Yes, and there are so many ways to combat it.
2007-01-02 18:28:08
answer #1
answered by Crystal B 3
I'm actually not scared since before I watched this movie, I read a book called "Chasing Spring," by Bruce Stutz. To sum up the book, it is about the author "chasing spring" (traveling as spring visits all the states of the USA) and seeing the changes of our advances in environment. I suggest this book to you, if you want more information, but it's not that fascinating (really boring actually, I was required to read it). Anyways, it is scary about global warming, but it can be helped and we're not at the end yet, but we do need to start working on it now.
2007-01-03 02:43:49
answer #2
answered by jas 2
Yeah i had the same reaction. I'm not a huge fan of Al Gore but but his points make scense. Hopefullly though people will start to realize all the damage thats going on and work on fixing it before it's too late.
2007-01-03 02:26:10
answer #3
answered by KaTHY 2
I haven't seen it yet (*it's on my netflix list) but i really dint' need to see it to be scared i live in Chicago and it was 56 degrees a couple days ago ..... now that is frigging scary ! should be in the 20's or lower by now
2007-01-03 02:29:00
answer #4
answered by Jinx 3
I was scared and it was a well done film, one of my favorites in 2006.
It is a serious wake up call for us to start watching what we do to our environment. We may not be alive to witness the consequences of our actions, but what about our children?
2007-01-03 02:23:13
answer #5
answered by MidnightSlayer28 2
Yes. It wasn't just talk to scare us they had picture to prove it. I am glad people are watching it. Makes me really nervous to see if nothing changes what will become of the earth.
2007-01-03 05:23:23
answer #6
answered by jipp 5
Scared by the lack of motivation to do anything about it.
2007-01-03 02:23:12
answer #7
answered by skycameronsoleil 2
I was forced to see it and it scared me half to death. The pictures and statistics he showed were just frightening!
2007-01-03 02:24:46
answer #8
answered by Jessica M. 3