I want to record some of my wife's phone calls, I suspect she is cheating on me, I checked the phone bill and found out that there is someone calling her almost everyday at around the same time, so I need to find out what is exactly going on, I have not confronted her until and unless I have some hard proof of whatever I thing she is doing and if she is n ot doing anything wrong I will feel relieved, but right now, I want to be sure, I want to know how can I record those calls. Any help will be appreciated
11 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Marriage & Divorce
I don't know how to record phone conversations, but something you should look in to, is if you have the internet and you find her using it frequently, you should download a keylogger, of which you can get for FREE at http://www.download.com
If you need more details email me. I was suspicious of my ex, downloaded the keylogger and found out he was cheating on me. It records all keystrokes, instant message conversations, emails, and websites visited.
2007-01-04 10:47:12
answer #1
answered by Mommy-To-Be 3
You can do a reverse engine on the phone #, web sites like www.whitepages.com; and usually fid out whos calling her;
In most states it is ilegal to record a conversation w/o the permission of the part, for LEGAL pourposes speaking, and you could be commiting a huge mistake also!
Try to be honest, not a confrontation, but show her that you care and that would not be fair to let something go down the drain if any of you would be up to comitt a adultery mistake!
About how to record; you can buy devices right at your nearest "Radio Shack" and or do a little research on the net.
I've benn there and done that, sorry, Good luck...
2007-01-04 19:00:04
answer #2
answered by Ricardo S 1
Talking to her first seems to work. Besides, you have the proof. The phone bill. What is the explanation? Why does this not satisfy you.? If your relationship is in that bad a shape perhaps it is time you 2 seperated. Recording the calls won't do you any good - inadmissable in a court of law.
2007-01-04 18:47:17
answer #3
answered by ButwhatdoIno? 6
Go with your instincts. The best way to find out what is going on is to confront her. Get the phone bill and highlight all the calls you suspect are not legit. Make her aware that you have noticed she is acting shady and let her know that you won't tolerate it. You deserve honesty and loyalty from her. Even if you guys are having a tough time, it doesn't mean she should be seeking out some one else. Good Luck!
2007-01-04 19:04:23
answer #4
answered by ? 4
if the number is listed in the phone bill, call that number.
There are a number of home security retailers with web pages where you can order phone recorders.
check this out: http://www.spytechs.com/
There is a link to phone recorders.
2007-01-04 18:53:55
answer #5
answered by Jack C 5
Is it her cell phone? I wouldn't try that if I were you. It isn't legal, and she could end up taking you to court if it pisses her off enough. Why don't you call the number on the bill? If a guy answers there you go.
2007-01-04 18:47:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You can buy adevice for recording calls on your land line at your local Radio Shack.
2007-01-04 18:45:09
answer #7
answered by swanser 3
I don't know about recording the calls (legal/moral, possible) but you can get caller id to see who is calling and even call back the number.
2007-01-04 18:47:31
answer #8
answered by mark t 7
sounds like you don't trust her. marriage is based on trust until someone breaks it. maybe she is, and maybe she's not, but i don't think it is right for you to record her phone calls. why don't you just ask her if it is so important to you to find out?
2007-01-04 18:47:53
answer #9
answered by crafty lady 2
Go to Radio Shack...they have lots of there!!!
2007-01-04 18:47:29
answer #10
answered by September Sweetie 5