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2007-01-03 11:26:54 · 19 answers · asked by lil ricky v 1 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

19 answers

Our bodies are integrally linked to our minds, and the chakras correspond with different, specific aspects of how our bodies, minds, and spirits work together to create one living being.

Located at the base of the spine. This chakra is responsible for our abilities to percieve space and time, and to remain grounded to the Earth. It corresponds with material things, success, patience, and courage. Stones that open this chakra are garnet, ruby, red jasper, and bloodstone- they are held to the chakra to open it. Color: Red, balanced by black

Located about two inches below the navel. This chakra is responsible for our sexuality, physical vitality, emotions, pleasure, desire, passion, love, change, new ideas, and health. It corresponds with all things forementioned. Stones that open this chakra are carnelian and coral. Color: Orange, balanced by brown

Located just below the chest. This chakra represents ability to pick up vibrations and tune in to energy from other people, places, and things. It corresponds with self-control, control of desire, authority, transformation, happiness, and energy. Stones that open this chakra are amber and citrine. Color: Yellow, balanced by green

Located over the heart. This chakra represents empathy and our ability to ground energy that flows through our bodies. It corresponds with feelings, forgiveness, unconditional love, understanding, compassion, trust, and openness. Stones that open this chakra are jade and aventurine.Color: Green, balanced by pink

Located at the front of the throat. This chakra represents the human race, and represents our abilities to hear beyond the normal hearing range. It corresponds with speech, communication with others, self-expression, truth, wisdom, knowledge, honesty. Stones that open this chakra are lapis.
Color: Blue, balanced by blue/green

Located on forehead between the eyebrows. This chakra represents psychic ability, is the seat of the celestial body, clairvoyance and the ability to see beyond time, mental ability, spirit guides, intuition, concentration, enlightenment. It is represented by all spirits- dead and living. It corresponds with all things forementioned. Stones that open this chakra are blue sodalite and some lapis. Colors: Indigo, balanced by white

Located at the top of the head. This chakra represents our connection to the God and Goddess, our higher selves. It corresponds with personalities, spirituality, inspiration, unity, divine understanding and wisdom, and infinity. Stones that open this chakra are amethyst.Colors: Purple, balanced by clear or crystal

"Chakras can be visualized by imagining a spinning wheel of light or fire. When opening a chakra, you can place a corresponding stone on the location of the chakra, and visualize your wheel of light as being the corresponding color. You don't have to work with stones in order to work with chakras. You can simply meditate and visualize your chakra, focusing on opening it, and then allowing yourself to meditate on what you want to achieve.
If you want to heighten clairvoyance, or meet a spirit guide, you can meditate on your third eye chakra. Visualize your wheel of light- indigo in this case- spinning under your skin at your forehead. Visualize indigo colored energy flowing into the chakra, and meditate on this vision until you are satisfied. Then, begin to open your mind, allowing yourself to be open and placid. Now, focus on achieving the ability to see beyond space and time, to see what may lie ahead. When you are finished, visualize your spinning wheel of light again and imagine that it continues to spin, but imagine that the indigo energy flowing into it ceases, and your chakra is now being flooded with the balancing color- white in this case. Visualize this white energy flowing into your chakra, and then imagine that it ceases. "

As with most other subjects we speak of here, there is much more to learn about chakras! This is a list of the seven major chakras. There are many minor chakras. We encourage you to read more. Working with chakras is a wonderful way to enhance your life- physically, mentally, and spiritually. You can open yourself to the ability to achieve what you want and better understanding of all things- emotions of all kinds, money and other material things, divination and clairvoyance, ability to learn and focus, relationships, and the list goes on. Chakras can be windows of opportunity, and should be opened so that we can benefit from what the god and goddess have in store for us. -

