05-23 04:34:03 · answer #3 · answered by Christine 4 · 0 0

well im pregnant, also 34 weeks. im due feb. 11th, 2007 ALSO with a little girl.. i was 102 lbs. when i got pregnant and now weigh 130, im didnt gain as much weight as you but its a lot for me considering i have never been able to gain weight by eating food. and i eat like a hog too. but the weight i have gained is all baby. i didnt get stretch marks either. but as of losing weight i know from other people, it just depends. you might end up going back down to your normal weight or close to it, or you might have the after baby belly. and you;ll need to work that off. but its a blessing to not have stretch marks, a lot of people pray they dont get em cause they are a pain. i think the only place i got em was on my breast a little. thats it, but as of on my belly or back i dont even got one, or a sign of getting any at that and our term is close to ending so i'm happy i dont got em.. this is my first pregnancy. but i asked people similar questions and some people dont miss bieng pregnant at all they are glad to have the baby. and there are some people who LOVE every minute of pregnancy, i dont mind pregnancy but i'll be glad when its over...

congrats. =]

2007-01-04 16:08:31 · answer #4 · answered by Michila Noell 2 · 0 0

i was exactly like u... weighed about 125-130, and weighed a little over 170 at the end... i was almost a week late. ugh! i didnt get stretch marks till AFTER i had the baby-so, start using lotion now. i got most of mine on my hips, and boobs... which sucks. it was really wierd to feel my stomach, my husband said it felt like dough. all the stretched out skin. it was totally wierd to bend down to my toes and see my crotch... and no i was DEFENITLY not sad to not be pregnant. i pretty much lost the weight right away. (but so did my mom) now i have a 2 yr. old boy named Jason.

2007-01-04 14:14:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ok i gained HEAPS of wieght when i was pregnant like 53 kilo which is....116lb i found it REALLY hard too loose but i had a c- section too (emergancy) it is typical too gain weight and i am sure you wont have too much trouble just keep active! thats where i went wrong! i went too sleep feeling a baby kicking.. and woke up with nothing! i was soooooo upset at first it took a few days too get used too it but i did! and then u haveur baby who u can hold or put down or pass on too someone else lol no more being the only onetoo carry her around..

Good luck :)
and congratulations.

2007-01-04 14:19:29 · answer #6 · answered by elfsbabe 2 · 0 0

I just had a baby boy on Sat. I gained i think about 30 pounds but lost almost all of it the second that I delivered. I do miss feeling him inside of me and how he acted. It is odd to touch my stomach and look at the baby and know that you had that inside of you. I might have gained more weight but he was born a month early but is perfectly healthy.I did not get stretch marks on my stomach but now they are showing up on my breasts. good luck and congrats on your daughter

2007-01-04 14:10:59 · answer #7 · answered by kmylander03 2 · 0 0

i am 35 weeks pregnant with a girl, her name will be Sadie. i have gained 27 pounds so far (im 5'9). its been a long time since i have been able to look down and accually see something other then belly. i am also due feb 8th, but i went to the doc today and they said that my cervix is thinning and im already starting to dialate and they want me to try and hold it until the 10th if possible lol.

2007-01-04 15:19:07 · answer #8 · answered by tanker015 3 · 0 0

I am 32 weeks and weigh 130 and am 165cm tall.

I am due 27 Feb and its a boy

i feel very pregnant now - it has really started to slow me down

2007-01-04 17:05:52 · answer #9 · answered by Boo Boo 5 · 0 0

Congratulations...what a lovely name! Don't worry about the weight, stretch marks, your stomach...everything will resolve itself in time...good luck.

2007-01-04 14:10:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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