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can you write plays then use em on the feild in coaching mode and/or when you are actually playing?? also is madden 07 a fun expericience on the wii or should I get it on PS2 or something, and also do I have to stand up to play it or is it like Zelda where you can play sitting??

2007-01-03 08:14:08 · 1 answers · asked by Mr. BaSkEtBaLl 3 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

1 answers

OK. Yes you can write your own plays and use them in the game. Just choose a play either pass or run and a formation, I form, Shotgun or whatever and your on your way. And yes Madden 07 on Wii is extremely fun. I'd have to say it breathed a little bit of life back into what was becoming a somewhat dull series in my opinion. Check out www.ign.com. They actually say it is the best version of the game available. Last, you play sitting down. No need to stand up unless it's to taunt your homies after you burn' em for a long pass.

2007-01-03 08:23:28 · answer #1 · answered by WHEELJACK 4 · 0 0

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