well, you take what you like and turn it into something you do in your spare time. i like photos, so i like to scrapbook in my spare time. i LOVE reading, so I write erotic stories. There's PLENTY of alternatives.
2007-01-03 07:39:03
answer #1
answered by julesprincipessa 3
Find some who does something that might interest you. Look at Community Magazines, YMCA, School Classes... or even friends and family that has hobbies. Show some interest and they'll love it also.
Don't spend a lot of money first. You might not like. Best way is to try it first, so you know what you need to buy, how much it costs to start.
Believe me, my wife has a lot of hobby "stuff" I got for her that is sitting in the closet but it is okay because I never get her the "good" stuff. Except for that $500 camera.... ugh!! She actually sounded she was going to be interested in photography!
2007-01-03 20:00:34
answer #2
answered by That Guy 3
Go to a craft store like Jo Anns or Michaels and wonder around awhile. Go up and down each aisle and find out where you spend the most time. I always seem to find a new craft while I am there, and they usually have great beginner kits. If you find your self in the sticker or paper aisle try scrap booking, if you like looking at yarn try knitting, or the wood craft area, framing, painting, art, beading, ect. Have fun!
2007-01-03 16:35:42
answer #3
answered by CutieGirl 2
Take up the guitar - you'll never regret it for the rest of your life. Best hobby ever.
But if you ain't musically inclined - go to Michael's or some other crafts store and look around - find something that appeals to you.
2007-01-03 15:38:58
answer #4
answered by F. Perdurabo 7
A hobby can develop from any interest you may have (i.e. flower arranging, baking, sewing, knitting, button collecting, making things with popsicle sticks.....) There are some new shows on HGTV that might give you some ideas also.
2007-01-03 20:58:45
answer #5
answered by knittinmama 7
Check with your local library for free lectures/programs. Also check your local Adult Education program. Maybe something will spark your interest. You could ask friends what kinds of things they enjoy doing and join them when they do, to see if it is something that interests you too.
2007-01-03 15:42:11
answer #6
answered by Gnometomes 4