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6 answers

There are a few reasons

1) You could be having a full scan running at the background, which could make the computer very slow.

2) The latest update is 7.5 if you dont have that download that now from their website

3) If you have not downloaded AVG from their offical site and downloaded somewhere else it is likely that your computer is infected

4) Update your AVG virus database

5) If you have enough time scan your computer if you do have a virus

6) Dunno if you have done this but running two anti viruses could severly slow down your computer or maybe stop it from working when starting it up. Uninstall the old antivirus before you installed AVG.

Let me know if one of these 6 solutions help you out =]

2007-01-04 06:09:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You might want to check if your previous anti virus program still running in the background.
Double check it.
If you have Norton before.
Go to symantec get the cleaner tool to remove rest of the remaining files or whatever you have in your system.
I use avg on my for a long time it's a smooth program.
Should not slow you down at all.
Get a Register Mechanic or TuneUp Utility program.
It will help fix your registry problems.
Your system should be back to normal.
You should delete AVG then run the system to see the different.
And then reinstall to see any changes.
I am pretty sure you registry is kind of mess up.
Another thing you can try to do without spending any money.
Go to www.filehippo.com.
Download see Ccleaner.
Besides using to clean the junks that left in your hard drive.
You can also select the blue Icon(issues) on the left column.
It will clean out all your broken files and files that were left behind from your old programs.
Hope it will help solve your problems.
Been there before, I know how it feel.
Good Luck.

2007-01-03 07:46:40 · answer #2 · answered by wm43552000 2 · 0 0

what a coincedence,i was using avg for my vista beta system and it was slowing that down so i switched to windows one care live
however this is only a trial so if you want a excellent free anti-virus program which uses little system resources try avast4.7(http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_home.html)
this is a excellent program which i use on windows xp,it installs and sets up in less than 3 minutes and is very easy to use
i have noticed no effect on the speed of the computer while using avast and it is excellent at spotting new viruses as they are discovered
what i have noticed about avg the times i have used it is its very slow at updating its virus database,were avast updates sometimes up to 3 times a day
avast will run in trial mode for 60days but you can register free any time before then by clicking the link in the scanner
get rid of avg...use avast
good luck

2007-01-03 08:14:29 · answer #3 · answered by brianthesnail123 7 · 0 1

Avg 7.5 does a full system scan the first time a computer is started up everyday. Right click on the AVG scanning icon in the System Tray and select 'Cancel Scanning'

2007-01-03 07:35:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

uninstall and get a different version? or take it from a different site, the site you got it from made be infested with buggy things

2007-01-03 07:34:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

you could get avira anti-vir personal edition its free antivirus and the best free one, i've used it for a long time and it doesnt hog system resources


2007-01-03 11:03:36 · answer #6 · answered by mocho22 3 · 0 1

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