I wish there was an online page for telling our birth stories. Maybe there is...
I had a male midwife for one of my births. He said that if I wanted an epidural, I would first have to have a pitocin drip. I agreed, and I was just managing with the contractions, when... he came by and said "Great! Let's double the dose!". He never gave a reason for it, nor did he ask for my permission to double the dose.
Then contractions started coming every 1-2 minutes, and I couldn't cope! I was not dialated enough for such frequent and strong contractions.
I cried for the epidural, but was told that the anestesiologist was not available at all, and I should take some gas which would make me fall asleep.
I took the gas, but I did not fall alseep. Instead, I continued screaming with each contraction.
A doctor was doing rounds and came at some point to check how dialated I was. He inisisted on checking me in the middle of a contraction, which made it even more painful. I told him no, but he did it anyway!! I felt so violated, because he did not listen to my own wishes about my own body.
The epidural never arrived. My husband was so overwhelmed by my sufferring that he had to lie down.
After my baby was born, I has no desire to hold her.
I was wheeled into recovery, and a few minutes later, a nurse arrived to ask me if I was planning on breastfeeding. I told her I was going to bottlefeed. She stood there harrassing me that I must breastfeed, and don't I want what's best for the baby? Imagine being exhausted after a difficult birth, an dbeing harrassed and told I was not being a good enough mother!!!
A day or so later, I was feeding my baby by bottle, and she was still hungry afterwards. I asked a nurse if I could give my baby more food, and the nurse answered me "If you do, her intestines will burst!" which is absolutely not true. (I asked another nurse later on, and she said it's nonsense.)
Anyway, that was my experience. I should have sued the hospital, but I was too depressed to do so after the birth.
To anyone who has not yet given birth:
One horror story does not mean that this will happen to you!!!
My next birth was peaceful and wonderful. I had the most caring midwife who treated me like her own daughter. Have hope, and stand up for yourselves (like I should have done).
2007-01-01 20:19:52
answer #1
answered by Victoria 6
I dont have any children but reading the experiences of others was interesting. I think that anyone who has had a bad experience at a hospital should write a formal letter (not an email-a printed or hand-written letter will be taken more seriously). Some will argue that a nurse or doctor has just had a bad day but that doesnt entitle them to treat innocent patients like crap. Each patient is a fresh situation so nurses and doctors should likewise have fresh (good) attitudes!
Visit the links below to read more stories about chilbirth and/or post your own:-)!
2007-01-02 05:38:06
answer #2
answered by Jaigurl 3
I didn't have any problems while I was in the hospital, but I went to take my three-day-old daughter to the doctor and one of the nurses there was really rude to me. I was a new mom, so I was still learning. The nurse went to weigh my daughter, and took her diaper off and when she did, she said it was wet. So she threw it away, but then I told her that I didn't have another diaper. (I'd figured it was just a quick doctor's visit--it hadn't occurred to me to bring extra diapers.) The nurse glared at me and said in this rude and condescending voice, "You didn't bring another DIAPER?" which made me feel like the worst mom in the world. Then she rolled her eyes and made this big show about taking a diaper out of a drawer and giving it to me. I was really embarrassed at the time, but then later I was mad! I mean, they had diapers there all along so what was all the bitchiness about? And I can't possibly be the only mom ever who forgot extra diapers. Anyway, I found a new doctor because I couldn't stand the thought of having to go back there. I think it's terrible when a nurse or anyone in health care is rude to a patient--I thought they're supposed to be a "helping profession"?
2007-01-02 06:26:10
answer #3
answered by jenkatie06 2
When i had my daughter i had waited 9 months like everyone other woman whose has a child i went in at 9pm on a friday and layed there in labor till 5pm the next day and had a c-section....i was up walking around after the medicine wore off because i wanted to be with my child and the night i had her i had her in the room with me and the nurse came in a gave me an ugly look and said "i need to take the baby, you need some sleep....i was mortified who was this she-devil she gave me hell the whole time i was there and it was kinda funny my dr. owns the hospital and he believes that the 1st 24 hours is the most proper time for mother-child bonding and you are allowed to keep the baby with you at all times but this b***h wanted to take my baby! i requested a new nurse after the second day!!
