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I'm 17.I was pregnant with quadruplets and delivered 2 weeks ago.When my waters broke I went into hospital.At the beginning my contractions were rare(20 minutes).I was put in a room with many other delivering(but still in the beginning) women.The obstetrician saw me and said he has to examine me.He took me in a surgery(I was naked with just with cloak,as the other woman) and made me lie in the bed.He measured my blood pressure and with the device tied my hand to a cabinet.I asked him what was he doing and he just took my other hand and tied it too.I started to worry and then he said he will help me expand my vagina faster.He took off his trousers and then he raped me.I shouted and nobody heard me.After he finished he lied down on me and I felt extreme pain.Two of the babies were dead after the delivery.I'm very ashamed of the rape and I haven't told the police or my family about it.I don't know the obstetrician's name too.If I tell the police will they believe me without any proof?

2007-01-01 22:59:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

12 answers

You appear to have a very vivid imagination... perhaps you should seek psychiatric help.

2007-01-01 23:03:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

first of all, i really doubt that at 17 you'd be having that many babies at once.and secondly, how did he restrain you with a blood pressure cuff, and how did he tie you to a cabinet? as a someone familiar with triage, labor and delivery facilities there is no way he could have done that without someone coming by. with a high risk pregnancy like 'yours' , there is no way you would have been left alone long enough to go to the bathroom, let alone have this happen. grow up and stop watching so much TV. there was a lifetime movie about this sort of situation last week or so.

2007-01-02 01:25:51 · answer #2 · answered by mistressmorro 6 · 0 0

Girl you need to talk to somebody about this! First your family, then the police. If some1 doesn't believe you, you need to keep on telling until sum1 does listen.This is a serious offence & what if this guy has done this b4. If some1 had said something maybe this would not have happend 2 u. This is a wicked man he needs to be behind bars!!!!

You've had a terrible experience, I hope u better luck in life from now on & enjoy those beautiful babies.

Best of luck.Keep strong!

2007-01-02 00:10:52 · answer #3 · answered by Themby 1 · 1 1

Wow. You should try and take a creative writing class b/c this story lacks continuity... which just shows that you're a liar. If you told *this* story to the police... it wouldn't work.

If you were in a room with other women, why didn't they do/say something?
You have feet, and the ability to kick... why did you not?
Why are you pregnant with 4 kids at only 17?!

If you were honestly raped, it is your responsibility to ensure that it does *not* happen to anybody else by notifying the police.

2007-01-01 23:10:04 · answer #4 · answered by Eternity 2 · 2 0

first if this is a joke, totally not funny.
if not just tell the police, yes theyll believe you
and as a medical assistant, i highly doubt its possible to be restrained with a blood pressure cuff. and you had no family around. not a single person? because peiple are allowed to be with you at all times especially a nurse. no doctor has the time to examine you on his own, he delivers and leaves.

2007-01-01 23:03:35 · answer #5 · answered by Leechwife 2 · 2 0

I think you better tell the police, the hospitals might have security cameras, which might have recorded the incident. But how no one heard your screams, there should have been nurses around. It was a hospital after all. Anyways, i think there is nothing much left to do, other than to go to the police and tell them the whole story.
Hope you get justice.

2007-01-01 23:18:01 · answer #6 · answered by dexter_theboygenius 2 · 0 1

If this happened to me i believe i would be telling the police especially if 2 of my babies died.
What is more important that doctor's life or your dead babie's?
Where was the nurses at? Now days a man doctor cannot be alone with a female patient. I don't know what to say to this story cause it is strange sounding to me.

2007-01-01 23:05:35 · answer #7 · answered by ஐ♥Julian'sMommy♥ஐ 7 · 0 1

Is it true? If so, go and lodge a complain with the police and tell your parents too! You don't have to think of the proofs, that will be the duty of the investigator.

2007-01-02 00:34:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

confident! I wore my glasses and had a tongue piercing with my 2d toddler. This final time as quickly as I had my c-section i wore my glasses yet had no piercings. i do no longer think of the nostril piercing could rely yet i assume it varies in accordance to well being care expert and peoples physique of ideas in the direction of it.

2016-10-06 08:01:38 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Isnt it kind of funny that just one week ago u were 8 monthes preg. U are a freakin liar...SICK... If u are or were pregant any kids u do have should be taken away.. SICK

2007-01-01 23:04:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

if this is true i think u would have had enough commone sense to tell the police

2007-01-02 00:32:39 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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