2007-01-03 22:47:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Seriously speaking: Become a Bad Guy. Seriously! Everybody says, that after you have done years and years of Scientology Auditing, or Pentecostal Praying, or Yoga Asana's to where, if your back is itching you, you use your foot, and all the excruciating stuff the masters tell you to, that, No-no- you did not achieve the opening of your chakras by hard work, sweat, and tears, but you MUST, and COULD ONLY have got there by opening yourself up to Satan! I'm like, I totally give up already! what's the use? Okay, having now got that off my chest (calling it my chest, to be polite and sanitary,) let us got down to really serious talk. What we are calling the Chakras are in fact the milestones reached and passed when one's willpower and concentration have been honed and developed beyond certain degrees. Carlos Castaneda is the only person to have revealed to the World, beyond any misinterpretation of mumbo-jumbo EXACTLY WHY AND HOW Spiritual Development is even possible and necessary. Why doesn't somebody get born, and grow up with all chakras open- just as a matter of chance? Actually, such people must occur from time-to-time. its just that they are too smart to be caught dead on Larry King Live. Every Human born is tagged by hostile spirit beings, and a FAKE CHAKRA installed in the tops of their heads, which is the port through which their constantly-supplied spiritual energy will be tapped for the entirety of their lives. These beings drain our life energies until by adulthood, they are about 1% what they should be. THIS CAN BE VERY EASILY VERIFIED. Any significant Spiritual Discipline makes our life energies unpalatable to them, so that none of them will sap us, when others more to their taste are around. Then, one's energy level rises, and one's decommissioned spiritual faculties start coming back on line, in as little as three days. One soon becomes able to *see.* If you can *see* well enough, you can *see* THEM. If you break the discipline you are on, they seize the opportunity immediately, and may sap your life energy beyond what they normally take, which can leave you a vegetable. This happens a LOT, and is NOT funny! Drugs should only be taken by someone who has the Discipline and the energy reserves, or there is totally no point. If you have the right discipline, you will never need drugs- which is good form, because these sorts of drugs inflict untold harm upon the body, where it is better they were never taken. NO Spiritual Discipline will be effective UNTIL AFTER you have purged your body of toxic substances that hold your mind in bondage, through your brain. The brain is not the Centre of Thought and Awareness, the MIND is. The Mind can become, and is usually, merged and enmeshed in the brain whereby "Science" is convinced that the mind is merely a part of the brain. It is not supposed to be. The fastest way to free your brain is to eat nothing for two weeks- making certain to drink two litres of fresh water each day. The first week will hurt like blazes. Do not eat anything or drink anything other than water. Tough it out, and the pain and weakness will subside- unless you have taken inordinately great care of the body bequeathed upon you, and there was never any pain. To forfeit all the benefits of fasting, just eat like as you feel, when you break the fast. After you have fasted three days, your production of gastric juice will stop, and you won't feel hungry. When you break your fast, the hunger can be on a level with narcotics withdrawal symptoms. (Any addictions you might have had would be broken by the third day of a proper fast). You have to be very careful, and drink only over-diluted fruit juice (citrus is best) in lieu of meals the first three days, then fruit juices, then fruits, then thin soups, then soft vegetables. No meat the same number of days you fasted. You will find yourself more Spiritually Aware. (All those who deny the Existence of God, the soul, and The Spiritual Realm have never done this.) Spiritual Exercises will produce results more readily.

2016-03-29 06:32:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are many internet sights that can offer you a pictation of what chakras can be visualized as, color specifics, body position specifics, and what each chakra affects. Use one of these and picture, starting at the bottom and one at a time, each becoming brighter and brighter. Think of the aspects the particular chakra is tuned to. Don't worry if you have to stop and read in the middle. Eventually you will memorize that part and won't have to. Do this whenever you want, for as long as you want, as much as you want.

2007-01-03 11:33:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Knowledge has been veiled in mystery. Because if we knew
how powerful we are as physical/spiritual beings. Along with human nature to be jealous and want revenge. We would have destroyed ourselves by now.
People spent years trying to do things that we can do easliy
now because we know what it is we're trying to do. Just
imagine a ball of light at each chakra, and then the chakras
lining up. Maybe into one big light.
It will take practice of course. And we actually have 12 chakras.
I wonder if one can do it faster standing up. But it might get tiring
till it actually starts working.

2007-01-03 12:25:21 · answer #4 · answered by Hermes Trismegistus 2 · 0 0

Yoga. Maybe some massage, some essential oils. Different oils correspond to different chakras. I don't remember which. You can sometimes find little kits that have 7 vials of oils for the chakras so you don't have to buy 7 whole bottles of the oils. I saw some in a massage products catalog--I'm sure they're online somewhere.

2007-01-03 11:31:13 · answer #5 · answered by SlowClap 6 · 0 0

Sit quietely and very comfortably, and open the chakras one at a time starting from the base of the spine and working up to the third eye. You can see each one as eminating a different colour if you like to meditate on that. HTH LOL

2007-01-03 11:31:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Tampering with your chakras is NOT a good career move.

Each of the chakras is linked with the glands of the endocrine system.

Tampering with chakras means you are affecting the glands as well.

if you muck up your endocrine system; you could die, or worse have to go on life sustaining medication with nasty side effects.

2007-01-05 00:40:43 · answer #7 · answered by Rev. Two Bears 6 · 0 0

You can find more information about this in books about asian religion (buddhism e.g.) but it is very dangerous to open the chakras as long as you're not ready for it

2007-01-03 11:32:48 · answer #8 · answered by crystal 2 · 0 0

If you are interested in Kundalini yoga -- or at least your question implies that -- I would recommend that you seek an authentic teacher/guru from a long standing tradition/lineage and don't try to find the answers simply in the books.

Do lots of research before you make a final choice on the teacher who will take you on the journey. The guru is essential in this.

2007-01-03 11:31:16 · answer #9 · answered by Sasi 2 · 1 0

By realizing that Bad actions or Iron shackles. and good actions or golden chains my son.all will appear to you in mediation once this is confirmed and verified and sealed into your being.in response to the higher powers vibratory rate balancing with your own rate of consciousness,in all Chakra energy points. in relationship with your eternal soul.becomeing one with Sugmod.Baraka Bashad. May the blessings be.

2007-01-03 12:17:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It helps to be clean and relaxed first..easier when you are alone. Here is a nice site that explains in simplicity..good luck!


2007-01-03 11:29:12 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers