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yes but why is god there, why has he always been there, were did he/she come from, how do we know that the stuff in the bible is true even though it was writin thousands of years ago and if he created the world why were dinosaurs here b4 us ??? what about cave men??? i mean it does say he created the world in 7 days but i dont remember ne thing about dinosaurs or cave men being in the bible

2007-01-04 11:21:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

16 answers

and also god does not do us harm in any way nor has he a sense of humour, god give us dominion over the beasts of the field , he gave us free will and he made us in his liking we do to ourselves as we will, but one thing ive never been able to fathom is ? although god made us in the image of himself he is a jealous god and does not want us to bow down to any graven images he is jealous but he tells us not to be jealous of our neighbours belongings and not to covet then, he also says though shall not kill and steal but says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, point is he permitiing us t o revenge kill or steal on someone whom, has done to us!!he aslo says thou shall not commit adultry but what ahppened in the beggining with adam and eve and the sons? where did cane get a wife from he begat her from the wilderness was she just minding her own business one day and he bumped into her or wot or was she really eve? same thing for noah and the boys, i think a lot more going on that is toldmaybe god created cane's wife as he did adams from a rib from him, it leaves a lot for speculation and ridicule

2007-01-05 04:40:57 · answer #1 · answered by fragmaster3sum 2 · 0 0

God created the universe and man in his own image.
He also gave man dominion over the animals. God did not write the bible, Man did. It is an interpretation of the religion that came into being as a documented account of true stories. I.e Moses did exist ! so did John the baptist and Jesus. The old testament was written at a much earlier time and the book of genesis is a simplified account ( 99.99% of the world population could not read or write ) and tries to tell the stroy of creation in a way that people would understand - A lot of the early medieval churches show pictorial accounts of the bible story. You cannot dismiss the bible as not being authentic - it is probably more authentic than any research document being released today in theoritical physics - the language of the physics to anyone not familiar with the complex equations and models would be baffling. Therefore we use present day lay language to best describe the idea being proposed and simple analogues. Ergo if you believe in God then that is your perogative with the evidence put forward. If you believe in Muons, Leptons and other stuff then you also place your faith on evidence put forward by other academians. I have yet to believe that God does not exist as the evidence is overwhelming in support of his existence. Perhaps God did create the earth in 7 days - there is no evidence that the earth spun around in 24 hours, it could be that it faced the Sun and took 650,000,000 years to make a single revolution until a small planet collided with the Earth ( fact see moon origin ) and set the world in motion. By this account 6 x 650,000,000 = 3.9 billion years ( close approximation to the earths age !) - he rested on the 7th Day - thats when the Moon collided cos he took his eye off his work !

2007-01-05 00:45:39 · answer #2 · answered by sneek_matrix 2 · 0 0

The world was created in 6 days-nothing was done on the 7th=day of rest. I don't want to create confusion in here (I seem to do that in 360) but if you were to turn those digits around-6 an' 7 above you would then have 7 an'6 (everywhere in my work). Those two digits are also used for the creation of our monthly calendar. 7 columns and 6 rows ( a few use 7-7).

I believe the bible speaks truth although not read much I pick a lot up when reading about what the bible speaks of on the internet but my faith comes from my heart-not by what I read or what I see or what I hear. Much of what I do learn about the bible, or Christ is only what I have always felt. We can't find the truth through others, it is within you. If God is within us all, does by getting to know the soul within the body, allow us to get closer to God-I believe so
If the world was created in 6 days and 0 was done on the seventh then we can see time there with the 60

2007-01-04 20:49:58 · answer #3 · answered by WW 5 · 0 0

All religions are simply books of laws to live by with accompanying stories and fables to reinforce these, creating an all powerful God as judge and jury serves to frighten people into adopting the laws of their culture. It is also designed to allow people to cope easier with the fear of death. Great idea for primitive people however now that we know more it seems strange that people still cling to these old ideas. Religion now causes more war and hurt and its original purpose of controlling people has been lost. I think religious leaders need to realise this and while religion is a comfort to some it really is an outmoded concept that needs to be left behind. My apologies if this offends anyone but no-one cn seriously believe that all human life came from 2 original Adults who lived in a magicgarden with a talking snake!! We have proof and facts to back up Evolution, whereas Creationism is simply making things up and pretending they're true.

2007-01-04 12:22:04 · answer #4 · answered by nothappy 2 · 0 0

Gods & religion as well as the bible are merely the creation of MAN. It codifies social and moral values constructed by Man, which are important to Man.

Early man, unable to explain the mysteries of his complex and unexplainable world dreamed and invented incredibly clever, intricate and detailed explanations that to his early mind were plausible, gave meaning to his existence and hope for the future. All of his explanations were rational and plausible to him, as at that time he knew no better- he had no idea what we know now.

I also think a key point to consider is that man is a Feeling animal which thinks, as opposed to the Classical Rational view that man is a thinking being that feels. The latter places far stronger emphasis on humans behaving if thoughts were of a higher standing and dominant over feelings which simply isn't reflected in life.
In regard to the above argument about missing a dead person- that's an emotive response isn't it?
We miss them. Because we have such difficulty dealing with loss and suffer emotional trauma, we find it less traumatic to deflect our pain at the loss of a loved one, that we find comfort in a more palatble concept of they are gone momentarily and we'll see them again soon.

