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The personal trainer is used to train help up to the new "tougher" standards that will be taking effect. SWAT officers have regular physical agility and strength tests that they MUST pass to stay on the team.

2007-01-02 15:46:45 · 6 answers · asked by arbitter529 1 in Business & Finance Personal Finance

I am paying someone to train me...in addition to the regular gym fee. The personal trainer is a large expense, but they trained me to pass the REQUIRED test.

2007-01-04 16:16:49 · update #1

6 answers

it all depends on your ins company - call them and ask

2007-01-02 15:49:06 · answer #1 · answered by ekleinert 3 · 0 1

Sorry, no luck. IRS Publication 529 states:

You cannot deduct health spa expenses, even if there is a job requirement to stay in excellent physical condition, such as might be required of a law enforcement officer.

From what you described, it doesn't sound like an education expense either.

2007-01-02 16:51:37 · answer #2 · answered by Tony M 2 · 1 0

I hope so. I want the SWAT team members to have all the incentives needed to get into the shape needed to stay alive on the job. And win the war against the bad guys in the meantime!

While you're at it (lifting weights) take your nutritional supplements. I am an associate for a company that sells nutritional supplements that carry a $1,000,000 guarantee to be free from any banned substances. They're also in the PDR (Physician's Desk Reference).

Email me if you're interested in trying them. They do help alot in the recovery time from lifting weights too.

2007-01-02 16:05:47 · answer #3 · answered by teran_realtor 7 · 0 0

you need to use issues around your place as option well-being device issues :) like the step up issues, you may purely stroll up and down the stairs. of direction you may gain the comparable point of well-being, the instructor is quite to lead you and motivate you, so in case you will detect some thank you to motivate your self, then you definately would desire to have not got any problem. wish I helped. reliable success :) x

2016-10-29 21:09:02 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I suppose you can make a case for it. Why don't you ask your tax consultant and verify that before doing it though.

2007-01-02 15:54:48 · answer #5 · answered by snvffy 7 · 0 1

yes, anything you need to purchase for your job is tax deductable

2007-01-02 15:53:47 · answer #6 · answered by Economics Guy 3 · 0 1

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