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Okay, I know the basics, finding the right time saying the right thing ect. But there are some movie logistics I'm not quite sure of. This girl has been flirting with me for a while and I want to ask her out to the cinema, but I have a few questions.

1. Should I buy tickets ahead of time? That way I could say "Hey, I have 2 tickets to XXXXX, would you like to come with me?" But then she wouldn't be able to change the time or movie?
2. Should I suggest a specific film and time, or try and work it out with her?
3. Should I give her a ride or meet her there? I heard its gentlemen like to give ladies a ride, but my car really sucks so its kind of embarrassing for me.
4. Should I buy her popcorn or snacks? Or do girls get all wieght concerned when you try to buy them food? (sorry, but I don't have much dating experiance) Should I smuggle something in from the outside?
5. What kind of film should I see? That "Happily Never After" film is coming up, and it looks alright? Good choice?

2007-01-01 14:17:55 · 6 answers · asked by Texas Toast 1 in Entertainment & Music Movies

Thank you so much for the help.

2007-01-01 14:18:10 · update #1

6 answers

1. No dont buy the tickets ahead of time... she will most likely be doing something at that time that you bought the tickets for.
2. Work it out with her. Don't just expect her to be able to go at whatever time you chose.
3. That depends on how sucky your car is.
4. OFFER to buy her snacks and a drink. If she wants them, fine. If not, fine.
5. Ask her what she wants to see.

2007-01-01 14:21:33 · answer #1 · answered by Ashley P 6 · 0 1

Just say, "Hey. Would like to go see ______ movie with me on ____day?"

Yes, its gentleman like to give the girl a ride, open doors for her, pay for the movie, etc. but some girls prefer the safe route of meeting a guy some place, especially on the first date. Don't worry about your car sucking, everyone has had a crappy car at one time (mine is literally held together with duct tape).

Personally, if I'm going on a movie date with a guy, I think its nice if he asks me if I want any candy/popcorn/whatever. I have no problem eating in front of a guy, all those "weight concerned" girls need to get a life and live a little...

2007-01-01 22:35:36 · answer #2 · answered by lemonlimeemt 6 · 0 0

I'd start off saying, hey, if you're not doing anything, wanna see a movie with me friday (or whichever day). if she asks what movie, tell her what your idea is, or you just say, "does [Movie X] sound good?" but don't actually have tickets set before she can tell you if she can, when she can, what she wants to see, etc. and I'd give her a ride, and probably offer a snack.

2007-01-01 22:22:36 · answer #3 · answered by car of boat 4 · 0 1

dude just go up to her and say"hey do you want to go to the movies with me". just that.dont waste time just say what u have to say.also give her a ride its ok if your car isnt good it doesnt matter at least your giving her a ride.also buy food for her she wont get weight concerned.see a cool film.something thats fun like a comedy.make it a fun date not scary movie.something fun.

2007-01-01 23:57:18 · answer #4 · answered by bloo b 3 · 0 0

2.) sounds better than 1.)

And "Happily N'Ever After"? Seriously? It's a children's movie! How about "The Holiday?"

2007-01-01 22:20:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

ask the girl these questions. that way u know what she likes and prefers. .. first hand

2007-01-01 22:22:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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