I'm guessing your roughly 6 weeks pregnant and the embryo is implanting on your uterus wall, causing the spotting. I've recently gone through this with my wife and although spotting is fairly normal, you should still consult your doctor.
The doctor may refer you to have an ultrasound done just to make sure everything's in the right place.
All the best and congratulations.
2007-01-04 13:27:46
answer #1
answered by businessevents 1
Not everyone "feels" pregnant. Each pregnancy is different, I have five children and none of the pregnancies were the same. If both urine and blood were positive you are pregnant. If you are spotting you may want to go to the emergency room or urgent care, although many times it isn't major it can mean something is wrong. They will give you a ultrasound in ER to check on the health of the baby. At least you won't wait till February. Also, you need to be sure the baby is in the uterus not the fallopian tube. Good luck
2007-01-04 13:19:45
answer #2
answered by kimmy p 2
It's normal to not really believe you're pregnant during the first months, because at least in my case, I didn't feel that much different expect for the positive pregnancy tests and occasional nausea and tiredness. So it's normal that you feel that way, give it time to settle in.
I spotted, too, well into my fourth month, and my baby (praise the Lord) is nine months old. But if this is something that worries you, talk to your doctor. Congratulations!
2007-01-04 13:20:45
answer #3
answered by *Jessy* 6
It's hard to imagine that your life is gonna change that much so you try and tell yourself the tests are wrong. I took 3 tests and still tried blaming it on faulty tests til my friend dang near slapped the truth into me. I didn't find out the sex until 28 weeks, but once I did and I could buy things for my baby and set up the crib then it started to get real. Anyways, Congratulations! This is the best gift a woman can receive!!
2007-01-04 13:21:57
answer #4
answered by ? 3
Totally. I'd never been pregnant before, but I didn't FEEL pregnant. I only felt a little light-headed, like ditsy, and that's it. I don't think I really felt pregnant until my uterus really started to grow and caused a constant feeling of pressure or light cramping. That was like a couple months along, I think.
Don't worry, by the time you are wearing maternity clothes, feeling butt tired, and feeling the most amazing movement inside you, you'll feel pregnant.
2007-01-04 13:18:46
answer #5
answered by Margie 4
Not everyone will 'feel' pregnant. Everyone is different, and every pregnancy is different. If you have had a positive urine and blood test, then you are definately pregnant, regardless of how you feel. Consider yourself lucky that you aren't having morning sickness!
2007-01-04 13:17:39
answer #6
answered by gummygrins 3
Whether you "feel" pregnant or not, it certainly sounds as though you ARE. It is different for every woman, and it takes longer to really feel real for some than for others.
If you are ambivalent about this pregnancy, you may be in a bit of a state of denial about it; that's something to talk with your doctor about when you go.
2007-01-04 13:20:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yes and I am pregnant with my 4th and still didnt feel pregnant. I wasnt sure if it was right at all and I had even gone to the doctor. It will hit you when you start to show or feel the baby move.
2007-01-04 13:21:14
answer #8
answered by Blondi 6
i think of it relies upon on the place you bypass. At my place of work, you bypass in and notice a nurse at 7 or 8 weeks after which you notice the wellbeing care expert between 10 and 12 weeks. on the nurse bypass to they do a urine attempt to verify, yet they informed me that the domicile being pregnant assessments are distinctly precise, and in case you have had better than one beneficial it distinctly lots ensures which you're pregnant.
2016-11-26 20:03:26
answer #9
answered by ? 4
its hard to feel pregnant when your sick. you dont really feel pregnant until you hear the heartbeat and you get a belly and feelings of butterflies in your belly. thats the baby moving. nausea is normal but spotting isnt so you should go see your doc or any if you cant get into yours. good luck.
2007-01-04 13:47:04
answer #10
answered by biancajh 5