Panacea's definition and examples of what a modern day liberal is was right on. Unfortunatly they seem to run the democratic party today. The Libertarinan's although have some good ideas will never win anything to speak of because money talks. I see the Republican party today as spinless on a lot of issues that they should be strong on if they are to be considered conservatives. they spend too much time trying to get along with the liberal democratic party who just laugh at them as they try and (are succeding) turn America into a kind of liberal utopeium society. which means no more poor no more suffering as long as they have control of our money to make that happen. As good as that sound it just will never happen and shouldn't in the sense tht everyone should be equal no matter how hard they work etc etc. It's a form of socialism where the government is our "daddy" and uses our hard earned money to make laws that make us all equal and thus happy. Socialism has never worked and never will they are not based in reality these liberal democrats. Yet I see their agenda becoming reality state by state. First they told us we couldn't smoke because it is bad for us and kills those around us. Now we can't eat certain things in some States like New York because they are bad for us. In the near future I see a "fat" police patrolling McDonalds and Wendys Taco Bel etc. I can see them with thier bull horn's shouting "YOU IN THE GREEN SPANDAX! YES YOU! PUT THE BURGER DOWN AND WALK SLOWLY FROM THE TABLE!! And then give this person a ticket for exceeding the weight amount shown from the scale imbedded in the chair they were sitting in. Sound far fetched? You just wait and see lol
2007-01-02 13:55:43
answer #1
answered by crusinthru 6
It's not any version of Libertarian I know about. There might be some overlap with the abortion and gay rights issues, since Libertarians generally are in favor of keeping the government out of private lives.
But the similarities end there. Liberals (Democrats and Republicans) believe in big government.
Generally, Libertarians have more in common with traditional conservatism, favoring small government, strong military, and unrestricted business.
2007-01-02 21:12:38
answer #2
answered by ? 7
Democrat and Libertarian are political parties. Conservative/Liberal are political ideologies. Ideologies can be broken down by issue, so its possible for someone with liberal views to be Democrat, Liberatarian, Republican, or any other party for that matter. Generally, Liberatarians are very liberal on social issues and conservative on fiscal issues. Democrats are liberal on most social issues, but not as many as Libertarians, and are liberal on fiscal issues as well.
2007-01-02 21:04:12
answer #3
answered by brickity hussein brack 5
Liberal is the left end of the political spectrum. Libertarian is actually the extreme right end. On the political spectrum Democrats fall to the left and Republicans fall to the right so they are in reality the exact opposite.
Simplistically speaking:
Democrat = Liberal
Libertarian = Conservative
well put iamct01
2007-01-02 21:03:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Democrats are mostly liberal. Libertarians do not easily fit into either category because they are liberal about some major issues but conservative about other ones.
2007-01-02 21:01:27
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Liberal: broadly used term with little objective meaning
Democrat: name of political party with various groups associated with it, both libertarian and socialist.
Libertarian: wants less government involvement in all issues, less taxes, more freedom, fewer laws and regulations
Socialist: socially conservative (historically, see Russia, China) and statist. Wants government regulation of economy.
Communitarian: Wants government economic regulation but no social regulation
Fascist: Wants social regulation but no economic regulation.
Liberal: generally: libertarian viewpoint on social issues, but moderate/socialist on economic views. Globalist.
Conservative (paleocon): libertarian viewpoint on economic issues, and statist on social issues. Politically isolationist.
Neoconservative (neocon): socialist viewpoint on economic issues, largely neutral on social issues (whichever the wind blows) but pretends to be conservative, Politically globalist.
Moderate: tends to be centrist on many issues
Independent: not affiliated with a party. Does not indicate leaning "right" or "left", still could be moderate or extremist.
Democrats, Republicans:
Both parties have libertarians, moderates, and socialists.
Both are funded by corporate interests.
Both engage in pork barrel spending and bribery.
Both make promises they do not keep.
Both are a waste of your vote.
Democrats: majority are socialist, some are libertarian
(hence the split within the Democrat party)
Republicans: voters are mostly centrist or conservative, however the elected Reps are mostly libertarian or globalist (the neocons versus the neoliberals)
Most of the nation is independent or not a voter. The conservatives are under-represented in Congress because of neocon and neoliberals posing as conservatives.
2007-01-02 21:08:25
answer #6
answered by askthepizzaguy 4
A liberal is someone who believes that government intervention in economic situations is a good and necessary thing. Libertarians believe that the less government intervention in citizens' lives, the better.
Go read their platforms, those sites will tell you far better what it means to be a Republican, Democrat, or Libertarian than anyone on here..
steelgrave: Libertarians aren't extreme right-wingers. They don't fit into the neat little two-party spectrum you've set up in your head. The ultra-right is Fascism, not Libertarianism.
2007-01-02 21:03:21
answer #7
answered by eatmorec11h17no3 6
Not all Democrats are liberal and not all Republicans are conservative. Libertarians?....I only know a couple personally. This couple is just very, very different.
2007-01-02 21:05:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Very important to understand that there is a HUGE disconnect between what a liberal says and what a liberal does.
A liberal says he is about justice, tolerance and peace in the world.
What a liberal does is spew hate speech, especially anti-semitic and anti-american hate speech. Work tirelessly to support extremely evil people in the world like Saddam Hussein and the iranian mullahs and to interfere with the western world's attempt to prevent various genocides. A big example of this was the Vietnam War. The US and the rest of the western world attempted to stop a communist genocide in this country. Although we were crushing them militarily, liberals lied to people in this country to such a huge extent that enough people thought our military was over there slaughtering the innocent, that they forced a political end to the war. Traitors like John Kerry actually went over to the enemy (in time of war, this CRIME actually carries the death penalty) and convinced them not to surrender even though they were so badly defeated militarily because he and the other liberals back home were so close to manipulating the public into ending the war. This happened. Everyone knows it happened and the lies the liberals told during that part of our history have all become well documented.
Less well documented was the genocide the vietnames communists engaged in, killing millions of innocent people after we left......nor was Kerry's political involvement making damn sure we didn't intervene. Then there is the little issue of our soldier's missing in action. Kerry headed the commission that buried the proof that the vietnamese had kept hundreds of these (a serious war crime....both for the vietnames and for Kerry). They were turned over the soviets who committed medical experiments on them in torture and other gruesome things until they were all dead. Kerry covered it all up....but those facts have been revealed with the passage of time.
This is the nature of liberalism. It isn't about being democrat and I think libertarians would be highly offended if you called them liberals. Liberal is actually a euphemism for communist. Read almost any book by David Horrowitz and he will go into great deal about the roots of modern day liberalism with traitors who worked as soviet spies in this country and how that tradition continues today with countries like north korea and iran.
Liberals stand for evil. Too cowardly to commit that evil themselves, they help evil regimes the world over engage in the most horrific and heinous acts. That is the most prevalent pattern to their behavior.
2007-01-02 21:05:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Democrats are Liberal and Libertarians are Republicans that smoke pot.
2007-01-02 21:02:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous