A player is someone that pretends intrest just to keep you around, for a booty call for example. Players have several different people that they are playing and the secret to being a good player is making sure everyone that they are playing is happy. And also to conceal the other;s that they are playing. I was played and I can only tell you that I "felt it". Use the force. And if there playing you tell them that, you are getting out of the sand box and you ain't playin no more! Hope it helps, Bob
2007-01-04 09:23:44
answer #1
answered by Bob B 2
My Definitions: someone who will not be extreme and play with different peoples emotions. someone who's a liar and in no way honest even as it is composed of the relationship procedure. someone who's seeing numerous human beings or hooking up numerous cases at the same time and in no way being honest. someone who says "i appreciate you" yet deep down does not mean it. someone who can really be interested in sex really or someone who's selfish and would not care about them. be careful: they're very slick and understand what they're doing. If those adult men or women human beings do not replace GOD will deliver them to HELL !!!! because they don't look to be quite loving god's different little ones.
2016-12-01 20:12:45
answer #2
answered by laranjeira 4
A player
Is a man who's main objective is to get every good looking girl he meets into bed. They are smooth talkers who will flatter you with compliments and try and make you feel really special. He will then try and arrange a date and take you out somewhere romantic while whispering sweet nothings, drop hints about future dates. Once he has lulled you into thinking it could be serious he will then attempt to get in your pants and almost always succeed. After that you'll never see or hear from him again. These guys are normally very sexy however unless you just interested in a bit of fun stay clear and always trust your instincts.
2007-01-04 10:04:55
answer #3
answered by charlie 2
That's true CHARLIE-the other part of the post asked if women could be players too...the answer to that is also yes...but it seems to be more of a saying for males...females having more derogatory, insulting, obscene and downright nasty names given to them when they "play".
2007-01-04 22:26:56
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If they slept around or cheated and lied in any way to the person they were with
2007-01-04 09:12:25
answer #5
answered by fallenangel 4
a player is both, women and men, gay and straight.
it just means they arent ready or willing for anything more
than the sexual side of things. no comitments, no strings attached.
2007-01-11 21:17:56
answer #6
answered by sharma 4
play around is nice way to say players...But is really been a person that cheats and lies about having another person in their life...To me that is been a looser and a foolish person=players...
2007-01-04 09:18:12
answer #7
answered by nena_en_austin 5
sleep with other people
2007-01-11 01:16:25
answer #8
answered by i812max 1