Your question is too broad, and you should narrow it down.
Successful at what? Be specific.
Assuming you mean successful in life, as a human being,
then you must look at if you want to measure up to the
world's values and others' values, of just to your own values.
You should look at your whole person: the physical, the mental,
emotional, and spiritual aspects.
And look at life in those aspects:
People measure success in many different ways:
Financial and Material Success
Romantic Success
Relationships & Maritial Success
Parenting Success
Career Success
Educational Success
and the list goes on....
But you first have to identify what your own individual values are.
What is YOUR idea of success?
Being married with 5 children and being a housewife?
Being a career woman obtaining 2 college degrees and
climbing your way up in an organization?
Do you value prestige, status, image?
Or are you non-materialistic and prefer simpler values
such as YOUR idea of success may be:
Owning a little cottage by a stream in the mountains
and working as a self-supporting artist;
Leading a nomadic lifestyle and traveling for several
years before settling down; doing odd jobs and exploring
Do you yearn for a nice new car? Or would you settle
for the goal of a functional vehicle with no flair?
Do you want to live in a nice suburb or would you
prefer a flat in a city?
Do you want to buy a house at all and be tied down
with a mortgage?
I suggest you make a list of your goals first.
If you are undecided about certain issues, make a list
of pros and cons about it and write them all down.
The side with the most pros wins out.
Is physical appearance very important to you?
You may want to save up so you can afford cosmetic
dentistry, plastic surgery, etc.
Or you may want to finish college and then volunteer
for the Peace Corps or work in a foreign country for
a religious organization helping the poor.
Once you make your list of goals, break them down
into short term, medium term and long term goals.
Then prioritize them. Put stars next to the ones that
are most important to you.
Then set out to reach your goals by careful planning on
how you will reach your main goals. First work on the
short-term ones. They should build up the base for your
obtaining the other goals.
I know a man who wanted to own a house, but he earned
a very low salary. Everyone he worked with laughed at him
when he said he was going to save and buy a house. So he
ate a lot of baloney sandwhiches and beans for many years.
And one day he paid CASH for his house. He reached his
goal, and he had the last laugh.
Don't let others judge or try to dissuade you from obtaining your goals. And people will try to do this. They will offer advice, and some will be jealous of your determination and willpower. Do not weaken. Thomas Edison, the great inventor, had many inventions fail before he had successful inventions. And many people tried to discourage him by telling him "it won't work".
Well he invented the lightbulb and many other useful inventions, and he had the last laugh.
Seek out mentors in your life -- successful and caring adults who are willing to help counsel and guide you on your educational and career paths. When necessary, seek out counseling from mental health or other agencies to provide you with objective advice and assistance in meeting your goals. Libraries are a huge resource, and so is the internet, but be careful with your sources to ensure they are valid sources for information.
Study decision making and reasoning and logic. Study psychology. A well-rounded higher education will provide you with much ammunition to succeed in life. Don't quit until you at least get a 4-year degree, and if possible, go on to get your Masters Degree, and even your Doctorate. Consider obtaining formal education as an extremely high priority, for your earnings in life will dictate how much financial freedom you will have.
If you don't want to live hand-to-mouth every paycheck and eek by in life, then please give yourself the greatest gift and get that education. And once you're earning, put away at least 25% of your income every month in a savings plan, and pay yourself first. Forget the money is there. Don't dip into it, no matter what.
I suggest you invest in land, even if it is just 5 acres. You can make payments on land, and it is something that rarely decreases in value. It will give you a place to go to and build a house upon, to anchor you, and is a smart investment which you could eventually sell if you had to.
Working on self-confidence and your sense of self-worth is critical to becoming successful in life. You must learn not to take everything personally, not to be hyper-sensitive, and to become very patient.
As you mature, these can all happen naturally but it's better if you are aware and work at these. Develop emotional maturity--try to avoid impulsive decisions and behavior, rationalize and balance things carefully in your mind, and weigh your words carefully as you can never take them back.
Developing a good reputation and name for yourself is also a hallmark of success. Foolish actions in one's youth can come back on you later in life. Forgive others often and admit you're wrong and say you're sorry and don't hold grudges. Don't stay mad long at others, for festering anger is toxic to one's very soul.
Develop a resume' and obtain letters of recommendation from teachers, professors, neighbors, employers and co-workers. This is very important in obtaining a good job throughout your life. Strive hard to do your very best at whatever you do. Don't settle for sub-par performance. Push yourself, because you can surprise yourself as you are much more capabable of many things you never thought possible.