2007-01-02 05:00:35
answer #4
answered by thatgurl 6
Not a single nurse asked me if I wanted any pain killers the day after my c-section and 35 hour labor. I honestly didn't know I could have any bc i had never stayed in a hospital or taken anything for pain before. Finally a nurse came in at about 11 that night and looked at my chart and flipped out and couldnt believe no one had given me anything for pain. Other than the nurse that was there that day and didnt give me any meds, they were all nice. One even bought my son a gift in the gift shop. Oh, and there are always those nurses who like to act like you are a complete idiot when it comes to babies and act like you do everything wrong. I thought my friend (who is like the nicest person in the world) was going to kill hers bc the woman criticized everything she did and it was her 4th kid! lol
2007-01-02 04:13:44
answer #5
answered by Hayley C 3
I had a bad experience with a doctor in the hospital when i was in premature labor. The doctor would go to check me and ram her fingers in as hard as she could. I ended up in labor for 10.5 hours before they decided to do an ultra sound on me and found the baby was breeched and had the cord around her neck. They were going to induce me but were told to do and ultra sound luckily or i would be dead now. The nurse that put in the i.v couldn't get it in the vein and kept scrapping the bone with the needle and i was screaming and she kept doing it until finally she decided to go get two nurses to put it in with no trouble at all.
The mean nurse kept telling me if u think this is bad wait until u go into labor more. Everyone treated me like i was17 when i was actually 22 and been married for two years. It was awefully so i feel u there.
2007-01-02 04:09:50
answer #6
answered by cher 1
With my son they kept calling for the doctor and he wouldn`t come!! They must have called him 6 or 7 times..By the time he got there my son was ready to pop out and my nurse kept telling me..Don`t Push, don`t push!! Well needless to say , he got his gloves on just in time to catch!! Besides that I was upset because they let me labor over 9 hrs without breaking my water when they told me they were going to break it..Once they did he was born about 2 hrs later..I had my daughter at a birthing center and it was wonderful !! Loved all the staff doctors everything..
2007-01-02 06:07:26
answer #7
answered by bad kitty 4
My big sister had her baby at a hospital in sydney. They had her and her son in a room with a baby they thought had meningitis, and there was another baby with sleep apnoeia (cant breath while sleeping, for babies its lethat, coz they dont wake up) There was supposed to be a nurse in there every time it went to sleep, or put on oxygen but they didnt bother. My sister looked over at it after a while adn it was blue. She yelled for the nurse, they came in and sorted it out, then turned to her and said 'oh the baby wasnt blue you were inagining things (dad and mum were there too, it was blue) After that and a few other things that went horribly wrong (1 week old, unnecessary catheters, injections he didnt need etc) she decided to take him out of that hospital to a better one. The Hospital threatened to call childrens services on her, even thoguh she was going to another hospital and told her she was a bad mother!
2007-01-02 04:29:01
answer #8
answered by jacks my boy 3
I was pissed off by a nurse that I had, I am a somker and I tried to quit while I was prenant and I couldn't, when I had my son, he was just find a little small but i am 5ft 4 my husband is 5ft 2 and we didnt think he would be huge, the nurse said oh that is why he is so small, oh I wanted to come off that table and punch that hagg but i kept my cool, only for my son. That pissed me off and the head nurse said to the other to shut her mouth and get out of the room, before she got fired.
2007-01-02 04:22:24
answer #9
answered by jessicahogan6985@sbcglobal.net 1
Yes. One nurse was not mean to me but the guests in my room. She was really hateful in fact. I told her that I needed my financee and my mother for confort and I wanted them in the room with me. I only had her once and I was glad. I told another nurse that I didn't want her helping me or taking care of me again. I had a C-section and lost so much blood I had to have a blood transfusion. I was going through enough. I didn't need her crap too!
2007-01-02 09:43:37
answer #10
answered by Lisa 4