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I lied to the doctor and told him I had unprotected sex the day before even though it was really the week before so that I could still get the pill and it would hopefully still work. I have aken it three times before and always start bleeding right away however this time I haven't. It has been four days and no signs of starting. Do you think I'm pregnant?
Just so all of you know this last time I went in I got birth control pills too so this doesn't happen anymore. I realize I have been irresponsible. I just need some advise.

2007-01-02 14:39:31 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

16 answers

The day-after pills can prevent a pregnancy in 90% of cases if taken within 72 hours {3 days} after unprotected intercourse. Some doctors suggest that you may take them up to 5 days after intercourse, though the effectiveness rate then decreases to about 70%. This is because fertilization occurs in the fimbriated end of the fallopian tube; then the fertilized ovum starts to travel down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. This process takes some 5 to 6 days; then the ovum needs a further 24 to 48 hours to implant itself into the lining of the uterus. So, if you conceived a week before you took the pills, by then chances are that the ovum is already implanted into your uterus. This will make taking the pills at that time useless, because they won't cause you to miscarry. My advice is that you take a pregnancy test {a blood serum Quantitative HCG test preferably}; this test is very sensitive and can give an accurate result by now. Then, if it turns out positive, you can terminate the pregnancy at this early stage, when the procedure is very simple and less risky than giving birth. But that would be your choice, if you want to terminate it, or carry it to term. The important thing is to know for sure ASAP, so you can make your decision early on. If, on the contrary, you're not pregnant, please get on birth control so this situation doesn't repeat itself. I wish you the best of luck, and hope that my advise has been of some help and comfort at this difficult time.

2007-01-02 16:16:17 · answer #1 · answered by la_nena_sabe... 5 · 0 0

I accept as true with Emily ok. this is how the pill works. And being on antibiotics makes the delivery administration pill ineffective, not being ill. yet i does not trouble, you're saying you have been on the pill for 8 months and that's lots long adequate for the pill to be working precise jointly with your equipment. And feeling ill is in all probability merely out of your pills, many females sense ill after taking their pill. additionally, your cycle is by no ability going to be the comparable. meaning one month you may sense ill such as you do now and then next month you may nicely be completely moody and function cramps. Then the subsequent month your breasts could soreness, its by no ability the comparable. between the numerous joys of womanhood LOL. And as far because of the fact the morning after pill is going i does not trouble you have been stable with taking your pill prevalent and on the comparable time. all the morning after pill does is reset your physique clock. i've got taken it earlier, one pill in the am and the different at evening earlier mattress. it truly is merely meant to stop you from ovulating, it truly is like a efficient delivery administration pill. And your already on the pill, so no concerns. desire this facilitates. :o)

2016-10-19 09:38:24 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Actually, it can abort. The egg is fertilized before it implants in the uterus. So, yes, the morning after pill (think of a souped up birth control pill, because that's really all it is - massive amounts of the same chemicals) does cause abortions by preventing a possibly fertilized egg from implanting and growing further.

2007-01-02 14:59:35 · answer #3 · answered by f319 2 · 0 0

If you took it that late and didn't have the bleeding you usually had, yes, you could be pregnant. Bon't panic! You don't know that for sure. When is your period due? Let's hope it will come on time, but if it doesn't, you can take a HPT a day or two after it's late. Try not to worry before you get the result. Good luck!

2007-01-02 14:45:01 · answer #4 · answered by baby2007 3 · 1 0

You should have taken the proper morning after pill Bree. To my knowledge the normal piull takes between 7 and 30 days to be effective because it affects hormones only.

2007-01-03 22:38:20 · answer #5 · answered by marit w 1 · 0 0

This is your fourth time taking the morning after pill?? Have you ever heard of a condom, or birth control? My advise - quit having sex all together until you are mature enough to do it right.

2007-01-02 14:46:32 · answer #6 · answered by Rebecca O 4 · 2 0

The morning after pill DOES NOT WORK if it's taken more than 72 hours after having sex. It WILL NOT ABORT a pregnancy.

You need to get checked for STD's, too.

P.S. You're supposedly and pre-med student?!

2007-01-02 14:43:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If you think you might be pregnant, go see a doctor as home pregnancy tests can be very false. But you need to see a doctor, because if you are pregnant, the pill can cause damage to the fetus, and it may be severe.

2007-01-02 14:48:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

it was probably to late... I think the semen fertilizes the egg at least a week. I'd say you're probably pregnant and that you've possibly just caused your child to have a birth defect. If you're period is late go to the Dr ASAP and tell him the truth about everything. Good Luck and remember this lesson.

2007-01-02 14:46:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There is no point in lying because the pill prevents implantation, it does not abort an implanted egg.

The pill you used was useless. You will have to wait to see if your period comes.

2007-01-02 14:43:41 · answer #10 · answered by iampatsajak 7 · 1 0

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