It Doesn't Matter What State Your In. If You Buy And Sell Gun's You Will Most Likely Be Arrested For Traffic. And If You Just Want To Sell One That You Own ( If It's In Your Name ) You Will Need To Have It Taken Out Of Your Name And Have A Signed Paper Stating That You Sold It And Make Sure The Buyer Sign's It! Are You Could Be Arrested.
2007-01-02 22:06:34
answer #1
answered by † Dark Prince † 4
The person asking the question did not say *anything* about wrong hands, or garage sales.
And what is your point about ethics??
Americans, who are not criminals, have the right to bear arms.
And no, there is nothing wrong with selling a gun.
I did a logo with a friend for an antique gun website in fact.
It is a dear hobby to many, many people.
I personally have never owned a gun of any kind and *most likely* wont. But.. if I had a really expensive home with valuables and a family to protect.. yes?
All that being said, do what is right, have a good sense about who you would be selling or trading with. A hunting buddy? Kool! A stranger? Not so cool, maybe go to a dealer..
Oh.. forgot.. this day and age they even make hunters out to be bad.. not that I hunt. I don't believe in "Sport Hunting".. but I think there are plenty of deer that need to eaten! hehe
2007-01-02 07:43:05
answer #2
answered by DanjoHart 2
Depend on the gun laws in your state. I purchased a gun and I have sold a gun. No problems. The questions you should ask yourself are: Am I a convicted felon, do I live in one of the non-free states that don't follow the constitution and allow me to have a gun. If the answer is yes to one of these questions than go to jail and do not pass go. Another thing to ask is if it's a handgun or a rifle or am I selling it to a minor or a felon. Check your state laws. A Good web site is
2007-01-02 07:44:14
answer #3
answered by Ron P 3
You can do whatever you want with it.
This is actually how a lot of guns get into the wrong hands. Regular law abiding citizens selling guns at garage sales and such places.
2007-01-02 07:38:55
answer #4
answered by harrisnish 3
If you are the "registered" owner you can sell it if you want to. You will probably have to take it to a gun dealer to make the exchange to the new owner so they can check out the new owner to make sure he/she is not a felon and is safe to own the gun.
2007-01-02 07:49:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Depends on the type of gun and the state you live in..
The general answer would be no, not illegal...
2007-01-02 07:36:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Must have paperwork and how about some ethics!
2007-01-02 07:37:29
answer #7
answered by god knows and sees else Yahoo 6