This dude got dogs. I don't do dogs... I had a real bad experience, man.
What happened?
I had. A bad. Experience. Damn it. I'M deaf
Sitting in prisons doesn't make you a good father. I spent half my kid's life in prison. Don't get to be my age with nothing but this, Charlie. Find somebody you want to spend the rest of your life with, and hold onto her forever.
I want to see the look on that man's face when his gold is gone. He stole my father from me, I'm stealing this
2007-01-02 17:52:03
answer #1
answered by cheekykim17 3
"Oh, I trust people. It's the devil inside of them that I don't trust."
I would like to add a one word line that - with explanation - was very funny. Shortly after the above quote was spoken by Charlize Theron in the movie, the scene in the restaurant had moved forward to where only Edward Norton and Mark Wahlberg were at the table. Norton tells Wahlberg that he basically has no chance of getting the gold back and finishes his discussion by saying that they had lost the element of surprise. Wahlberg responds by suddenly punching Norton in the face and onto the floor. Wahlberg then asks a stunned Norton, "Surprised?"
2007-01-03 02:03:25
answer #2
answered by G. Rex 3
There were a few good lines in that movie.
2007-01-03 05:22:48
answer #3
answered by LC 5
Look here comes evil.
Youll never mess with the real napster
2007-01-03 02:20:47
answer #4
answered by GearsOfWarLvr 1
where the spanish is fixin tha cars and charlize walks in with a sandwhich in her hand and he says "hello i dont think we've met," and she says ham and cheese...
2007-01-03 02:08:03
answer #5
answered by canarybrd09 2
why did you get to punch him and I didn't
so many good lines....I love that movie!
2007-01-03 02:15:33
answer #6
answered by ShebonQUAqua 1
I don`t have any, because it was a stupid film...
2007-01-03 01:48:38
answer #7
answered by Beatrix 2