When reaching the surface get out and dive down again and retrieve the
bottle with a note in it, it's right in front of where you start. It
Help me. I'm waiting for you inside Lord Jabu Jabu's belly.
-Princess Ruto.
P.S. Don't tell my father!
Return to Zora's Domain the same way you got here, through the large
hole. But before leaving you may want to do a little fishing, or plant a
magical bean near the science lab that is not too far away so you can
get to the fishing pond when you are older. You can also start the first
half of making your own song! The Scarecrow Song, that is. It's
absolutely essential if you want to collect all 100 Golden Skulltulas!
Ahem, where was I...yes, go back to Zora's Domain.
Give the bottle to King Zora and he will look at it, then step aside to
reveal a tunnel that goes to Lord Jabu Jabu, a gigantic whale like
creature. Return to the shallow water along the sand and look in the
water, scan for fish. Assign the Bottle to a C button and use it to
catch a fish near the store! You have to be in shallow water for this to
work. It may take a few tries, but it is possible. Keeping the bottle,
go behind King Zora using the path to the right of him. Zora's Fountain!
Ignore Lord Jabu-Jabu and swim behind him and you will eventually spot a
small island, bomb the rocks and go inside. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the
Triforce Symbol and you will earn Farore's Wind from another Great
Fairy! Now return and use the bottled fish in front of Lord Jabu Jabu
and he will open his mouth and suck you both in...MUAHAHA!...yeah.
Go forward, past the Octorocks, and get against the locked door. Using
your Slingshot, hit the strange object hanging from the ceiling. The
door will open. Run through the next room, then open the next door.
There's Princess Ruto! She'll say she's ok, then attempt to walk away,
but she'll fall through a strange hole. Go down there, as well, and talk
to her again. Then again...now she'll tell you that you can carry her.
Pick her up and go through the next door. Fall into the water and toss
her over the side. If she falls in the water she will disappear, go back
to the previous room to find her. This applies to anytime you lose her.
Ok, hit the switch and the water will rise, allowing you to go and pick
up Ruto. Carry her to the exit, hit the strange object on the ceiling
with your Slingshot, then go into the next room.
Wait for the elevator to come down, then jump on it and it'll carry you
to the top. You're back, in the room before the area with strange holes.
Avoid them, then go through the door at the end. Turn right, and stand
on the switch. Now set Ruto down on it, her weight will keep it down,
giving you time to go into the door. Now you have to kill all the
creatures in this room. I prefer to just Z-target them and wham on them
with my Slingshot. When they are all defeated a chest will appear, the
Boomerang is inside! Now exit, pick up Ruto, and go to the opposite end
of the hall. Set her on the switch, then enter the room to find The
Tentacle. Just Z-target the center of it, then get close to it so it
drops down, and hit it with the Boomerang. When it goes up into the
ceiling, quickly run towards it to make it come down again (just be
careful, it's very close to you and will probably knock you back). But
you will need the Boomerang...When it's dead you'll receive the Map, and
the hallway with the tentacle blocking your way is clear! Go there...
Now you must defeat the Bubbles in less than 40 seconds. The best way is
to Z-target them, then quickly toss the Boomerang their way. A single
Deku Nut will also do the job...Once you do this you will receive the
Compass! Now go down the hall, go through the new door. Inside is
another Tentacle. Kill it! You won't receive anything, but the tentacle
thing in the nearby hall will disappear, allowing you to go to the next
room. Guess what's inside? Another Tentacle! You won't receive anything
for slicing it up, but the green tentacle in the room with the strange
holes will be gone. Now go there and fall down where it used to be, then
go through that door.
Throw that sweet little girl up to that platform...but then it will go
up and you'll face another boss, Big Octo. Kill it by checking out the
Boss Section. When he's gone, climb on the central platform and it will
lift you to the upper section. Go down the hallway, through the door.
Throw the Boomerang at the convulsing red things, they will freeze,
allowing you get through this room (although you may want to finish off
that Octorok in the water...).
Jump to the second platform, it will lower to the room before the room
with strange holes, completing the circle and making a bridge to the
doorway that was out of reach. But the switch won't stay down, and
Princess Ruto is no where in sight! Well, go to the other side of the
chamber, there's some crates that you can lift. 'Nuff said :)
Kill all the Jellyfish with your Boomerang, it makes this room a tad
easier. Climb the vines, at the top is a strange object hanging from the
wall. You can't hit it with anything...not even your Boomerang! There's
a strange wall blocking it. Solution? Stand back a few feet and let your
Boomerang fly! If your spacing is right it should curve around the wall
and hit it! Improve the chances by Z-targeting it. Now, walk through the
door (what else?).
It's Boss time! Check out the appropriate section for details...
Princess Ruto will give you Zora's Sapphire, the last Spiritual Stone!
She says it's her "most precious possession." I don't think so... ;)
Er...nevermind. Ignore that. I think it's pretty obvious she likes
Link...actually, that could be said about every close friend Link has
(Saria, Zelda, Malon...and Ruto). Ahem, carrying on.
(Not Part of Walkthrough: Before going through time you'll want to get
the Fairies, plenty of Bottles w/something in them, Great Fairies and
lots of Heart Pieces and what not...do everything you can think of! You
can come back, but you'll want to be prepared.)
When outside the Market you will witness an extremely cool cinema (at
least the Ganondorf part is cool...I'm mean, just look at his stallion!
Looks so realistic...). Impa will take Zelda away, but before they
disappear Zelda will toss the Ocarina of Time into the nearby moat.
Well, go use your deep diving skills to go get it! Now you have all the
necessary items to open up the Temple Of Time. Zelda will
telepathically teach you the Song of Time.
Return to the Market and go to the Temple of Time...it's near the Happy
Mask Shop, just go up the stairs. It's sorta hard to tell with all of
this *cough* pre-rendered crap *cough*
2007-01-04 13:50:31
answer #6
answered by SMALLZ 2