Iraq. Folks may mention the Patriot Act (though it is not all positive) when writing about his presidency. They may mention his stance against terror. they may even mention his stance on deducation (not all it's cracked up to be. But when all is said and done they will remember Iraq.
LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act and did more for racial equality than any president since Lincoln. The first thing off anyones lips when you ask about LBJ is Viet Nam.
For Bill G.: Pants around the ankles never cost over 3,000 US lives.
2007-01-03 01:59:03
answer #1
answered by toff 6
Way back in Junior High School (as we called it then) I was a better public speaker than he is. He will be known for starting two wars, neither of which netted this country anything. The war in Afghanistan is a stalemate---you cannot win a tribal war. The war in Iraq has been a total failure. You could call it the Oil War, except we have not commandeered a single barrel of oil. The war in Iraq is a war of ideologies and you cannot defeat an ideology because the fighters are willing to die for what they believe in---they will never surrender. When will we ever learn to mind our own business? The world hates us now more than ever----we make dictatorship look good.
2007-01-03 10:11:22
answer #2
answered by Preacher 6
It all depends on how Iraq and the war of terror goes...the American people have a particular way they remember Presidents...example...Lincoln was a divider and responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, but he is known for freeing the slaves...Kennedy is known, for some reason, for giving Blacks Civil Rights, when it was LBJ that did that...and LBJ is know for Vietnam, like the person said in the answer above...all Kennedy did was almost get us in a nuclear war...heck they call Carter the peace President and all he ever did was farm we will know in about 10 to 20 years how Bush will be is to early to tell...also too...pants around Clinton's knees did cost over 2,900 lives...because no matter how the Liberals want to push 9/11 on Bush, Clinton was in office 8 years and Bush in office for 8 months...and I think history will in the end find Clinton responsible...
2007-01-03 10:19:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The president that got congress to approve everything they blocked for Clinton, after the event happended that Clinton was trying to prevent.
and the war that will still be going on.
2007-01-03 10:01:39
answer #4
answered by qncyguy21 6
Probably the one that kept the war with the Iraqies and Iranians in their countries instead of the "USA". Also a president that was and is tough on terrorism!!!!
2007-01-03 10:04:06
answer #5
answered by john5242548 5
A liar and a Idiot. Hey NSA and CIA I do not hate the President, I hate his policys.
2007-01-03 10:00:29
answer #6
answered by jl_jack09 6
Whimp, like many so called leaders here in the States that have no backbone.
2007-01-03 09:58:20
answer #7
answered by Dee_Smithers 4
Decidering, staying the course, and the Iraq Quagmire.
2007-01-03 09:56:15
answer #8
answered by The Twist 3
The bigest F***ing screwup
2007-01-03 14:15:24
answer #9
answered by A nobody 3
Answer # 3
2007-01-03 10:01:21
answer #10
answered by Anonymous