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a. Lay low. Charge your ipod, stock up on batteries, crawl into the cellar for a week of lazy slumber. If possible bring a hot shorty with you. If you notice she likes to bite you may have invited the wrong girl.

b. You are allergic to zombies. And then, it turns out, being sneezed on cures people from being a zombie. You go on a campaign of seeking out zombies saying, 'prepare to be sneezed on!' and then curing them. As my first official act of being human again a-'gazoontite'!

c. If you can't beat them sell them flat screen TVs. After observing people buying flat screen tvs like zombies you figure you have a captive market. The undead take an instant liking to cheap electronic wares and pretty soon you're the next Donald Trump: "YOU'RE FIRED!"

d. You finally get to work on that novel you always meant to write. Unfortunately, subconciously zombie imagery (e.g. sleep-walking, empty graves, John Kerry) seeps into your narrative.

2007-01-03 05:41:02 · 9 answers · asked by judgemartiniz 5 in Entertainment & Music Movies

9 answers

e. Vote the Republicans out of office. They are brain-dead, Bible-banging bullies and robotic Yuppy corporate puppets.

2007-01-03 05:50:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

hmm a bit different than the other ZPAW scenarios I've seen. well any country I've visited so far except for japan has guns somewheres, all i need is to find a gun and some ammo then I'll have a much better chance of surviving over everyone else. Maybe off a dead cop, a dead solider, even from a gun store if I'm lucky enough to be in a nation to allow constitutionally the right to bear arms to its citizens (like the US). My personal preference to arms and ammunition made by communists and various horrible governments around the world means that I'm already skilled in using the world's most populous firearms. So if the military has some presence already all I need to do is to find a unit and hopefully I can get a rifle and ammunition from them. I can get the mall killed, or I can find a unit that has already been killed and loot their bodies for ammunition and weapons. If I'm in Canada/Mexico I can drive home (even though it can be 1000s of miles). if overseas then I'd bunker in someplace and salvage supplies when I can. If I'm in Taiwan I'd go into the mountains. Chances are neighboring china would nuke Taiwan's major cities to kill the zombies and stop the infection) Hopefully I'm not in Mexico. I no hapble Mexican. ( I speak english, chinese and a bit of french). From Canada or Mexico I get a working vehicle, some maps, a compass and various supplies and start going towards home. I can drive stick or automatic, and generally an excellent driver (the best vacations for me is a road trip by car that I drive). I am not some bumbling fool that would drive into military checkpoints or bandit roadblock/toll booths. I would only approach them if A) they are friendly or B) I can zip past them because whoever laid the roadblock was completely incompetent and should be shot. overseas I stay to myself and only help those in need and agree with my ways. I salvage for supplies, avoid unfriendly forces, if required, engage at 300+ meters (the average person can't shoot that far accurately) leave big cities when its close to being overrun by zombies or the military will take over it. keep a close eye on the news, whatever radio I may get. some countries may be neighboring a nuclear nation who may make the selfish decision to nuke the cities with zombies in it, regardless of how many foreign casualties to save their own country (their own as$es). going in too country side while I do not have the skills to farm, I'll seek out those who do. I may join up with an existing group of survivors or start my own place and compound.

2016-03-29 06:05:23 · answer #2 · answered by Cynthia 4 · 0 0

ROFL..I like C and D. I just finished reading "Cell" by Stephen King and I confess my cell phone is starting to scare the hell out of me! So that means I'll prob start fearing my ipod also. >_>

2007-01-03 06:02:56 · answer #3 · answered by starikotasukinomiko 6 · 1 0

Of the four choices, I'd pick A. But I'd stay in the attic, not the basement.

2007-01-03 11:09:49 · answer #4 · answered by James 3 · 0 0

All of the above!!

(you forgot to mention stock piling the shot gun shells for all those head shots you'll have to make).

2007-01-03 07:28:01 · answer #5 · answered by Camoguntruck_lady 3 · 0 0

D. 'Cause I like to write, I'm not being attacked by zombies, and I could form a plan to destroy them.

2007-01-03 06:00:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

lol the choices here are completely ridiculous lol........cant believe you thought these up.........

i would just wait for them to surround me and then do the splits......all their heads would explode in sheer amazement

2007-01-03 05:47:49 · answer #7 · answered by SpinKick 6 · 1 1

I 'd say D

2007-01-03 05:46:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1


2007-01-03 05:43:58 · answer #9 · answered by miss_kiki4 3 · 1 1

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