When choosing a house plant, it is important to know what light conditions it will be in at your house. How to water it and What you will need to look after it.
Light Conditions
We have prepared the chart below to give you an idea of what will grow well in given light conditions.
Light conditions
Suitable house plants
Well away from a window, but enough light to allow you to read a newspaper.
Aglaonema, Aspidistra, Asplenium, Fittonia, Helxine, Philodendron scandens, Sansevieria.
Close to a window that does not get any sun or set back from a bright window.
Aglaonema, Aspidistra, Dracaena fragrans, Dracaena marginata, Fatshedera, Fatsia, Ferns, Ficus pumila, Fittonia, Hedera Helix, Helxine, Howea, Maranta, Neanthe, Philodendron scandens, Sansevieria, Scindapsus, Tolmiea
In a sunless window or close to a window that gets some sun.
Anthurium, Asparagus, Azalea, Begonia rex, Bromeliads, Chlorophytum, Coleus, Columnea, Cyclamen, Dieffenbachia, Dizygotheca, Fuchsia, Garden bulbs, Hedera, Impatiens, Monstera, Peperomia, Philodendron, Pilea, Saintpaulia, Schefflera, Scindapsus, Spathiphyllum, Vines, Zygocactus
In or very close to an east or west facing window.
Beloperone, Capsicum, Chlorophytum, Chrysanthemum, Codiaeum, Cordyline terminalis, Cuphea, Ficus elastica decora, Gynura, Hoya, Nertera, Plumbago, Poinsettia, Sansevieria, solanum, Sparmannia, Tradescantia, Zebrina
In or very close to a south-facing window.
Agapanthus, Bougainvillea, Bouvardia, Cacti and Succulents, Celosia, Citrus, Heliotropium, Hibiscus, Hippeastrum, Iresine, Jasminum, Lantana, Nerine, Oxalis, Passiflora, Pelargonium, Rosa, Zebrina
2007-01-03 07:16:40
answer #2
answered by moose 6
There are seveal choices depending upon where you want to put your plants: south-facing windows, for instance, can support plants like miniature fancy geraniums, serissa, and certain succulents like "living stones". East windows can support the teddy bear vine (cyanotis kewensis), miniature begonia, fittonia, emerald ripple (peperomia), and the friendship plant. North facing windows offfer the choices of plants like certain ivies, ferns and mosses.
African violets are another consideration that do well in the house; as are palms and philodendrons.
2007-01-03 02:49:53
answer #5
answered by hopflower 7