Now we are fully aware the earth was irrefutabely built in more than 7 days- we're older than 5000 years, we come from monkeys and dinosars existed.
I even went to a Catholic school where they co-taught science alongside the religious teachings- which were seen as guidelines of how to lead a good human life and develop a closer relationship with God. My point being that even Catholic priests don't take the bible literally.
Now, myself being an atheist, I can understand that people like to feel that there is a reason we're here, we're all special, we're different to animals and we never truly die.
BUT- the fact is that there is no real special reason we're here aside from the fact that our DNA was successful in being replicated so many times that I along with everyone else came into being.
I am an animal- derived from a primate (look at how close a primate's forelimbs are almost a mirror of ourselves) no more valuable or better or worse than a clever horse or whatever.
So in answer to your questions- God exists but only in the hearts and minds of those who belive in him- he is a human construct.
The bible is true- in that it represents beliefs that were thought to be true- it wasn't all a clever hoax- the people who constructed the religion all fully belived that wjhat they were writing was indeed fact based on what they understood at that time.
I have no idea why dinosaurs were'nt included- one can only imagine that in ancient Judea- there were'nt many fossils so people had no idea about them and the same would answer the question about cave men.
Even if they were found- peope would just assume it was a long dead strange animal or person- but have no way of dating it relative to their own lives. Their concept of time was completely different to our own today.
Summary- bible & God true but only if you beleive in them.

2007-01-04 17:03:56 · answer #5 · answered by Ministry of Camp Revivalism 4 · 0 0

About where He came from, He didn't, it is a very hard to answer question but the only way you have to understand it is that He doesn't have time, He's in an eternal present so that means He has always existed.
Secondly, i don't know about the cave men but i know about dinosaurs, in the bible says in one part saying the word "BEHEMOTH" which means a big creature.

2007-01-04 11:26:13 · answer #6 · answered by Cranberrydude 3 · 0 0

That is where you must separate science from faith.

I have faith that the Bible is true. In history, I learned about the Roman empire and Caesar Augustas who is also in the Bible. A couple of years ago, there was a program on the History Channel about the uncovering of Noah's Ark. In Revelation, it talked about times were to get worse before they would get better and you hear all over the news how true that is.

Cavemen and dinosaurs are a scientific explanation of how the world evolved and of the past buried under the earth's surface. Scientists cannot handle the fact that things just happen without an explanation, especially if people call them miracles. They have to find how it is humanly possible for a random act to occur instead of just believing that it was an act of God.

2007-01-04 11:37:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

The main reason for believing in God is that all the things we really value, like truth, love, justice, meaning, depend on Him. There are plenty of people who try to argue that there can’t possibly be a God, because they think there are errors in the Bible. The Bible says very little about the origins of the universe, except to state that God did create everything by His own will and power. What they are actually arguing against is straw men, outmoded reasons that were held by Christians of centuries ago.

What they do not stop to realize is that, if we ultimately came from non living matter and energy, then it does not matter whether we live or die. If we evolved from lower forms, we should cooperate with evolution and submit to it. But in practice, we do not do that. It matters to us, whether we live or die! So, is living matter and energy just dead matter and energy that has become sick…? Nobody looks at the body of a loved one at a funeral and says, “That’s okay, all the particles are still there.” No, they miss the person.

If we evolved from impersonal origins, then there is not really any qualitative difference between personality and impersonal matter; that is to say, personality is an illusion.

But people don’t behave that way. Even the most stubborn atheist, who insists that all he is, is ‘matter and energy’, will not submit to dying to prove his point that it doesn’t really make any difference. So, when it comes down to the crunch, he is inconsistent and is not truly willing to act on his belief.

The closest that anybody has come to living consistently for evolution was the Columbine shootings. Kleebold and Harris wore shirts with evolutionary slogans on them, and specifically targeted Christians, whom they regarded as the ‘weak’ and ‘inferior’ who ought to be destroyed. But, isn’t that kind of ugly…? Hitler was their hero, because he tried to wipe out the people he thought were inferior!

Suppose there was no God. Then what difference does it make, what we accomplish? If we have a galactic empire, cure all diseases, establish perfect law and order, match up everybody with the perfect mate for maximum pleasure; even if we do ALL THAT, the Universe must end someday. (look up Heat Death.) There will be nothing left. Nobody will remember our accomplishments. Nobody will care. The ones who developed physical immortality will be just as dead as the ones who died before it was developed. Why hope? Why try? Why care?

God is the only thing that can give us hope and a reason to try, or even care, because He is uncaused, beyond time and space, and not limited by the universe.

If there is not God, then it doesn’t matter what WE say—Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and All Those Guys did NOTHING WRONG…! No matter what we say. If there’s no God, our laws and rules don’t matter. ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ are purely and solely religious concepts, based on a personal God Who cares and established that He considers some things good and others evil.

So if we try to get rid of God, we are sawing off the tree branch that we are sitting on. We will fall, along with it. If there is no God, there is neither justice, nor injustice, truth nor falsehood, meaning nor absurdity.

Sometimes, I think that all those people who like to bait believers in God are trying to provoke them to anger and violence, so that they can, spitefully, with their dying breath, say, “See! It doesn’t make any difference!” And it makes me sad and disgusted that they lead other astray.

5 JAN 07, 0056 hrs, GMT.

2007-01-04 11:53:44 · answer #8 · answered by cdf-rom 7 · 0 1

The page I set a link to tells a story about talking to God, its an interesting read. Check it out.

2007-01-04 11:29:56 · answer #9 · answered by Scott L 3 · 0 0

i believe in God big time!!
I love science and everything it has to offer and if scientists used their knowledge along with bible....man it would be amazing!!
If you're interested, you should check out creation science websites and books.....its basically scientists who have become christians and written articles on how science relates to the bible!
I really encourage you to look into some stuff....especially around the grand canyon and the flood!
Hope this helps

2007-01-04 11:56:58 · answer #10 · answered by foetalsgirl 1 · 1 0

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