Learning to run long distance is a very good way to teach oneself self-discipline, which you will need to become successful. Many people who are unsuccessful lack this trait. They are weak and give in and give up too easily. You must believe in yourself, even when you're not sure. Develop an invincible sense of self that will not be crushed by lost loves, hurts from friends, or tragedies that befall you.
Life has no guarantees. You win some, and lose some. But those who are able to make lemonade out of lemons, who are able to maintain a positive attitude in the face of uncertainty, are those who will overcome obstacles in life and succeed.
You do not need a high income to suceed, nor a husband, nor children. What you need is to be happy and at peace. For me, life must offer challenges or I grow easily bored. So for me, having difficulties to surmount makes life interesting and keeps me from boredom.
What makes you happy? Identify what does for you.
Do you love the water and to swim and boating activities?
Or do you love the mountains and climbing and skiing?
Living in a climate and region where you can enjoy the
activities you love the most can greatly enhance your life.
A country girl living in a huge metropolitan area may find
herself miserable, if her heart is growing a big garden of
sunflowers and peas.
Be true to yourself, never compromise your dreams, and never stop dreaming and setting goals. Remember that the little girl you once were is still within you and never lose touch with the little girl and child in you. Remember to run barefoot on the grass, look up at the stars at night, and to laugh so hard you cry and fall to the grown, filling the air with sounds of joy.
Embrace life for it is fleeting and time spares no one.
Savor each moment as if it were your last. Try to bring joy
and laughter to at least one person every day in your life.
Friends are the gold nuggets in life. Develop friendships that are true and lasting, and visit and stay in touch with them often.
I have friendships which have lasted almost 30 years, and we still continue to stay in touch. They are so dear to me, and having somebody that knows you inside and out for so long a time is a great treasure.
Express yourself in writing; write down your thoughts, feelings, etc. This is very good for you to learn to explore where you stand on certain issues, etc.
Be creative --all work or all studying and no play "Makes Jack a Dull Boy". Spend time being artistic, poetic, or whatever you consider being creative--it could be crocheting potholders, sewing a dress, etc.
Allow for spontaniety such as weekend adventure trips on the road, visiting a new place, etc. Vary your routines and avoid ruts. If you find yourself getting into ruts, change your behavior. Challenge yourself by forcing yourself to move out of yoru comfort zone. If you're afraid of public speaking, join Toastmasters. If you're terrified of dancing, take dancing lessons.
Don't let fears rule your life and limit you.
Too much time spent in self-analysis can paralyze you as well.
So don't go too deep--try to keep it light and not take yourself too seriously all the time and in fact, allow others to have a laugh at your expense, or even laugh at yourself sometimes, for all human beings are funny and ridiculous and silly at times.
Humor has kept me sane, so I value it highly. When I'm stressed, I look for the humor in a situation.
Try not to worry or to be anxious. Everything will come to
pass--be it the big exam on Friday, the job interview, the
financial crisis, etc. Take life each day as it comes, and
try to get the most out of each day.
For so many people knuckle down, get all this college, get
married and have children, and wind up working at the same
job for many years, only to retire and get sick and can't enjoy their retirement. Or people become disabled in life and can't enjoy it.
Try to safeguard your health, and make this a high priority in your life. Regular exercise should be just as important as stress management and time management. Your body can't get you where you want to go if you abuse it by smoking or drinking etc.
To make it in the long run, you should discipline your body, your habits and it will pay off by your keeping a nice figure, retaining your attractiveness naturally, and by living a longer life, and having the energy and physical ability to enjoy activities.
Many people are too busy to take the time to just reflect in thought. You should purposefully set aside so much time every day to do just that, even if it means just rocking in a rocking chair holding your cat in your lap with your eyes closed. Or going to the park and sitting on a park bench and watching passers-by. Go to the beach and walk the shoreline. You can pray or just free-think about anything and everything. This is very helpful to clearing one's mind of the day's activities and of centering and focusing.
You will need to be focused and self-disciplined if you want to remain motivated to becoming successful in life. But you must also realize in your humanness, that we all have weaknesses and flaws, that we are not all perfect and can never be perfect, and you must be willing to accept it when the times come in your life that you will have to accept a loss, a change, or make a decision that you don't want to make. Life sometimes forces you to do these things. You must realize that life is not perfect, that people make mistakes, and that if you learn from your mistakes, then they are useful events in your life, not failures.
So don't be too hard on yourself when you fall down. Get back up and keep going. You may need to re-assess your situation and re-evaluate where you're headed and possibly change your direction, but keep going.
Good luck!
2007-01-03 13:03:37
answer #5
answered by Ivy 3