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43 answers

You are a warrior and you married a weak woman. If she can't stick with you through a toughh time like this. Do you really want to have children with her and stay with a woman who will not support you, who is weak and can't stay faithful through tough times? I'm so sorry she is such a B****. You do not deserve this.
I think you should leave her.

PS: THANK YOU for serving our country and keeping us safe!!!!

2007-01-03 10:29:05 · answer #1 · answered by luv3dbb 5 · 7 1

Yes, he can be punished for adultery...but this really is NONE of your business and you shouldn't be sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. A husband cheating on his wife is a terrible thing, but it is a personal problem that everybody else should stay out of. I spent 5 years in the military, and you have no idea how common adultery is...it's almost a military culture, but there is an unwritten rule that you stay out of another guy's personal life. I can't count how many E-7's and E-8's in my command, who I knew were married, I have seen in a club in some foreign country with a hooker sitting on their lap. Is it right? Of course not. Is it any of my business? Of course not. THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!! Do you realize how pathetic it makes you that you are even thinking about trying to get him in trouble for something that doesn't affect you either way? And even though it appears like it, you really have no firsthand knowledge that this guy has ever had sexual relations with anybody other than his wife. Don't screw this guy's career because you feel like being a nosey *****. For all you know, he might be great at his job, and the Marine Corp may be worse off without him.

2016-05-22 23:55:22 · answer #2 · answered by Emely 4 · 0 0

Leave her, plain and simple. If she had truly loved you in the first place she would have waited for you. And believe it or not there are faithful women out there, you'll always question her and never fully trust her again. Do you think you will be able to sleep next to her in the same bed for the rest of your life? Will you question the paternity of the children she bears? Will you question her where abouts constantly? Ask yourself these questions and analyze the situation you live in currently with her. She might be remorseful, of course a lot of people have a conscience, but she betrayed your trust. She violated the sanctity of your marriage, if you find it in your heart to let go, God bless.

2007-01-03 11:17:58 · answer #3 · answered by Lexy 6 · 1 0

When my wife cheated on me I divorced her. Now you are not me but I think you need to ask your self some questions, can I forgive her, can I ever trust her, can I ever be happy with her again. These question can only be answered by you. Best of luck Marine.

2007-01-03 10:30:16 · answer #4 · answered by bootjack 3 · 2 0

I think that is Pretty low to do that to someone you love, I'm sure there are alot of Emotions going on, on both of your parts her's being all alone and your's fighting for this country in iraq wanting to be home, but their are no excuses for her actions. Life is hard and it's about choices It ultimately comes down to you, Is she worth saving and can you forgive her if not then she needs to go, you deserve better life is too short.

2007-01-03 10:34:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You do what you have to do. She was I am sure aware of the marriage vows as well as you are, This is a betrayal, and you either can forgive and forget or you can not, figure out which one is what you can do and work from there,.this will require some very emotional thinking and planning, what ever happens. I do wish you well what ever the path you choose

2007-01-03 10:29:48 · answer #6 · answered by rkilburn410 6 · 0 0

Dump the b*tch! If my man was fighting in Iraq I would be too worried to have time to cheat. That's just wrong. Any real woman that deserved you wouldn't do something like that.

2007-01-03 10:26:32 · answer #7 · answered by dmstanley02 3 · 4 0

as much as it hurts u, do u really want to be married to someone who betrays u, personally it would be much easier to end it and move on than take her back and have to relive the hurt all over again later on. she betrayed u, while u were away fighting for your country, while she was playing games with your heart. best to get past this asap, and move on, as u will never feel quite the same about her, even if u managed to forgive her. as it always lies in the back of our minds, for it's chance to resurface and rear up again, in another time, and place. always seems to be there no matter how much we try to avoid it. the best thing we could do for ourselves, even if it breaks our heart, is to face reality, and realize this person didn't really love us like we loved them, and a one sided love affair will never work out, so sorry about what u are having to deal with. god bless

2007-01-03 12:46:01 · answer #8 · answered by jude 7 · 0 0

What was she like before you went Iraq? You would be surprise how often this happens and has since WW1 .Divorce her if you plan on making the military your career or she;ll get half of your pension.even if she does this over and over again.

2007-01-03 10:29:11 · answer #9 · answered by barcan 2 · 2 0

You have to talk it out. Is she in love with this other Marine, or was it just a one time thing? Most guys cheat on their wives and girlfriends when they're separated, and they have the opportunity.It happens out of physical sexual needs, not out of love for the person they're cheating with. You don't have to answer this but stop and think, did you ever cheat on her? If you did, was it just out of physical need and loneliness while you were at war, or did you do it for love? If you think by dumping her and starting over with somebody else that life will be a bed of roses, you're mistaken. We are all just human, and we make mistakes sometimes. We all need to forgive, because we all need to be forgiven. Talk it out with the woman you love. You can get past this, and still have a wonderful life together.

2007-01-03 10:41:02 · answer #10 · answered by nachtmann2 5 · 0 4

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