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My boyfriend and i r going through trouble & it's all my fault.There r certain things that i don't like him to do,& he did them anyway.I now realize how stupid i was to be worried about those things because they r so small.But i was angry non the less,& we still saw eachother but i was upset & didn't have an enthusiastic look on my face,just to let him know i was upset.Well it did,but didn't help.On New Years eve,we planned to spend it at my place,at 11:00pm he decides he wants it at his house.So we went there,but i got angry and told him to take me home.I was gonna stay there,but my anger got the better of me and i quickly went to the club where i knew my friends would be.I know he hates this place for very good reasons & doesn't want me going there.I went to hurt him.But now i have lost him.I wish so much i could take it all back.This man loves me so much & i treated him bad in the past too. How can i show him im truly sorry.He wont answer my calls.I really want him back.PLEASE HELP!

2007-01-01 23:18:28 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

19 answers

oh dear..
probably he just had enough and you know you cant blame him for that. but relax, its not over yet, you still love eachother.

I think its not about get him back right now, its about finding out why do you get so annoyed and angry so easy, you love him, why do you keep hurting him? does he know about those small things that you dont like? have you told him??, they might be small, like you say for him and even for you, but if it bothers you that much, you should both take a consideration about them, even if its silly.. sometimes it just looks that our feelings have a mind of their own.
I would really really recommend for you to analize why do you behave like that and you lost control over your emotions, because if you get him back this time, whats going to happend next time?? learn to control your emotions first, or you will end up losing him.
this is all recent, give him some time off I know you feel terrible, leave him a note if he doesnt want to speak to you, show him your concern, your apologyzes and your feelings for him, and although it will kill you, wait till he calls you back. Respect his time alone or you will only make it worse.
good luck.. if theres anything I can do to help you or need extra advice, you can let me know..

2007-01-01 23:29:39 · answer #1 · answered by luisa 3 · 2 0

I'm not trying to be critical, but why must you play those games with him??? Why is it so hard for you to just talk with him, and tell him you feel insecure about some areas of your relationship? If you set out to 'show him you're mad at him' (as if he wouldn't know!) all you're doing is putting more walls between you two. You may never get him back... (do you deserve to?) But you CAN learn from this and decide that you don't want to treat other people in your life that way. I wish you luck! :o)

2007-01-01 23:27:55 · answer #2 · answered by JP 4 · 2 0

i think of that is because of the fact semi bare %. in a fashion are classed as a style of pornography! For men to verify semi bare photos of females that is optimal! that is totally almost organic and us females do not even fairly have a topic with it as long as that is not obsessive!? yet for females that is diverse! a woman that likes to verify porn!? or... even semi bare %. of fellows! is a few way portrayed as being slutty / grimy! that is much less unaccepted there for mags and information papers do what's had to maintain in with the main flow! Which propose regrettably us females get much less totty to verify! look into extra magazine if u prefer to work out in large condition men in underclothes! ( lol ) x

2016-12-15 13:36:15 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

they say, Look before you Leap, and weigh your words before you rant.
If you dont do that, what happens is right infront of ur eyes. Sweety, relationships are about giving and taking, you take a person with their goods and bads, becuase non of us is perfect. I think you have don enough damage to him and id say rather leave him alone and learn form this mistake and never do that again. however, if ur thinking u'll never find someone like that again, and are sure that you are willing to accept him with his habbits as he is, then TRY TRY AGAIN. you can always slip a SORRY card with flowers in post and explain everything in a card.

you never know, luck might knock on ur door

Good luck

2007-01-01 23:48:26 · answer #4 · answered by soa210 1 · 1 0

If he does not have another girl he will definitely come back to you. There is something about a boy girl relationship which is unique.
My girl used to treat me very badly, she abused me and she even hit me. I would not have fogiven even my best friend (boy). but I easily forgive her.
Last valentine's day I was caught red handed naked with a gf. she vowed she would not forgive me. I begged her all night and slept near her legs all night, telling her that I was not worthy to sleep with her and she said that she could not sleep with me. Around 3 am she had pity and she forgave me and told me to come up to her, and she embraced me and we kissed and it ended in a violent sexual union. Never fear in a boy girl relationship, there is somekind of chemistry, the boy will forgive you anything, even what your mother and father will not fogive you. provided you love each other and you are willing to beg for forgiveness. When you love your heart melts for the person of the opposite sex.

