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Which MMORPG do you prefer, and why? If you have played some/most/all of them, could you rank from favorite to least and give an explanation why? The more detailed answer you give of your opinion, the better your chances of scoring best question.

World of Warcraft
Everquest 1
Everquest 2
Dark Age of Camelot
Ultima Online
Star Wars Galaxies
Guild Wars
Dungeons & Dragons Online
EVE Online
Final Fantasy XI
Lineage 2
Matrix Online
Phantasy Star Universe
Saga of Ryzom

2007-01-03 08:13:52 · 3 answers · asked by Guvo 4 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

3 answers

i have play over half of the games on the list above. I would just had to say that WoW maybe one of the biggest but it is also the one i quit the fastest after i found out that it was so much like the rest of them all like EQ2 and Dungeons & Drangons ....ect

WoW is a great game to play if it is one of your first but for 15 a month it is nothing specal for the same old same old.

on the other had i would say that your best offer on the list would have to be guildwars since there are now putting out expanshion packs and there is no monthy charge.

Other then that most of the other games every one is at the max level and there is no one to play with or there are no more subscibers paying becouse they max out and nothing more to do.

Trust me on when i say this ... you will get bord with any of these games after awile so just keep changing when new good ones come out.

2007-01-03 08:34:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

From the ones you listed World of Warcraft is the best one on the list. Also Guild Wars is a good choice. The other games you've listed aren't really popular MMORPG. Final Fantasy XI is a decent game but you have to pay (same as WOW)

Go to this website.

It shows a lot of reviews of PC games. So you should take a look and see whats best. (many of the names youve listed got crappy scores)

Since WOW is the best there is for PC (like 9 million subscibers?) its good. Since its constantly expanding it never gets boring. With the expansion coming out there is going to be a lot of hype about this game.

2007-01-03 08:22:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I play none of those but I do play Runescape and really love the game (and it doesn't cost as much as most of the others), i have freinds that also play World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XI and they really love those games as well. (note on FFXI, i am told you have to do everything in groups pretty much).

A great thing about runescape is that it is free to play to get to see if you really like it before you have to subscribe. Also, you don't have to download RS and it doesn't take a ton of RAM to play it, after a short little load time the first time you play, you are off to the races and loading is like lightning for all of the rest of the times you play. Also, runescape has millions of subscribers and is always expanding and getting new quests and items. I love this game.

2007-01-03 08:27:50 · answer #3 · answered by underbenjamin 1 · 0 0

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