Four most notable things, among others:
1. He continued with his intensive study of the Bible, rather secretively because he was a Unitarian, and did not believe in the existence of the Trinity. This is ironic, because, if that were widely known, he would have lost his Fellowship in what college?: Trinity College, Cambridge. (In fact, all Fellows were required to subscribe to an oath of belief in the Trinity; however, a sympathetic Master of the college, knowing Newton's dilemma, adroitly arranged that "In perpetuity, the holder of the Plumian Chair of Astronomy need not take the oath, unless he himself wished to do so" (!!) --- a special dispensation effectively arranged for Newton alone.)
Newton actually left many more (if originally secret) writings on religion and Bible prophecy than on his scientific work!
2. He began extremely intensive, day and night alchemical experiments which led him both to neglect his health and have what was essentially a nervous breakdown. (He accused his correspondent the philosopher John Locke of "trying to embroil me with women.") Natural philosophers (scientists) on the Continent wrote to one another very concerned about his mental condition.
It's been claimed that Newton gave himself mercury poisoning during this time --- mercury was a big thing in alchemy. In the 1970s or 1980s, two physicists subjected strands of what was claimed to be Newton's hair to isotopic analysis, and found extremely large concentrations of mercury in it.
3. He was also most concerned with issues of his own scientific priority, not only with his detested rival Robert Hooke (which ended only with the latter's death in 1703), but also with the German philosopher and polymath Leibnitz over priority in discovering the Calculus. He even pursued this latter dispute well after Leibnitz's death.
One of the most disgraceful episodes in this latter feud was when a specially appointed "independent commission" of the Royal Society examined the two claims and declared that Newton was "the sole originator of the Calculus."
This happened when Newton was President of the Royal Society. He had in fact packed the commission with his own supporters and cronies. But even worse, he WROTE the supposedly independent report! (A draft, in his own handwriting, was discovered, many years later.) Not only that, he even wrote and had published an "anonymous" review of his own drafted report, and then publically "noted" that "independent review," commending it to others to read!
He would have been a fine member of the Bush administration.
4. Newton also became a very public figure, first representing Cambridge in Parliament, and then becoming Warden and Master of the Mint. During this time he reformed a corrupt coinage system, cracking down on "debasers of the coinage" by having them caught and executed. (He even signed execution orders on the back of some of his scientific papers and calculations!)
Newton was knighted, in the Great Court of his old college, for his services to the Crown, and NOT for his scientific accomplishments.
Yet he still retained his mathematical skills. While still running the Mint, Newton, at the end of a long working day, received a mathematical problem of a completely new type from Bernoulli, who had sent that "Challenge Problem" out to the greatest mathematicians of Europe in order to demonstrate his own superiority in handling the Calculus in new and different ways. According to his maidservant, Newton stayed up all night, inventing what we now call the "Calculus of Variations" to solve it. [The problem was that of the "Brachistochrone" or "Curve of Shortest (Time in) Descent."]
Newton sent his solution off to Bernoulli ANONYMOUSLY. When Bernoulli received it, he recognized the style (and possibly the hand-writing) of the master, and uttered his alleged and very famous phrase --- in English translation, "I recognize the lion by his claw!"
(NOTE: NOT "... paw," as E.T. Bell would have it in his "Men of Mathematics." Newton's action was more that of an old but imperious lion, raking the air and the problem contemptuously with his claw, and flinging the solved problem back at its originator, like a piece of clawed-over meat!)
Live long and prosper.
2007-01-04 08:08:11
answer #1
answered by Dr Spock 6
Isaac Newton was responsible for some of the greatest mathematical and physical advances in scientific history.
Obviously, the mathematical definition of gravity he derived was right up there. He developed Newtonian physics (or the so-called "new world of science"). To explain the physical phenomena he encountered such as gravity he developed an early form of what is now called Calculus. This early form was completely geometrical in nature, as algebraic mathematics was yet to be developed. He then went on to explain his Calculus using yet another form of mathematics called Differential Equations.
Newton was a genius and one of the greatest assets the human race has ever had.
2007-01-04 08:12:27
answer #2
answered by AresIV 4
Apparently, he spent most of his time trying to turn base metals into gold, a technique called alchemy. He was deeply religious, so he may have spent the rest of his time studying the bible.
2007-01-05 07:11:41
answer #4
answered by Melok 4
A secret obsession with alchemy and horrible bouts of malnutrition and mental illness. and a competitive ongoing goading feud with Robert Hooke.
It's true... look it up!
He is my favorite and if I could go back in time and hang out with anyone... it would be him!
2007-01-04 08:10:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous