So when Bush took office the budget was balanced and we had a strong economy and a budget surplus. Now we have a weak economy, and a fiscal nightmare in the largest deficit in our history. I highly doubt, based on Bush's track record that if the budget is balanced in 5 years that it would have much to do with his mechanization's.
PS 9/11 didn't happen because of anything Clinton did, or didn't do. To say that democrats are weak on national defense is not only foolish, but also wildly incorrect. The terrorists that hit the World Trade Center in '93 were caught, tried and punished. They still languish in prison. What has Bush done? Invade Iraq? That's like blaming the Scottish for giving me a cold, nonsensical!
2007-01-03 05:22:29
answer #1
answered by vertical732 4
A balanced budget, while nice, isn't the whole story. One has to look at the economy, too.
So, take 2001. Bush comes in on the heels of a recession, followed less than a year later by 9/11. 9/11 had a huge impact on the economy, with huge losses. With or without tax cuts, there would have been a budget deficit. But without the tax cuts, the economy probably would have stayed moribund, and we'd not now be seeing increased tax revenues coming in.
Also, one needs to look at the additional spending enacted by Congress - No Child Left Behind and Medicare Prescription give-aways. Unconstitutional, too. But I digress. Then there was the cost of the war on terror.
Basically, there was no way that the budget would or could have been balanced prior.
But if you look at the unprojected increases in tax revenues, it mirrors the years prior to Clinton's elections when the revenues jumped in succeeding years due to the roaring economy.
And the success cannot be laid at Congress' feet - because this isn't their budget, it's the President's.
2007-01-03 13:25:11
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Balance the budget. Surely you must be delusional. I would happily bet a year's income that won't happen on the Democrats watch. After the Bush tax rate cuts, the amount of money flowing into the Federal government has exploded. That has not stopped them from spending even more than that. The Democrats are not going to cut any programs, they will just try to raise tax rates and that will slow the amount coming in. Write it down dude.
2007-01-03 13:20:37
answer #3
answered by united9198 7
The National-Union feels both major political parties are at fault. If a National-Union president comes into office then constructing the budget will be the first agenda and when a new president comes in office making the changes permanent,
2007-01-03 13:40:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No. You praise the wealthy who made so much money and created the tax receipts required to more than cover the gluttonous spending of poiticians.
They pay the overwhelming majority of all income taxes and should be thanked for bailing out our politicians time and time again from the financial morass they have created.
Don't forget, the Democrats earned their reputation as tax and spenders. Don't hold your breath. The Dems have still not figured out that lower taxes can (and have) resulted in greater tax receipts. How stupid can they be not to understand that process?
Oh, I forgot, they are politicians. That answers that question.
2007-01-03 13:36:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I blame the Bush administration for being unrestrained and not caring about the deficit, just almost being oblivious to it. It is almost like a kid that thinks he has a credit card without limits and no thought of all the millions of hard-working American workers who will have to pay it back. The Congress share blame because we have a balance of power and they are to be fiscally responsible and should not pass bills they cannot fund like: "No Child Left Behind." I challenge any lawmaker or proponent of this bill to take a dyslexic child with an 80 I.Q. in the fourth grade and take him from kindergarten reading level to the end of fourth grade reading level in about 7 months when the proficiency tests come. Congress is also to blame for sending bills through pressured by lobbyists and for earmarking bills. They are there to serve the public who voted them in. Would they handle their family and busines finances like this? I think not.
2007-01-03 13:30:45
answer #6
answered by StarGalactica 2
That's not a fair or reasonable question.
I might as well as you if the police know you're a pedophile.
You know, I've never seen a natural disaster get blamed on a political party before. And especially not the mayor, governor, or representatives of the state of Louisiana. Obviously their negligence is forgiven, even though the law states that the federal government cannot intervene unless they got off of their ignorant butts to ask for help.
The busses just sat there. The food relief just sat there. The mayor just sat there as elderly people were left behind in nursing homes.
But, of course, blame Bush for following the law and still organizing the relief effort and sending it there.
It takes at least 3 days to mobilize a massive government relief force for any major disaster, but blame the president, and none of the people directly responsible.
2007-01-03 13:14:48
answer #7
answered by askthepizzaguy 4
I love how all politicians propose plans to balance the budget in x number of years, yet they never get there. (well, except for Clinton in recent decades)
If they balance the budget in 5 years it'll be a miracle. They could balance it next year if they REALLY wanted to. There is no political will to do so as they'd have to cust tons of pork, entitlement, military and other spending where people have a vested interest.
2007-01-03 13:28:07
answer #8
answered by dapixelator 6
They couldn't balance the budget if they raised taxes to 100%. The total federal debt obligation is upwards of $54 TRILLION. There is no way in hell they're going to balance the budget by 2012, period. Both sides of the aisle are to blame for overspending, but this administration has cranked it up exponentially further than any previous one. This borrow-and-spend "conservative" administration is dumping our country down the toilet so fast, we'll be halfway into third-world status before the majority figure out how they did it.
2007-01-03 13:28:15
answer #9
answered by eatmorec11h17no3 6
Is Government set up to have a balanced budget?
It is a deficit from of budgeting, we make study of needs for a perod of time and then find ways to finance them over that period of time.
Well that is supposed to be how it was done, with taxes voted for, such as your school levy, but the act of borrowing to finace needs not covered with available taxation led to an unbalanced budget.
As for Federal we a have in actuality two budgets, on the books and off the books, with the ability of the off shelf items, many military and Intelligence budgets are passed without the oversight Congress person having a high enough clearance to be told of what they are voting for, to borrow without accounting a payment from the general public.
When a city puts forth a bond issue to raise funds , say a bridge they borrow the funds at interest rates, a 20 million bond issue cost extra as funds are needed now but paid back later,
this is deficit funding.
That the means to pay a loan is always now for a past need we constantly spend more on interest payments for each new project.
Example<> you buy this months grocerys with credit, interest included, and pay the bill for that month on payday leaving yourself short of cash so you again have to buy grocerys on credit.
It used to be called living within ones means and was a system we had to run government functions as well as personal lives.
When government swung to "Entitlement Programs in early 1800's , not just individuals but corporate, then the governing needs found itself in same condition as paying for last months grocerys with todays cash and borrowed more to just fund government future projections.
Never ending cycle, never profit driven, an unsustainable system, as we are now finding loss of American Lands Integrity to our Lender Nations, and neither Republicans or Democrats throughout our history has realy tried to stop this robbery of common treasury for special Interest Entitlements.
2007-01-03 13:39:51
answer #10
answered by theooldman 3