first go to youtube and get the link to the video you want. then go to keepvid and paste the link into the box. instructions are available on keepvid. it's a very simple process actually. you can also change the format too.
2007-01-02 18:38:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Totally do a torrent.
Just go to your friendly neighborhood search engine, do "Avatar the last airbender torrent", even type in the episodes you want. Click on the link and a d/ling you go.
However, you'll need programs to run a torrent file. I don't know if your savy with it or whatnot so...
go git yoself a bittorent player
get divx or xvid or a vlc player (all free and quick to d/l. easy to find by search engine) if you have a mac. get bittorrent for mac to d/l all this crap by.
if you dont have a mac then no worries, just get divx and bittorrent.
Torrentspy should have, like, all the out episodes from dvd. So it'll be good quality and stuff.
Hope this helps. Links for places below.
All this is for naught if you already know this stuff. But if not, it really is worth it. Quality episodes and in the end you get to watch anything you want. Sweet. Much better than limewire, and faster.
2007-01-02 19:00:33
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
download a torrent client at then download torrents at've downloaded like 100+ shows this way
2007-01-02 21:13:30
answer #3
answered by James 2
u can download it from yahoo site
2007-01-02 19:26:13
answer #4
answered by Sonu G 5
y would u want to
2007-01-02 18:39:22
answer #5
answered by GearsOfWarLvr 1