Yes definately! Congrats to you and your family!
2007-01-01 12:28:46
answer #1
answered by Momof3boys 3
Yeah I would say that is a great new years surprise! Make a prenatal appointment with a doctor right away. If you already have children you may want to wait a few more weeks to let them know in case of complications but that is personal preference and should be related to the age of your other children. It would be difficult to explain to a young child in the case something bad happened. Good luck and sorry for the negative thoughts. I'm trying to keep it real!
2007-01-01 12:25:34
answer #2
answered by Angee D 2
You are pregnant! Congrats!
However, spreading the news to early can be devasting later on if something happens.
I had a friend who told everyone when she was 2 weeks pg and at 8 weeks she miscarried! She was motified and hated everyone talking to her about and asking her how she was doing/feeling after she miscarried and everyone thought she was still pg
2007-01-01 12:27:59
answer #3
answered by jen_joann 1
Yeah Congrats!
2007-01-01 12:26:59
answer #4
answered by heatflora 2
A lot of people wait until the 3 month mark to break the news to friends/family/coworkers...but you are for sure pregnant...
2007-01-01 12:27:40
answer #5
answered by Erika H 5
not sure I would tell everyone. But telling hubby is a great idea! Congrats sweetie, and God Bless!! This is a blessing that many others can have!!
2007-01-01 12:26:07
answer #6
answered by Rileigh's MOMMY! 3
Absolutely to hubby!! Congrats!!
2007-01-01 12:23:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I would confirm it with a doctor first, although you're more than likely pregnant. Just make sure that everything is okay so far before you get everyone excited (no hormone problems, etc).
They will be thrilled, though. You're definitely pregnant.
2007-01-01 12:25:26
answer #8
answered by <3 The Pest <3 6
congrats !! assume the best that you will have a healthy little one about august
i told everyone in the family that night you could tell all that is close to you and ask them not to tell till you say so
2007-01-01 13:13:37
answer #9
answered by iamblessed 6
it sounds like i would tell hubby maybe wait on the children for awhile yet..
2007-01-01 12:25:38
answer #10
answered by kris b 3