Whois is a tool developed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Associaation (IANA). It's to IP addresses as a phone book is to phone numbers. It can tell you who an IP address is registered to. Usually this results in locating the Internet service provider (ISP) who owns the IP address. Most people who access the Internet, access it through an ISP and lease an IP address.
This info can be used to determine what part of the world a message originated from. This can help you determine if something may be a scam. -- such as requests for money from a business in your state or province which is traced in origin in another country.
To find who specifically was using that IP address at a specific time, you have to contact the ISP. They will request a subpoena before providing the info. This protects them from being sued over a privacy issue.
Both of these are used in forensic analysis of computer crimes. This is only the begining though. You may track an IP address down to a specific computer only to find that the computer was hijacked by a hacker and the origin of the crime is elsewhere. It can get interesting.
2007-01-01 15:50:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
WHOIS is a query/response protocol which is widely used for querying databases in order to determine the registrant or assignee of Internet resources, such as a domain name, an IP address, or an autonomous system number. You can have free whois lookup for domain names from http://www.whoisxy.com/ good luck.
2014-09-29 00:57:43
answer #2
answered by tony 2
A TCP-based query/response protocol which is widely used for querying a database in order to determine the owner of a domain name, an IP address, or an autonomous system number on the Internet.
Otherwise I have no idea what you're talking about.
2007-01-01 23:37:12
answer #3
answered by Ash 5
A web site where you can go lookup who owns and operates any website.
2007-01-01 23:37:26
answer #4
answered by Gordon S 5
wat do u mean by tht??????????????
2007-01-01 23:32:57
answer #5
answered by b a 2