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20 answers

A better question is why they condemn Nixon for committing obstruction of justice but Clinton is their hero although he committed both perjury and obstruction of justice!

I think both are criminals.

Please, learn about our government and the legal system.


PS Clinton was testifying about his sex life because of a law HE SIGNED making evidence of other possible instances of improper office relations relevant in sexual harassment cases. No Democrat that I know of has called for repeal of that law. Why?

2007-01-03 06:58:55 · answer #1 · answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7 · 8 6

They're still angry that Clinton, despite being impeached, walked away gracefully and with higher approval ratings than Dubya is having right now.

Don't let the neo-cons try to spin this to say, "It's about his lying under oath". Remember that Ken Starr's rampant attack on Clinton was a misguided -- but taxpayer funded -- witch hunt that had GOPsters drooling for revenge. They hated Clinton for winning re-election, and hopped on this Lewinsky affair like flies on a dog-turd. In reality, Clinton DIDN'T have to be sworn under oath were it not for the vitriolic hate that Republicans had for the savvy and charismatic Clinton. Very little got done by this Congress (nor the most recent one, the 109th), and the whole affair turned into a media circus that allowed the GOP to share pornography with the American people. The public didn't bite, and GOPsters have been fuming mad ever since.

If Giuliani is sworn under oath, or ANY Republican caught with his pants down (and there are many) I guarantee they would be perjured as well.

2007-01-03 07:07:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

Because Giuliani wasn’t the President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces who was on the phone making policy while getting sucked-off by a slut without even a security clearance, that’s why.

Now here’s two questions for you; don’t you think someone holding that high an office owes the public who put him there better behavior than that? And, as leader of the free world be held to a little higher standard of morality than say, Larry Flint or Barney Frank?

2007-01-03 07:20:55 · answer #3 · answered by gugenheim84 4 · 2 4

Perhaps because Clinton lied under oath? I don't recall the State of New York having hearings on anything, and asking Giuliani about his conduct.

To go even further, there is an ethics issue at hand, there, as well. President Clinton had intimate relations with someone under his supervision. That represents a major breach in not only security, but also in the ability of the superior to use fair and just judgement in the execution of their office.

2007-01-03 07:04:32 · answer #4 · answered by sjsosullivan 5 · 4 4

Why must this situation always be misstated. The problem many people have with Bill Clinton is that he lied under oath. Most people would not have cared that Bill Clinton had an affair, or for that matter multiple affairs, but lying about it was a serious credility issue. The real question is why is it that Democrats cannot admit this simple fact, but rather choose to defend this man at every opportunity? Integrity matters to most people whether you choose to believe it or not.

SunsetSam and Ryan: Clinton did not commit perjury before Congress. He committed perjury before a grand jury investigating allegation of sexual harassment stemming from Paula Jone's allegations. The investigation of those allegations were an expansion of the Whitewater investigation approved by then Attorney General Janet Reno. So by your logic if anyone was out to get Clinton it was his own Justice Department. If you are going to speak to matters of fact kindly try getting them correct before making wild claims.

Ryan: Further if you think any Republican gave Nixon a pass for his behavior then I think you must have been a poor history student. Nixon would have been impeached and convicted. Republicans were not going to back him this is why he resigned.

2007-01-03 07:05:15 · answer #5 · answered by Bryan 7 · 3 5

Another question might be why the ***** was Clinton on the stand answering questions about his personal life in the first place?

Was that even relevant?

Nixon destroys the trust of the American people by conspiring to steal an election and thats OK, but Clinton cheats on his wife, which has zero effect on you or the country and is between him and his wife and that's an federal offense that needs to be investigated for $100 million?

How would you like to testify on your personal sex life before congress?

2007-01-03 07:09:22 · answer #6 · answered by Ryan 3 · 5 2

What makes you think Republicans have no problem with that?

Did Giuliani commit adultery IN THE OVAL OFFICE itself? And did Giuliani commit perjury during a sexual harrassment suit?

Why do you keep bringing up Clinton?

2007-01-03 07:02:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

Petty advert hominem assaults are all liberals have left. i assume whilst almost all your occasion are begging for handouts together as watching Jerry Springer all day, you will desire to assert some thing that gets their interest.

2016-10-29 22:03:50 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

This is called the "It's Okay If You're A Republican" (IOIYAR) syndrome.

Don't forget Newt Gingrich and his four wives, including one he cheated on....

...Or Bohemian Grove.

...Or GOP senate candidate Jack (off) Ryan who asked his wife Jeri Ryan ("Star Trek Voyager") to give blow...jobs to other men in Paris nightclubs. ("Deep Throat? Non!") Jeri Ryan was disgusted and divorced him for asking.

...Or Scott McLellan's and Jeff Gannon's private affair. (McLellan was known to cruise gay bars in Texas.)

...Or Mark Foley. (FAUX "news" called him a "Democratic party" member.)

...Or Rush Limbaugh's trip to the Dominican Republic.


2007-01-03 07:36:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I don't know why, but I find it interesting to see how absurdly thin some of the other people responding to your question are slicing the pie.

It's not so bad because he didn't do it in the Oval Office... What nonsense.

2007-01-03 07:06:13 · answer #10 · answered by fake_cowboy 4 · 3 2

Oh you must have missed the memo.

Its all Clintons fault. Everything.
When in doubt blame Bill. Nothing else matters.

2007-01-03 07:17:40 · answer #11 · answered by Perplexed 7 · 5 2

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