2007-01-01 23:43:47 · answer #5 · answered by wizard of the East 7 · 0 0

My angel you are both acting childishly. Firstly I realize all you really want is to be loved. All women want that and need that because love is something that keeps them loving and alive, but sadly today women are forced to sell their souls by men who are simply riding the wave and jumping off the surfboard and swimming away to shore when it suits them and by the media that makes them feel like nothing for not experiencing sex, taunting them and making them feel dysfunctional if they say no to a man.. Women are at a total disadvantage. If you wont have sex you get dumped. Well Id rather be dumped than used and abused and retain my Integrigy and Dignity. A virgin can be like any other girl in 3 minutes but those who sold their souls can never be virgins again.

Men want respect but love they dont want to give, hence women dont show them respect at all. Its a crazy cycle Without love she wont repect without respect he wont love. Someone has to yield or you have a disaster. If a woman chooses to respect her man unconditionally, he will end up loving her unconditionally. It might not happen overnight but time is an amazing healer.

Both of you are acting foolishly andmy suggestion is you start reading books on dating, romancing and love and respect. God has reasons too for asking people not to have sex before marriage, because it rules out the complications that go with it and also the guilt and feelings and emotions linked to guilt. Instinctively every human knows whats right and whats wrong, but they like to step over the line and then cry when things didnt work the way they hoped. Change your attitudes and be mature about your relationship from the word go and if a man demands stuff from you that you dont want to do, then DONT DO IT! If he cannot take the NO walk away, because you are being used and abused.

My advise to all you young people out there is be accountable to yourself and stand up for yourself and let your yes be yes and your no be no. People have no right to make you do things you dont want to. Its nasty actually and totally uncalled for and truly not worthy of being part of. Operate with accountablility towards one another and respecting each other. If you cant then you must not get involved, you have not matured yet and are going to hurt people who are not asking for that type of treatment.

If you find you always end up with abusive men, I suggest therapy or christian counselling on the matter. You might have suffered abuse or even rejection as a child and hence operate in the negative, thus drawing the negative to you. Stop picking the same type of men; you might be drawn to the wrong types. Dont get desperate either, it makes one do the wrong things! Dont let friends pressure you into anything you are not ready for. You still have a life time ahead of you. Take your time. Override feelings and Emotions and rather make the right choices. MAke your life work. Your friends couldnt give a fig about what happens to you. All they are doing is trying to be in with the trends. They are swimming downstream and will one day go over the edge of the waterfall. You swim upstream away from the waterfall. You will become a better person for it and be leaps and bounds ahead of where your friends are now.

Everything is about choice. Every choice has a consequence, be it good or bad. Yoiu have to choose. Thats the only real freedom we humans have been granted. Freedom to choose whats right or whats wrong. Think hard. Your life matters. You were created for a purpose. Find your purpose and run with it, There is an excellent book by Rick Warren called THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE. Its really worth reading over and over. Be glad someone cares enough to give you this advise.

Look at the library for books on the problems you encounter or even do a search on the topics on google. Get help now dont go into a relationship with issues, it messes everything up and its not to make your issues another persons. We all learn the hard way!

I really wish you a fruitful sensible life and free from abusers and I really hope this advise is going to make a difference to you. Im not interested in points for my answer, rather I care that people out there become whole.

Get the book by Rick Warren from your local library or order it online or go to a bookshop and find it there. Make your life work you have to. TYou are standing at a cross road now and you have to make a choice as to what direction you want to pursue.

God bless you!

2007-01-02 00:06:20 · answer #6 · answered by uniquechild 5 · 0 0

wonna ask you one questio,how serious were you in this relationship?your mnan seemed to tolerate and atleast bear with you but didn't seem to see the positive side of it. so my friend just get time and talk to him and appologise for all that you've wronged him either knowing or unknowing.I know if he still loves you ,he'll take you back.Be carourageous and face him.

2007-01-01 23:33:46 · answer #7 · answered by metadesh 1 · 1 0

well....I guess you should have thought about how much you care before you had your brat attack.....It sounds to me that he just doesn't want to deal with your antics and be hurt by you anymore.....I would suggest that you think about things, write him a letter explaining how sorry you are and what your feelings are for him and then wait...perhaps he will come around....good luck and I hope you learned a lesson here about how to treat people you love....

2007-01-01 23:23:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You really need to cool your temper and make sure that you give him space to think, if he really cares about you he'll call, if he doesn't after two days you can try calling him again telling him how you feel about what you did.

Good luck!

2007-01-01 23:23:48 · answer #9 · answered by Susan 3 · 1 0

dont keep calling him up .go to his house ,talk to him personally and apologize to him and try to show him how much u r sorry for what u have done to him.
write a letter to him

2007-01-01 23:26:05 · answer #10 · answered by gaurav agarwal 1 · 1 0

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