I say Iraq was a mistake and I'd never leave a game in any sport til the very end. Iraq was a mistake because we should not have invaded, period. Iraq was invaded, and tens of thousands of innocent people were killed, all in the name of profits. If you want to find true evil, it resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C.
2007-01-02 14:30:22
answer #1
answered by Herman Munster 4
Having actually been in the sand, it's my humble opinion that our goals are poorly defined and unrealistic. We are attempting to force a solution of our design instead of helping the Iraqi people (which, technically, there's not really an Iraqi people, but, whatever) find & create their own solution.
Your analogy is misleading. Using our current gameplan, we cannot put any more points on the scoreboard. If we keep playing the same game we have been playing for the past 3 quarters, we cannot win. We have to seek an alternate solution.
Going into Iraq may or may not have been a mistake. But the current strategy defintely IS a mistake.
2007-01-02 22:32:33
answer #2
answered by Devil Dog '73 4
We already won the convential war! We crushed the organized military in Iraq and are now fighting sore losers. Thats why Insurgents and Iraqis blow themselves up. A whole other game we are now playing is called the post warfare game.
We are badly losing this game against an infinite number of Iraqi people willing to resist us. And with this new game costing us 2 BILLION dollars a WEEK, THOUSANDS of AMERICAN and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Iraqi LIVES we must pull out soon or we will face an unprecidented economic and strategic CRISIS. Not to mention that we would also be stuck in the middle of fierce civil war between Sunis and Shittes.
If you are too stupid to know when it is time to retreat and cut your losses, then you should help fight the next pointless war. Again waged by an ignorant president, congress and people like you.
2007-01-02 22:42:28
answer #3
answered by Atomlab2000 2
... well... if all you're doing is taking a knee... you should quit...
there is no real strategy here... that much has been clear... and you can't win at anything, much less a football game, unless you have a clue what your doing and how to win...
we have no realistic vision of what our victory is... you will never get rid of every terrorist or stop every attack... Bush doesn't even know what quarter it is, how many time outs he has or the score of the game... and you expect to win?
I'm not sure what the Iraqi army is doing... I heard like 2 years ago it was well trained and ready to go... but we're still there?
if the 85 Chicago Bears are giving up touchdowns to the local high school JV team... it's time to fire the coach...
2007-01-02 22:26:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
After a football game, the players can go home to their families, and they'll still have their jobs. They'll have their multi-million dollar paychecks. The soldiers of our armed forces have none of that to look forward to. This administration has cut benefits and pay for soldiers while disseminating propaganda saying, in effect, that anyone who doesn't toe the line and "support the troops" by falling in lockstep with the administration's views is a traitor. Those soldiers fighting the war in Iraq aren't playing a goddamn game, and it's sickening that you'd make an analogy comparing war to football. Our men and women are dying over there because Bush was assured by his advisers that it'd be a cakewalk, that the Iraqis would throw roses at us after we toppled Saddam, that the whole country would rise up in united Democracy and begin a domino-effect of destroying the authoritarian power structures in the middle east. None of it was true. Our men and women are dying over there, and they're not going to stop the civil war. Sunnis are murdering Shi'a, and vice versa every damn day in Iraq. We can throw all the money and soldiers we want to at Iraq, but it will NOT stop the ideological struggle between religious fanatics. Situations like these are far too complex to be paralleled by a game, and your use of football as an analogy to war just shows how simple-minded you and the pro-war PNAC/AIPAC slaves are. Grow up, and get your head from your one-way digestive tract.
2007-01-02 22:40:41
answer #5
answered by eatmorec11h17no3 6
A better analogy. You are at a football game and some nutjob jumps up with a machine gun and starts shooting people because someone attacked his family 2 years earlier. He has no reason to believe anyone at the football game had anything to do with the attack on his family but he can't find the real attackers and is frustrated so this is how he is dealing with that frustration.
Shouldn't someone who is not out of their gourd wrestle the machine away from that idiot before he kills more innocent people?
2007-01-02 22:27:35
answer #6
answered by frugernity 6
It may be a game to you, but it's more like leaving Vietnam 6 years before we finally did. It would have saved 30,000 American lives. See the difference??? No body dies in a football game no matter when it ends. Now hows your view from the 50-yard line with your nachos and beer. Hear the gunshots wizzing over your head? See your buddies bleeding with their legs blown off??? I'm sure you'll get it one of these days.
2007-01-02 22:28:00
answer #7
answered by protocols 2
Victory, and ultimately success, in anything in life requires effort and sacrafice. You should constantly challenge yourself and evaluate your strategy to help gain an advantage, but to give up is the weakest move of all. Have we forgotten 9-11? Have we forgotten how many innocent people Saddam Hussein tortured and killed? The message and imagery that a unilateral US withdrawal from Iraq is that we have forgotten, and that it's OK for the US not to keep our committments.
Additionally, Iraq is next to Iran... with all this talk of a nuclear Iran, US troops nearby can be an effective deterrent against an Irani first strike.
2007-01-02 22:51:59
answer #8
answered by Some Guy 3
Good analogy. And it might not even be the case that we are losing. It's the PC thing to say, but most of Iraq is just fine and has been turned over to the Iraqis.
2007-01-02 22:35:22
answer #9
answered by The Scorpion 6
No, they are the ones smart enough never to have stepped out on a field full of land mines in the first place.
Especially when they were told that the field was full of mines in the locker room before they even got suited up.
Hows that analogy skippy?
2007-01-03 01:05:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous