Yes, sadly i know way more than anyone in their right mind would want to know. Its a disease where ones sex/love life stages a hostile takeover bid for the rest of your life and wont take "no" for an answer. Surprisingly, of all possible addictions it is one of the most powerful and certainly one of the most unpleasant both for the victim and the family.
Yes, recovery is possible and there are several organisations simalar to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) that exist for sex, love and relationship addicts. They include SLAA, SCA and SA. There are many excellent books that deal with this disease but one famous one is called "Out of the Shadows" by Patrick Carnes.
For further information you can email me.
2007-01-01 18:14:17
answer #1
answered by mothmyth 2
not sure how to help but first thing first, talk with him at a time when he's more calm and likely to listen.
tell him how you feel and how if will affect the family.
if you have already done that, you will need to go to the local marriage councillor for help.
work it out together, you are not alone.
2007-01-02 01:26:44
answer #2
answered by ricodzeus 3
dont stress it to much let him look as long as he isnt out doing ... i am the same but its my husband that gets crabby cause i always want sex ,love porn , an mag .... dont know why i just always think about sex ... my husband dont stress it because he knows i would never cheat on him i love him to much but i love sex alot to ... i want it 3 times aday ...i use to not be able to fall asleep till i had sex so my husband has gotton mad at times so i just try not to think obout it to much an if i do an he dont want it i have a toy .... if your husband is home not hanging out on the streets just let him look no harm there .. now if he cheats he got to go
2007-01-02 06:11:54
answer #3
answered by lexeypa 1
are you getting help from a counselor too or is it just you trying to help your husband? this type of addiction definitely can be tough on both of you but i think it is made worse if you are being the main source of accountability
2007-01-02 01:23:51
answer #4
answered by David C 2
End it now or it will ruin your life hun,my dad had the same thing and luckily I moved in with good christian friends when my other brother went to jail and my mom started heroine
2007-01-02 01:18:05
answer #5
answered by Hollywood 1
I've heard about this so called "sex addiction" I dont believe in it, I think its an excuse to sleep around.
2007-01-02 01:26:36
answer #6
answered by Got Curves? 6
it's just something he enjoys and it's something that you can take an interest in..and there for have some control over the situation but i don't think you can tell someone to stop doing what they enjoy
2007-01-02 01:28:48
answer #7
answered by Bob 2
you can'thelp him...if he truly has a problem then he needs professional help...or you need to learn to cope with the situation....good luck
2007-01-02 01:18:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
sell the computer. my opion?
2007-01-02 01:28:34
answer #9
answered by the_silverfoxx 7
Hell I invented it !! I don't need no cure !!
2007-01-02 01:17:34
answer #10
answered by Anonymous