Next time you go to the doctor, ask them to show you where so you can feel it. My fundus (top of the uterus) felt like hard ridges under my skin. But I wouldn't have known that except my doctor took my hand placed it on it and then on another part of my tummy. You can feel a difference...but not until you know what you are feeling for.
Those books should clarify themselves, when they say, You can feel the uterus; what they really mean is the uterus can be felt from the outside by someone who has been trained, like your doctor.
2007-01-03 01:13:30
answer #1
answered by gypsy g 7
Lay on your back and start at your pelvic bone. Press gently but firmly into your belly and slowly work upwards towards your belly button. You'll feel a round, firm mass. That is your uterus. It will be probably not quite to the halfway point between your pubic hair and your belly button at this gestation. By about 16 wks the top of the uterus (or 'fundus') will usually have grown to about halfway between the pubic hair line and your belly button. By about 20 weeks of pregnancy the fundus should be closer to the level of your belly button.
2007-01-03 01:20:15
answer #2
answered by momma2mingbu 7
Pregnancies are as different as the people having them and books can only address the common truths. I would say the exceptions to the books are probably more common than the truths. If your 13 weeks you have already heard the heartbeat didn't it sound healthy and strong? Focus on that and read the books only to calm yourself never to freak yourself out more. In less than two months, maybe alot less, you will feel baby move and all will be right . Congratulations.
2007-01-03 01:06:37
answer #3
answered by leavemealone 3
If this is your first pregancy it will be hard to find so early into it. Unless you are very familiar with your body and how things felt before you were pregnant you probably won't be able to tell where baby is just yet. Your doctor will start measuring your uterus when you are at your appointments, when he/she puts one hand on your pelvic bone and uses the other to feel around your stomach, just ask him/her to show you where it is, they will help you feel around until you find it. Congrats!
2007-01-03 01:06:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Do not believe everything you read. When a physician feels the uterus it is two hand procedure with one hand pressing the cervix up to the other hand. I would be surprised if you could feel you own uterus, unless you have a very thin abdomen. Forget the books.
2007-01-03 01:06:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The book is a general guide not a definitive on your particular pregnancy , have your doctor show you next time you go in. I'm sure that would be no problem for him. I don't remember feeling mine.
2007-01-03 01:05:36
answer #6
answered by Dizzy 2
i didn't really feel my uterus until it was about 3-4 inches below my belly button. i think i was about 15-16 weeks pregnant then. be patient before you know it you won't have to even look for it
2007-01-03 02:30:03
answer #7
answered by award 3
I could feel mine, but you have to press quite firmly. i felt a swelling mass there, but docs and nurses tend to have a better idea of whats there cos they do it everyday. Im 30 weeks now and im amazed how my midwife knows which way my baby is laying! Fascinating!
2007-01-03 01:15:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous