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My husband told me that his daughter (from a previous marriage) might not be his, but that if it wasnt his, he would still love her and provide for her. I want to have a child with him, but knowing this now turns me off. I guess I am a bit jealous that he would still love the child and provide for her if it wasnt his. I want my child to have his full attention, not some daughter who might not be his. If it was his daughter, then I would support him 100%, but if it isnt his, I dont like the idea of him loving her and providing for her. Do I have a right to be mad or not?
She does not think of him like her father. The child is 4 years old and he has hardly spent time with her due to the military and her denying her to see him. The woman moves around from men to men and tells her daughter that this guy is your daddy, and then the next guy, and the next guy is your daddy, get my point? He doesnt call the girl no visits her, and now he says this????

2007-01-04 11:12:12 · 23 answers · asked by Leyanis 2 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

23 answers

Hell yeah you supposed to be mad. that baby is only 4, he aint spent know time with her, so he need to get out of the relationship now before he have a connection with this girl. If you are suppose to be his lady than he need to get a dna test and end that mess.

2007-01-04 11:18:20 · answer #1 · answered by MsTruthful 2 · 0 1

Are you serious? NO you have no right to be mad at him!!!!!!!!!!! First of all being the Biological Parent does not make one a Dad that takes love and commitment. My own son is not biologically mine, however I am, and always will be his Dad! The fact that the child's mom is a bad mom can not be held against him so why even mention that that she moves from guy to guy? If you feel that he doesn't take care of his daughter with visits and calls then maybe be mad about that, but you have no right to be mad because he feels that he is this little girls daughter. He is trying to be a good parent wether he is biologically the father or not. As for "I want my child to have his full attention, not some daughter who might not be his." then maybe you shouldn't have kids with him. If you are that jealous of a little girl then perhaps having kids with him is a bad idea. He is all ready a dad and if you bring a child into the world with him and then get jealous of the relationship that he has(or may have as the daughter grows up) with his other child you will only hurt all four of you.

2007-01-04 11:24:24 · answer #2 · answered by jaybconnor 2 · 1 0

Wow, if you love him you'll try to understand although easier said than done, right? I think me personally he's a dream of a man. What more could you want in a husband? Why would you be mad for one second about something like this? He loves a child and why would it have to be his own? I think your stupid..sorry. Get over yourself and by the way I think you need to adopt that child!!! That woman is CRAZY for telling her daughter those type of things about this guy might be your next daddy, what a horrible role model she is,she is sick in the head! SO UNDESERVING! ps sorry if Im harsh

2007-01-04 11:21:29 · answer #3 · answered by laura k 2 · 1 0

Again, this is not the child's fault. It sounds like the mother is just putting junk into her head and she is soo very confused, imagine being a 4 yr old and this is going on? Try it in her point of view. Maybe you need to suggest that the child come and stay with you and your husband so that the 3 of you can become closer and know how you all can actually function as a family...you need to practice for your own children and start by putting this child first....you need to open your home and heart to this poor girl who sounds like she is lost and alone in the world....

2007-01-04 11:21:20 · answer #4 · answered by Jean Marie 1 · 0 0

If I was him I would have a dna test done in that case. If the childs not his and all the mother wants is money then he needs to go on because that's no way for the two of you two live with some money hungry woman all the time hanging around. Believe me I know an can relate to what your going thru.

2007-01-04 11:21:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sticky situation. You have feelings of resentment. I think these feelings for you are very real and may cause much trouble along the way in your marriage. Perhaps a paternity test will help and if the child is truly his then you will feel better about the whole situation but if it isn't....well, I would be resentful too. Watch out. Be aware of your feelings and your spouses'. There could be more going on then you know.
Good luck.

2007-01-04 11:21:23 · answer #6 · answered by garden witch 2 · 0 0

your husband may feel that way because he don,t want to hurt the child,but since he has not gotton close to her ,then it it turns out she is not his,then im not sure...Does he love this child..you must get a dna to find out ,if its his he needs to stay near his daughter....If the child is not his but has had her all her life and loves her and they have a relationship,it could possibly hurt the child very badly.It depends on how your husband feels about the child.....No you should not be mad,you knew this child was around when you married him....When you marry a man with child you have to take the entire package.

2007-01-04 11:21:28 · answer #7 · answered by slickcut 5 · 0 0

WO, you're jealous of a 4 yr. old because your husband has thought of her as his daughter for so long he doesn't care about biology? He's not going to treat your kid less just because he loves this other child. He just loves his little girl. He's also just demonstrated to you the level of his commitment to kids he loves.

My personal feeling is you need to let this go, or take your negative feelings about it and shove it deep deep deep in that dark place down inside where all negative emotions and innapropriate thoughts fester.

All love.

2007-01-04 11:17:27 · answer #8 · answered by Sammer (Jim W) 2 · 1 0

I don't know what part 1 was, but it soundss like some serious issues going on...
what's part 3?
Give it all at once so I can have an idea and provide better advice...
based on this...a DNA needs to be done first, and then go from there

2007-01-04 11:16:00 · answer #9 · answered by Khandi 4 · 0 0

Now we know the rest of the story; tell him to get DNA
tested and then once he knows the truth and he still
wants to support the child remember the child is innocent
so why should the child suffer from lack of something.

2007-01-04 13:42:42 · answer #10 · answered by RudiA 6 · 1 0

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