i am 29, and you are not dumb, but unexperienced people need to learn from mistakes. Some say youth is wasted on the young, but it is the only way we grow up.
Plus old people are cranky and jealous. :o)
2007-01-01 16:18:26
answer #1
answered by freshlybakedj 3
It's not so much that older people think teenagers are dumb. It has more to do with a lot of people having little respect for others. Those who regard all people as equals would never carry the preconceived notion that a person they just met was stupid. Only an arrogant person would walk around believing that. You'll find that these types of people aren't worth getting to know. Although their opinion of you may have changed, their opinion of others will remain the same. To use an old saying, "You can judge the character of a person by how they treat those who can neither do anything to them nor for them."
On a similar issue regarding respect, there are those who believe younger people to be too cocky. Older people expect the younger generation to heed their advice and learn from their mistakes. It's unfortunate that much of society practice this type of "blind faith" approach to raising children, especially since we know that the best teacher is experience. It's one thing to say that you shouldn't touch very hot objects, it's another thing to find out for yourself why you shouldn't. The best thing we can do, as more experienced older people, is help younger people recover from their mistakes and not rub it in by saying "I told you so."
It all boils down to respect.
On a side note, Socratic debating has never been an effective method for winning an argument. Arguing semantics will only make you seem childish and is a practice better left to lawyers. Also, it didn't work for Socrates because he was still sentenced to death.
2007-01-01 18:21:54
answer #2
answered by Kookiemon 6
They may be intelligent, but if they are, they will value the experience of older people. Older people have an advantage over younger people. They have been young, and they have been old. They know things now that they were unable to see when they were young. They are trying to save younger people from making some of the mistakes that they made.
For example, I will always try to talk a young person out of getting a tattoo. Why? Its none of my business. That's true, but the young person who gets that great tattoo today may regret it twenty or thirty years down the road. Then, you're stuck with it.
I have friends who are alcoholics. They are not bad people. They didn't start out trying to become alcoholics. They just couldn't see the consequences of their actions.
I did a lot of dumb things when I was a kid. I am lucky to be here. If I can prevent someone else from doing something stupid, I will. And I don't care what they think of me.
2007-01-01 16:25:33
answer #3
answered by iraqisax 6
I'm a middle school teacher and I think that teens are some of the funnest people to be around. You're right, many teens are EXTREMELY smart.
Speaking from a 34 year old position though, there is nothing like time and pressure that can make a person even that much more intelligent and wise.
Consider these words:
"How can we expect a harvest of thought who have not had a seedtime of character"? - H.D. Thoreau
2007-01-01 16:27:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'm 46 yrs old & don't think teens are dumb.It depends on the topic we're talking about.Teens know a lot about computers & all the new fang dangled electronics.Plus only teens know what todays peer presure is like however,we adults have had a lot more experience with life & we also learned it through trial & error.We are only trying to keep teens from making the same mistakes we made in our teens.
2007-01-01 16:35:28
answer #5
answered by jimbobob 4
I'm a teacher, and let me be the first to say, teenagers are NOT dumb. I think that many teenagers do not interest themselves in many profound issues (or at least will not admit that they do), and so when a teenager does engage in a debate, it surprises them. This is not a reflection of a belief that teenagers are dumb, simply a reflection of their experience that teenagers are often not interested in such things.
I think that it is great that you have an analytical mind and enjoy debating. Keep it up!!! We need more people like you in the world.
2007-01-01 16:21:59
answer #6
answered by mbm244 5
I know many teenagers that are very smart, and it amazes me just how well informed and articulate they are. But for everyone of them, I know 10 that are completely clueless in every aspect.
I look at the questions on here, and the dumbing down of education never ceases to amaze me. I blame the education system and TV and parents for letting the kids become like this.
2007-01-01 16:28:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think parents make the mistake of being condescending to their teens.
I also think teens make the mistake of being 'know it alls' when it comes to adults.
The errors are made on both sides and neither one is right.
I am helping to raise a pre-teen and a teenager. And I make sure that I do not condescend to them EVER. Kids are much smarter than adults give them credit for.
BUT kids have to understand that adults do have more life experience and a different perspective on things as they get older.
2007-01-01 16:30:44
answer #8
answered by kerrisonr 4
See that??? That's being dumb lol
Oh, and thanks for posting your entire file above, it's so nice to see how modesty is among us in these days.
Well, I dont know why do that happens to you because I spend most of my time surrounded by adults (not just among my family)
and I've never received such looks or dropped-mouth expressions when I talk to them about serious issues.
Maybe you adopt a bad attitude while talking, like conceited or too self-sufficient, maybe you should consider that, or maybe I'm just wrong, and the adults you talk to are the ones who are conceited and who believe in their superiority.
2007-01-01 16:27:42
answer #9
answered by Abbey Road 6
Yeah, but you are 17...You have not seen half of it yet. Think of it this way...10 years ago you were still drooling and trying to make it to the toilet on time. Give people time to think of you as an adult. I am 49 and still have family people 20 years older than me treating me like a kid...and I advise major corporations.
2007-01-01 16:25:06
answer #10
answered by Anonymous